MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I was just taking a look around letting folks already familiar with this thread know that I'm going to be coming around more often. A couple of members voiced their concerns so I told them I'd have a look around.

I'm pretty sure I picked up some Halo from you folks a few months back when my usual go to was out. Transaction went well. Things seem to have gone a bit sideways on a few occasions? I'll make myself comfortable, thanks.
Well it is sort of difficult to decipher this conclusively:
View attachment 286805

It is quite ambiguous between Cialis and Cial 5 but DBOL didn't have dosage written in the name so it is more likely the former.
I’m still curious about those task numbers that were never posted. 43414 & 43417.
Axle says those weren’t his. All you said was that they weren’t finished yet.

Are you able to confirm that those specific task numbers weren’t his?
I understand you probably don’t want to get caught up in his bullshit but it seemed to me like you played it a bit safe with your initial response.

And in the spirit of harm reduction, the community deserves to know if there are tests being hidden.
More testing results! We also received back our first tablet results! Looking on point. We are still selling our capsules but just keeping you updated as the testing results for the tablets come in. We will transition to the tablets soon as we test all the oral tablets.

PrimoTest Blend -> 168.73mg Test-E + 111.54mg Primo-E /mL
Test+AI Blend -> 262.56mg Test-E + 7.24mg Aromasin /mL
Primo-E (100mg/mL) -> 110.68 mg/mL
Cialis Tablets (10mg) -> 11.07mg, 11.30mg, 11.00mg
Dianabol Tablets (25mg) -> 25.18mg, 25.88mg, 26.47mg

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Cialis label corrected. Thanks @janoshik

This is about the level of attention to detail and literacy skills I’ve come to expect from this source.
retard cant spell either, thanks for confirming.

He's running out of ammo but he keeps swinging LOL!
Funny GIF
He's running out of ammo but he keeps swinging LOL!
Funny GIF
All of the ammo is ensuring the safety of our community, something you lied about and dodged for many months. You're welcome for the help in getting you there! Almost a respectable business now (until we find out something else deceptive you've been doing in a few months).
He's running out of ammo but he keeps swinging LOL!
Funny GIF
You’ll notice I’ve been off your back because you quit doing dumb shit, at least for the moment.

I do, however, have full confidence you’ll be back at it shortly. You’re an incompetent lying imbecile, and that will never change.
All of the ammo is ensuring the safety of our community, something you lied about and dodged for many months. You're welcome for the help in getting you there! Almost a respectable business now (until we find out something else deceptive you've been doing in a few months).
You’ll notice I’ve been off your back because you quit doing dumb shit, at least for the moment.

I do, however, have full confidence you’ll be back at it shortly. You’re an incompetent lying imbecile, and that will never change.
I love you both and I agree you both make the community better. And have helped us improve.

I like busting both your balls. And also think you're both hilarious.
Touch down on a new order . Quick TA and decent package but A little disappointed this is the second time I’ve ordered hgh and received no label .and I recall on my first order a few months ago I did . It’s not a big thing but I just don’t like receiving unlabeled product and even thought it’s the only unlabeled one I feel like I shouldn’t have to do guess work elimination and also would at least like to know the batch number . IMG_9511.jpegIMG_9512.jpeg
I gotta look at my old vials I could’ve sworn I had gotten one that was but if not like I said then my bad . First couple months using gh so I’m always particular when trying a new compound lol
Yeah GH vials aren't labeled. Typically the kit they come in would be, but it would be impractical to label the kit and literally every vial in it if you're going through a vial in 2-3 days anyways (or for some people 1 day).
Yeah GH vials aren't labeled. Typically the kit they come in would be, but it would be impractical to label the kit and literally every vial in it if you're going through a vial in 2-3 days anyways (or for some people 1 day).
Fair enough yall are quick as hell appreciate the feed back .
Wasn’t sure if it was a common thing or just me . Better to come on here and ask just incase

Generally only the big commercialized UGLs label HGH, although Generic Asia is right up there with most of the big boys tbh, and I think no labels is the brand's "style".

I swear the first time I saw "Generic Asia" on a big vendor's site I thought it was a category, lol.