How long have you actually ran orals? At what doses? Noticeable sides? Did you do blood work?

Realistically wanting to gauge how safe/dangerous this is. I’m honestly err on the side that it isn’t that bad but maybe I’m delusional.

Haven’t ran orals in years, currently generally healthy with all normal markers on 200/test&deca a week TRT.

I plan on running 500/500 test p mast p for 10 weeks leading into a bodybuilding competition.

I started 25mg/Anadrol for 2 weeks to jump start before starting the injectables blast, and planned to run Anadrol 25/25/50/50/50/50.

My heart, mind and soul are made up on running Anadrol during contest prep, diet is on point and I’m already way ahead of sheducle in terms of being in shape. I’ve been dieting down more or less for the past 6 months and by me deciding to step on stage I need to put on as much size as I can.

I then planned on running winny at 25/25/50/50/50/50. I do have a 4 day gap i between there that I could run a “cleanse” but being realistic I think that would be a drop in the bucket. I acknowledge that my liver will be stressed and that the best thing I can do to cleanse and recover is to be off of orals. I plan on going back to my TRT doses and no orals immediately after this cycle.

What are you experiences and advices? I could shorten either, drop doses etc
Ran orals for the first time,for 50 days (dbol), stacked 250 sust, with 125 deca and my liver enzymes were all above 100. Dropped to 250 sust a week, took almost 3-4months before my enzymes were around 55. No more orals for me, ever, Im sticking with injectables. Orals are no bueno imo. Good luck
I have used 100mg Anadrol and 50mg Winstrol for 36 weeks non stop.

AST alt bilirubine gamma gt alkaline phosphatase and even an MRI to liver didn't show anything.
Just had low HDL.
LDL was under 90.
Hunger was high all time.

The toxicity of orals is defined overblown.

That said, it's not worth using them to add mg to grow, i find a better application when you want to break through a plateau or you want to enter into a show.

My favorite oral for off-season is Anadrol, mix it with TrenA and you will become strong as an ox. When cutting i love Winny.
It’s really comes down to individual response to these compounds, we all react differently, just because your friend can run 200mg anadrol and come back with acceptable blooodwork does not mean we’re all capable of that …I knew a guy who has crazy skewed lipids from just 25mg proviron a day - it happens.

Follow dosing guidelines as found in the anabolics reference guide. Whilst the recommended doses there might seem rather light for some the protocols are written in spirit of harm reduction and untill you know how you react via sides /bloodwork its a perfectly reasonable and safe starting point. Keep your exposure to 6 -8 weeks and doses low …for anavar and tbol dbol 30-60mg a day should be plenty.

I’ve done most everything and I will say ultimately you feel better on injectables …everytime I did orals I have to say by the end of the bag I was counting down the days till it was over …just wore me out and made my tired. Never felt that way with injectables.
It’s really comes down to individual response to these compounds, we all react differently, just because your friend can run 200mg anadrol and come back with acceptable blooodwork does not mean we’re all capable of that …I knew a guy who has crazy skewed lipids from just 25mg proviron a day - it happens.

Follow dosing guidelines as found in the anabolics reference guide. Whilst the recommended doses there might seem rather light for some the protocols are written in spirit of harm reduction and untill you know how you react via sides /bloodwork its a perfectly reasonable and safe starting point. Keep your exposure to 6 -8 weeks and doses low …for anavar and tbol dbol 30-60mg a day should be plenty.

I’ve done most everything and I will say ultimately you feel better on injectables …everytime I did orals I have to say by the end of the bag I was counting down the days till it was over …just wore me out and made my tired. Never felt that way with injectables.
Exactly, orals are something really personal, there was a user on that used, and he's still using 100mg Anadrol daily since 20+ years.
I am pretty much resilient to them too.

In the end spamming orals like cookies for an off-season is really non sense, you can reach same goals with injectables.
For competition is something different, at the end you need to drop injections and just use pills.
If you are just a re-creative user, that wants to have a better body, there's no need to jump on orals.
Everyone always worries about impact on liver enzymes which is well-established but minimal in most people. OTOH, I think the impact on lipids is pretty dramatic in most people. Always good to monitor your labs. Just saying don't overlook lipid impact when making decisions.
Everyone always worries about impact on liver enzymes which is well-established but minimal in most people. OTOH, I think the impact on lipids is pretty dramatic in most people. Always good to monitor your labs. Just saying don't overlook lipid impact when making decisions.
Definitely. When I started playing with them I worried about liver values. Now I worry a lot more about lipid values.
The longest I have ran an oral has been 60 mg of oxandrolone for 6 weeks. The oxandrolone came from Empower Pharmacy and GL, so I know they were good. My liver tests actually only came back slightly elevated when I ended my 6 week run of it, but my ALT and AST are always a little high because of training and I have lupus. My GI doctor told me that heavy weight training will give false liver enzyme results, because muscle tissue degradation releases the same enzymes as a stressed liver when do this type of training. My lipids definitely took a hit, though. I can't remember the actual numbers right now, but I know HDL was in the tank and LDL was pretty high.
I ran oxandrolone , my liver was fine, my hdl went from 46 to 17, and ldl went from 100 to 187, 3 weeks in.

Every oral I ran I make it 4 weeks and feel like shit, only injectibles here on out…
Realistically wanting to gauge how safe/dangerous this is. I’m honestly err on the side that it isn’t that bad but maybe I’m delusional.

Haven’t ran orals in years, currently generally healthy with all normal markers on 200/test&deca a week TRT.

I plan on running 500/500 test p mast p for 10 weeks leading into a bodybuilding competition.

I started 25mg/Anadrol for 2 weeks to jump start before starting the injectables blast, and planned to run Anadrol 25/25/50/50/50/50.

My heart, mind and soul are made up on running Anadrol during contest prep, diet is on point and I’m already way ahead of sheducle in terms of being in shape. I’ve been dieting down more or less for the past 6 months and by me deciding to step on stage I need to put on as much size as I can.

I then planned on running winny at 25/25/50/50/50/50. I do have a 4 day gap i between there that I could run a “cleanse” but being realistic I think that would be a drop in the bucket. I acknowledge that my liver will be stressed and that the best thing I can do to cleanse and recover is to be off of orals. I plan on going back to my TRT doses and no orals immediately after this cycle.

What are you experiences and advices? I could shorten either, drop doses etc
Anadrol at the start of show prep makes absolutely no sense. Or really as any part of a prep cycle.
I ran oxandrolone , my liver was fine, my hdl went from 46 to 17, and ldl went from 100 to 187, 3 weeks in.

Every oral I ran I make it 4 weeks and feel like shit, only injectibles here on out…
Same here - with the exception of proviron ….but I use masteron now instead - just easier and cheaper.
I ran oxandrolone , my liver was fine, my hdl went from 46 to 17, and ldl went from 100 to 187, 3 weeks in.

Every oral I ran I make it 4 weeks and feel like shit, only injectibles here on out…
That was my exact experience. I found my numbers and my hdl dropped to 23 and hdl was 148 at the end of my cycle. I keep seeing conflicting information about cholesterol these days, so I don’t know what’s accurate and what’s not, but that much of a drop in hdl is slightly alarming.
How long does it take for lipids to change for the better after you finish orals in your cycle

Dante Trudel us a big proponent of Citrus Bergamot 1g am and 1g pm and berberine 500mg am and pm for lipids