Homebrew Calculators - Basic / Adjusted / Blends

I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone on this forum for the tremendous support you've shown through your donations, be it a simple cup of tea or significantly more, towards the calculator pages I've crafted.

I assure you, the development of these pages was driven by no desire for personal gain, which is precisely why you'll find them devoid of any advertisements, save for the modest invitation to buy me a tea . That was intended, at most, for the occasional brew.

I'd like to clarify that the contributions received have been allocated solely and directly towards the hosting expenses of our website. They will continue to support the hosting, ensuring the site remains accessible for future enthusiasts.

Your generosity means a great deal to me. While I shan't mention individuals by name, rest assured, those of you, including the professionals amongst us who earn their keep by selling the final products, are recognised and appreciated.

With the sentimentalities aside, it's heartening to see the calibre and character of individuals our community comprises. It truly highlights that Meso embodies more of a familial and community spirit compared to some of the other forums out there, which are marred by backstabbing and abusive behaviour.

I extend my deepest respect and gratitude. Impono.
Does anyone know the compound weight of boldenone cypionate?
Unfortunately I can't find it and would use it with the calculator.
Does anyone know the compound weight of boldenone cypionate?
Unfortunately I can't find it and would use it with the calculator.
To calculate the displacement volume of 1 gram of boldenone cypionate, you use the formula:
Volume=Mass / Density

Given that the density of boldenone cypionate is 1.13 grams per millilitre (g/ml), you can calculate the volume displaced by 1 gram of boldenone cypionate as follows:
Volume=1 gram / 1.13 g/ml


The displacement volume for 1 gram of boldenone cypionate is approximately 0.885 millilitres. Which is the number you need for the calculator, so click UNKNOWN then over type 'Compound Weight' with the 0.885 number.
To calculate the displacement volume of 1 gram of boldenone cypionate, you use the formula:
Volume=Mass / Density

Given that the density of boldenone cypionate is 1.13 grams per millilitre (g/ml), you can calculate the volume displaced by 1 gram of boldenone cypionate as follows:
Volume=1 gram / 1.13 g/ml


The displacement volume for 1 gram of boldenone cypionate is approximately 0.885 millilitres. Which is the number you need for the calculator, so click UNKNOWN then over type 'Compound Weight' with the 0.885 number.
Thank you :)
It does indeed change. So the calculator works by getting to an end volume, so for example just put in test cyp and 1000ml then change the compound and you will see the oil volume3 change.
How would I find the weight for something like glutathione or carnitine and would this calculator work for those?
How would I find the weight for something like glutathione or carnitine and would this calculator work for those?
L-carnitine solutions typically involves mixing it with water rather than oil which this calculator is for. Here is a general guide on how to prepare an injectable L-carnitine solution:

Ingredients and Equipment:​

  1. L-carnitine powder: Ensure it is of pharmaceutical grade.
  2. Bacteriostatic Water (BW): This is sterile water with a small amount of benzyl alcohol to inhibit bacterial growth.
  3. Syringes and needles: For mixing and measuring.
  4. Sterile vials: To store the final solution.
  5. Alcohol swabs: To maintain sterility.

General Procedure:​

  1. Measure the L-carnitine powder: Using a precise scale, measure the desired amount of L-carnitine powder.
  2. Prepare the bacteriostatic water: Draw the appropriate amount of bacteriostatic water into a sterile syringe.
  3. Mixing:
    • Add the L-carnitine powder to a sterile vial.
    • Slowly add the bacteriostatic water to the vial containing the L-carnitine powder.
    • Gently swirl the vial until the powder is completely dissolved.
  4. Sterility: Ensure all steps are performed in a sterile environment to avoid contamination.

Example Ratios:​

  • A common concentration is 500 mg/mL. To achieve this:
    • Dissolve 500 mg of L-carnitine powder in 1 mL of bacteriostatic water.
    • Scale up the amounts according to the total volume you wish to prepare.
Can you add testosterone base to the preset displacements? I think it’s .893mL but not 100% certain.
I will add them when I get a chance but remember if you want to use a different number which you already know, just select 'UNKNOWN' from the drop down list then you can over type the numbers
@Impono can you open source, please? :)
Not sure what you want me to Open Source?

I started this with an excel spreadsheet for myself because basskiller's one kept going down for me from the UK, few people posted the same so i just chucked it online to help others in the same position. Made a few changes and mods which people asked for so it kinda evolved a bit from the standard one

It is just basic math and mostly publicly available information anyway but if you have any questions or would like any help with anything feel free to message me and I will be happy to help.
Not sure what you want me to Open Source?

I started this with an excel spreadsheet for myself because basskiller's one kept going down for me from the UK, few people posted the same so i just chucked it online to help others in the same position. Made a few changes and mods which people asked for so it kinda evolved a bit from the standard one

It is just basic math and mostly publicly available information anyway but if you have any questions or would like any help with anything feel free to message me and I will be happy to help.
To open source the wordpress plugin. :)
To open source the wordpress plugin. :)
It isn't a plugin chap but could quite easily be converted over. The pages are just standard code running on the actual pages html and js.

My original plan for that website was just to host a calculator page to help the community as Basskiller was up an down for me and I used to use it. Free to use, no ads, no BS, just a working tool.

At the time Basskiller was down and no one knew if it was coming back online. So I built and posted my calculators to help the community.

I also just happen to have a full back up of Basskiller so if it does disappear I will upload the whole lot so it isn't lost.
Not sure what you want me to Open Source?

I started this with an excel spreadsheet for myself because basskiller's one kept going down for me from the UK, few people posted the same so i just chucked it online to help others in the same position. Made a few changes and mods which people asked for so it kinda evolved a bit from the standard one

It is just basic math and mostly publicly available information anyway but if you have any questions or would like any help with anything feel free to message me and I will be happy to help.
Apologies for multiple posts but I have been away busy with work and just checking in as had some spare time and wanted to reply to everyone, and not sure how to do it in one post

You are awesome:)