How long can you keep BAC water for?

With opened you mean a vial you took water out? I m usi a vial I made 2 years ago... no gangrene & co... still awesome... take as my 2 cents... I could say “for ever” since there is Benzyl Alcohol... don’t know if it degrades and so on...
no way man haha i am afraid of using 1 month old bac water.

is my math correct? if i have a 15iu vial and add 0,8ml bac water i would get each 0,1ml with 1,875iu right?
no way man haha i am afraid of using 1 month old bac water.

is my math correct? if i have a 15iu vial and add 0,8ml bac water i would get each 0,1ml with 1,875iu right?
I don’t speak with people scared about pinning 2 years old bac water... mine it’s sealed... bacteria shouldn’t grow in there..

15iu vial? Your stuff is over complicated ... take a fuckin sealed vial of physiological saline solution with sealed rubber stopper and fuckin put 1-2% of BA in it... And fuckin kill the fuckin bacteria you’re fuckin overscared about..