High resting heart rate

Cutting out caffeine (no more pre workout)?! That sounds rough, but understood (small price to pay if it helps keep things healthy-[er]).

Side question: What do you guys take for pre-workout if it can't contain caffeine? Or.. what do you guys take in the morning just to work?
Just a cup of coffee with my oats for pre workout meal.
I have genetically high resting heart rate, lowest it had gotten down to is 68 this is with metropolol at 150mg twice a day. It would go up to 75-90 on blasts depends on my diet.

However, I never let it past 90 for a couple of days, if it gets past 90 I back down on my stims like coffee and clean up my diet, it goes down to 70’s again.

So if you’re like me who has genetic pre disposition to high heart beat, I limit my stims and compounds like clen, yohimbe even the glps would uptick it by 10-20 pts. I haven’t found a way around it yet.
Any glps would increase it? Like tirzepatide?
It’s what’s covered by my insurance and what my doc prescribed. I am actually on the process of trying bisoprolol, apparently is better at keeping hr down.

Just for reference a month’s worth of 5mg nebivolol is 60 bucks while 3 months of metropolol is 8 dollars lol. I paid nothing on my 1 month trial phase for bisoprolol.

I think it’s because Nebivolol is still patented in Canada.
Where I live my 10mg prescribed Nebivolol 30 days is 50$ which kinda sucks haha I get 0 side effects
Not sure if it's against the rules to post which source public ally but I get my nebivolol dirt cheap from one of the trusted sponsors here. Feel free to PM me.