Intense night sweats & hot flashes post PCT


New Member
Hello all,
This is my first post on here and I wanted to thank everyone in advance for the help. I am 26 years old and just ran my first cycle of dianabol and test. My cycle consisted of 30mg of Dragon Pharma Dbol daily with one pin per week of roughly 200mg Dragon Testo blend 350. I ran the cycle for 12 weeks and then waited 10 days after my last pin to start my clomid PCT. During the cycle I saw serious gains of atleast 30lbs of muscle with little to no sides at all. I looked and felt better than I ever have before. For PCT I took 50mg of dragon clomid for 3 weeks and on the final week began experiencing some random hot flashes (nothing concerning given the situation) but on my first week off Clomid experienced massive random hot flashes and night sweats to the point where I legitimately soak my 2-3 blankets nightly. It feels exactly like im wetting my bed multiple times per night. I have searched the internet all over the place and can’t seem to come up with anything conclusive. I have a hunch that maybe I took too much clomid and or started PCT a little early because I was a little concerned about getting gyno. Any input would totally be appreciated. Thank you,
Hello all,
This is my first post on here and I wanted to thank everyone in advance for the help. I am 26 years old and just ran my first cycle of dianabol and test. My cycle consisted of 30mg of Dragon Pharma Dbol daily with one pin per week of roughly 200mg Dragon Testo blend 350. I ran the cycle for 12 weeks and then waited 10 days after my last pin to start my clomid PCT. During the cycle I saw serious gains of atleast 30lbs of muscle with little to no sides at all. I looked and felt better than I ever have before. For PCT I took 50mg of dragon clomid for 3 weeks and on the final week began experiencing some random hot flashes (nothing concerning given the situation) but on my first week off Clomid experienced massive random hot flashes and night sweats to the point where I legitimately soak my 2-3 blankets nightly. It feels exactly like im wetting my bed multiple times per night. I have searched the internet all over the place and can’t seem to come up with anything conclusive. I have a hunch that maybe I took too much clomid and or started PCT a little early because I was a little concerned about getting gyno. Any input would totally be appreciated. Thank you,
What esters are in the blend?

Assuming E or C you started pct way to early. Should of waited 3.5 weeks or so.

But I got hot flashes pretty bad during pct. never sweat thru that many blankets but i wouldn’t be surprised.

Get bloods only way to tell if something is up.
What esters are in the blend?

Assuming E or C you started pct way to early. Should of waited 3.5 weeks or so.

But I got hot flashes pretty bad during pct. never sweat thru that many blankets but i wouldn’t be surprised.

Get bloods only way to tell if something is up.
The esters are:
- 50 mg of Testosterone Propionate
- 100 mg of Testosterone Cypionate
- 200 mg of Testosterone Enanthate

I had to have jumped the gun on PCT. The weird thing is its just the hot flashes and night sweats, I feel strong in the gym and I have retained almost all of my strength minus the endurance. The reason I was asking was because I am planning on doing a dbol deca test cycle late this summer into fall time. I did the abundance of research on things that might happen while on cycle, but didn't quite give PCT as much thought as I should have. As of today the hot flashes have really mellowed out, but I did have two night sweat episodes last night. I will have to get blood done soon. Thank you for the input!
The esters are:
- 50 mg of Testosterone Propionate
- 100 mg of Testosterone Cypionate
- 200 mg of Testosterone Enanthate

I had to have jumped the gun on PCT. The weird thing is its just the hot flashes and night sweats, I feel strong in the gym and I have retained almost all of my strength minus the endurance. The reason I was asking was because I am planning on doing a dbol deca test cycle late this summer into fall time. I did the abundance of research on things that might happen while on cycle, but didn't quite give PCT as much thought as I should have. As of today the hot flashes have really mellowed out, but I did have two night sweat episodes last night. I will have to get blood done soon. Thank you for the input!
If you’re doing deca and plan on PCT I HIGHLY recommend not doing it.

Avoid 19 Nors if you want to pct. but choose NPP if you must.

I get hot flashes on cycle and even for a bit after. My mom who is metaposal will laugh at me for it. I feel your pain it’s annoying as hell.

Honestly all you can do is get bloods and post them if you want any more help. If you do, tag me and I’ll check it out if I don’t end up seeing it.
Thank you for that advice and I absolutely will tag you in any bloodwork I get. My girlfriends mother is going through the same and we both joke about our hot flashes. I thought that was pretty funny. I need to do way more research on deca before I pulled the trigger on anything. I was thinking of doing a SARM in a few weeks, but I am going away for a while in a couple months. I think lots of food and lifting will have to do for a little while.

