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Have you ever done a larger cycle like that ? I would cut the test in half and keep it a 1/1 ratio with primo but that’s just me and cut the proviron in half unless you wanna crash your shbg like crazy
The dbol is fine though . Should probably post this in a better thread or like make its own post . Also you should probably have an Ai on hand and can’t go wrong with hcg.

But near two grams is a week imo is high af unless you’re trying to compete or gain a lot of weight relatively quickly . And if you never reached those high doses your best bet is start normal blast doses and titrate up
I’m playing with a gram of test and 200-400 primo. I don’t think I will like dball as orals don’t really sit well with me. But proviron was fine before. But i only tried 25mg of proviron. I just wanted to see what 50 was like. The test and primo seems to be my favorite so far. But haven’t added anything else to it.
Yea it’s terrible i literally went through it this year. Kratom is no joke, he must of took it every now and then?… i took 24 grams a day for 5 years, withdrawal for me was very similar to heroin.
Only thing is I don’t have ED. I just wanted to have a little fun. This shit is giving me ED. Lol. I just tried it again. I was doing fine. I had 4 capsules of kratom. Doing my thing. No need for details but everything good down there. Took a cialis. And it’s gone bro. gotta get the chinese pills out for tonight. Took 5mg cialis pharma a minute ago maybe that will override it. If not its china town baby.
Hey what do you guys think of a cycle of
1. 1000 test, 400 primo (just that)
2. Above plus 50mg proviron
3. All of the above and then adding 10-20mg dball per day?

I’m insane I know. Please just tell me what you think of the cycle. That’s all I want to know. Just for shits and giggles.
Take this to the cycle forum. This is a source thread and you’re clogging up with your nonsense, your past post prove you shouldn’t be touching anything.
Hey what do you guys think of a cycle of
1. 1000 test, 400 primo (just that)
2. Above plus 50mg proviron
3. All of the above and then adding 10-20mg dball per day?

I’m insane I know. Please just tell me what you think of the cycle. That’s all I want to know. Just for shits and giggles.
I think your cycle reads like something a teenager or inexperienced middle-aged man threw together, lol.

1000mg Test with 400mg Primo makes perfect sense. Proviron and dball are a waste of money and health.
Hey what do you guys think of a cycle of
1. 1000 test, 400 primo (just that)
2. Above plus 50mg proviron
3. All of the above and then adding 10-20mg dball per day?

I’m insane I know. Please just tell me what you think of the cycle. That’s all I want to know. Just for shits and giggles.
Why post this in Axles thread??
I think he’s in the perfect place. Let’s keep them all contained in one thread
not sure if this is sarcasm but nah he’s right . I was just trying to be nice but he should be posting it in the appropriate forum this is really for source review and product and updates and harm mitigation related to the source . Don’t wanna sift through 2-3 pages of intermingled conversations and miss something that may be important .
not sure if this is sarcasm but nah he’s right . I was just trying to be nice but he should be posting it in the appropriate forum this is really for source review and product and updates and harm mitigation related to the source . Don’t wanna sift through 2-3 pages of intermingled conversations and miss something that may be important .
No shit let’s keep Axles thread on topic with guaiacol, overdosed gear, and shill account.
Hey what do you guys think of a cycle of
1. 1000 test, 400 primo (just that)
2. Above plus 50mg proviron
3. All of the above and then adding 10-20mg dball per day?

I’m insane I know. Please just tell me what you think of the cycle. That’s all I want to know. Just for shits and giggles.
I think the 1000 Test/400 Primo part is good

I used to agree with starting at 1/1 ratio but I now know that is not the best decision because everyone reacts differently. I also now know that changing your dose mid blast is not only okay (before I frowned upon it) it is actually a very good practice for multiple reasons and something pros do as standard practice.
That being said…get bloodwork at 6 weeks. You can raise the Primo or add AI if it is needed. If you do 800/800 (a 1/1 ratio) you could tank your estradiol and then your progress would halt. This way you can make an adjustment, if needed
Drop the Dbol and Proviron
The Dbol will only add to your difficulty controlling E2 with high test and will stress you in addition. Also will add unwanted water weight.
You could also start lower 500 test 150 Primo and titrate up as you go, 4-6 weeks between dose changes. That is something well respected pros do as standard.
Get bloodwork
The synergy of HGH with Test will far exceed what those orals would ever do and with the negatives that adding Dbol would give you.
No shit let’s keep Axles thread on topic with guaiacol, overdosed gear, and shill account.
You should stick to sucking off cheap Chinese sources like you do in QSC's thread

QSCs stuff comes back misdosed and everyone sings their praises "well atleast it's HPLC tested so you can dose accordingly". QSC also sends packages to the wrong customers then threatens to withhold their funds while doxxing other customers, and the outrage doesnt even last a page. If you're going to apply criticism, apply it uniformly across the board, otherwise you're just playing politics. I can tell you love that cheap Chinese garbage though.
You should stick to sucking off cheap Chinese sources like you do in QSC's thread

QSCs stuff comes back misdosed and everyone sings their praises "well atleast it's HPLC tested so you can dose accordingly". QSC also sends packages to the wrong customers then threatens to withhold their funds while doxxing other customers, and the outrage doesnt even last a page. If you're going to apply criticism, apply it uniformly across the board, otherwise you're just playing politics. I can tell you love that cheap Chinese garbage though.
seems reasonable lol
I had an issue with the cialus at first as well. Found out a BP medication was running interference. Switched to 5 MG a day works excellent. Twice to three times a day im active. Taking cialus on demand doesn't work on me. I would take 40mg and it would work the next day randomly lol. It's good shit it's just delayed. Viagra works right away but gives me a headache.
You should stick to sucking off cheap Chinese sources like you do in QSC's thread

QSCs stuff comes back misdosed and everyone sings their praises "well atleast it's HPLC tested so you can dose accordingly". QSC also sends packages to the wrong customers then threatens to withhold their funds while doxxing other customers, and the outrage doesnt even last a page. If you're going to apply criticism, apply it uniformly across the board, otherwise you're just playing politics. I can tell you love that cheap Chinese garbage though.
As your injecting that "cheap Chinese garbage". Axles source is QSC just look at all his peptides same color caps, purity and mg come back they same is qsc reports.