I know a lot of folks have success with their injectable L-carnitine homebrew. Has anyone tried it with PLCAR (propionyl-L-carnitine) instead? This is sometimes given, as an injection, by doctors, under prescription.
There is an oral supplement called GPLC (Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine), which is just PLCAR + Glycine. Is there any problem in homebrewing injectable GPLC? Would the Glycine have any negative effect.
I can't find much information on L-Carnitine derivatives, the closest I heard is from folks homebrewing ALCAR.
I know a lot of folks have success with their injectable L-carnitine homebrew. Has anyone tried it with PLCAR (propionyl-L-carnitine) instead? This is sometimes given, as an injection, by doctors, under prescription.
There is an oral supplement called GPLC (Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine), which is just PLCAR + Glycine. Is there any problem in homebrewing injectable GPLC? Would the Glycine have any negative effect.
I can't find much information on L-Carnitine derivatives, the closest I heard is from folks homebrewing ALCAR.