MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

It's hard to get around DEA regs in the US for analytic labs.

I LCMS/HPLC tested gear for friends when going through grad school and had the access to both the reference samples and spectrometry/chromatography gear, but could've gotten hit hard for it if it was discovered. This was like 8 years ago.

I help run a cannabis extraction and analytics lab now, and even that's a regulatory nightmare in legal states sometimes. Thankfully the DEA is stepping back and rescheduling cannabis to schedule 3 this summer.

It's just way too hard to get regulatory clearance for commercial testing operations for scheduled substances in the US.

Educational testing can be done with clearance from the NIH in order to test street drugs, but good luck finding a lab with that accreditation that has reference samples for anabolic steroids.

Removing the commercial aspect from the allowability really screws things. Cannabis testing only works because of the department of justice missive to lay off state cannabis regulations.
I understand It’s hard cause the DEA but is that on the radar or trying to test under the radar? Or both? is the equitment needed for testing expensive? Lol my mind is spinning. I’ve been in the entrepreneur mindset recently. I’m all for testing products to and at least axel seems to be doing that. No offense to jano but how sure are we that jano doesn’t receive backstage money? I feel like having another domestic solid 3rd party lab would be super beneficial.
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I understand It’s hard cause the DEA but is that on the radar or trying to test under the radar? Or both? is the equitment needed for testing expensive? Lol my mind is spinning. I’ve been in the entrepreneur mindset recently. I’m all for testing products to and at least axel seems to be doing that. No offense to jano but how sure are we that jano doesn’t receive backstage money? I feel like having another domestic solid 3rd party lab would be super beneficial.
I mean it's a good idea in theory, just not practical.

The reason Jano's business model works is because it's legal in the country he operates in, so the risk falls on everyone else.

If you tried to do the same in the US, you'd probably shell out hundreds of thousands upfront for equipment and would be exposed to massive risk. You'd then have to know what you're doing in terms of calibrating the equipment, getting the right software, and providing the analysis. You'd also have to market yourself in a way that promotes your business while also avoiding detection. Assuming all goes well, it would probably take years to recoup your up-front costs, before you start turning a profit. Practical? not really. High risk? yes. Good returns? probably not initially
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I understand It’s hard cause the DEA but is that on the radar or trying to test under the radar? Or both? is the equitment needed for testing expensive? Lol my mind is spinning. I’ve been in the entrepreneur mindset recently. I’m all for testing products to and at least axel seems to be doing that. No offense to jano but how sure are we that jano doesn’t receive backstage money? I feel like having another domestic solid 3rd party lab would be super beneficial.
The equipment and setting up a facility to test that is somewhat anonymous (you'd have to use a reshipper you trust) is easy. Obtaining reference standards from a reputable company is the hard part, because they require you to have a DEA license and the DEA requires too much information on clients and what exactly you're doing with the samples. That's why all usa testing facilities have been a flop. Janoshik is really the only option for consistent testing, real reference samples (because hes licensed in his county), and protection from us law enforcement.
I used the “Bulk” code and the “FREEVIAL” code recently and they both worked. It is comforting to know that when you’re in the midst of an anxiety induced, catastrophizing, Tren cycle, you don’t have to worry about your order from Axle landing on time.
Damn, Axle's shipping is lightning fast. Placed the order Monday, mailbox this afternoon.

Even hooked me up with a custom tadalafil order.

I really appreciate it all man!
I understand It’s hard cause the DEA but is that on the radar or trying to test under the radar? Or both? is the equitment needed for testing expensive? Lol my mind is spinning. I’ve been in the entrepreneur mindset recently. I’m all for testing products to and at least axel seems to be doing that. No offense to jano but how sure are we that jano doesn’t receive backstage money? I feel like having another domestic solid 3rd party lab would be super beneficial.
You need about 100 grand for just a spectrometer (one piece of gear out of dozens) and that doesn't even get you Into HPLC realm.

The facility alone would be upwards of about 5 million to get operational, and there's no flying under the radar when it buying reference samples. Places like Sigma, Cayman etc that supply them require purchasers to have DEA licensure. Which requires the DEA to be very in your business. Which requires NIH permission to exist. Which necessitates no commercial use, educational only.
jano has the market cornered pretty much, he must make a nice living lol
Janoshik is a good guy. I've had private conversations with him not regarding steriods and he's a very good person deep down, and thoughtful of people he doesn't know. I think he deserves his success and comfortable lifestyle imo.
More testing results! We also received back our first tablet results! Looking on point. We are still selling our capsules but just keeping you updated as the testing results for the tablets come in. We will transition to the tablets soon as we test all the oral tablets.

PrimoTest Blend -> 168.73mg Test-E + 111.54mg Primo-E /mL
Test+AI Blend -> 262.56mg Test-E + 7.24mg Aromasin /mL
Primo-E (100mg/mL) -> 110.68 mg/mL
Cialis Tablets (10mg) -> 11.07mg, 11.30mg, 11.00mg
Dianabol Tablets (25mg) -> 25.18mg, 25.88mg, 26.47mg

View attachment 286718View attachment 286719View attachment 286720View attachment 286721View attachment 286722
More testing results!

EQ (500mg/ml) -> 521.67 mg/ml
Mast-E (400mg/ml) -> 441.22 mg/ml
Mast-P (200mg/ml) -> 233.22 mg/ml
Test-E (500mg/ml) -> 529.15 mg/ml
Deca (400mg/ml) -> 371.85 mg/ml (This is 5.5% under so we are scaling up raw usage now)
