Hot flashes and chills on prop/tren. Bill?


New Member
A friend of mine is on his 3rd week of prop and tren and he's having some weird sides. He's running the prop at 100mg/day and the tren at 75mg/day. When he shoots it, he said within 10 minutes his whole body turns bright red and he gets super hot. Then he stays hot and sweats all day and night. He also gets extreme chills. I've run prop before and never experienced anything like this. I know night sweats can be fairly common, but his symptoms seem more severe than normal. What could be causing this and is there anything that might counteract it?

He could possibly be having an allergic reaction to a solvent used in the manufacture of the product. Such as Guaiacol or Ethyl oleate.
An antihistamine could help.
Just a thought,

What else is being taken prior to injections, I have taken Niacin in the past, not niacinimide, but real Niacin. This will cause a flush scenario with blood reaching to the smallest capillaries and detoxifying. Good for cholesterol, it may keep a red tone to the skin, but the heat should subside after a while.

Cheers Rek
no, as far as i know, he's not taking anything prior to the injections. allergic reaction to the suspension medium makes sense to me. this is the first cycle either of us has run from our "new" source. i just told him to stop one of them for a couple days and see if anything changes. at least then we'll know which one is causing it.
no, as far as i know, he's not taking anything prior to the injections. allergic reaction to the suspension medium makes sense to me. this is the first cycle either of us has run from our "new" source. i just told him to stop one of them for a couple days and see if anything changes. at least then we'll know which one is causing it.

Makes sense. Good Luck

What's his cycle experience?

That much Prop can give Test flu. Especially if not use to it.

How is the post inject pain?

I have had a red tint on Tren Ace before. Not as sudden as your buddy though. It's usually pretty mild unless I get some sun then everyone thinks I'm burnt all to hell. Tren E doesn't give that effect for me.

If trying the benadryl and it doesn't help, I would cut the doses back a bit or the cycle could be very uncomfortable which can affect training, food intake and rest.

If going to drop one, make it the Tren. There can be complications running it by itself.
