How many of you guys get sore from training?


I really dont get sore from training at all. Maybe just a tiny bit sore but its hardly noticable. Im on a decent cycle but Im wondering if anyone else gets sore from training and does it change when on a cycle.
I don’t get sore where it hurts but I can usually tell what I trained the day before if I flex that muscle. Legs I can feel I trained them for multiple days
I really dont get sore from training at all. Maybe just a tiny bit sore but its hardly noticable. Im on a decent cycle but Im wondering if anyone else gets sore from training and does it change when on a cycle.

I don’t get sore where it hurts but I can usually tell what I trained the day before if I flex that muscle. Legs I can feel I trained them for multiple days

How old are you guys? [rhetorical]

10-20 years ago I got sore as fuck all the time on gear or not. I don't train like a maniac anymore. Goals have changed.
How old are you guys? [rhetorical]

10-20 years ago I got sore as fuck all the time on gear or not. I don't train like a maniac anymore. Goals have changed.

Currently Westside Barbell + HST training. But also a lot of cardio to manage hypertension. So I'm always a little sore (mental and physical).
Not really. I remember the first few weeks when I started the pain was so bad. I remember my first ever leg day went so hard I literally couldn’t walk for like 2 weeks. But I never really get sore anymore
How old are you guys? [rhetorical]

10-20 years ago I got sore as fuck all the time on gear or not. I don't train like a maniac anymore. Goals have changed.
I’m almost 40 so yeah same thing my number one priority in training right now is to not get hurt by lifting heavy and reckless like I used to when I was younger. I stay in the 10-20 rep ranges on everything
I don’t get sore unless it’s been months since I’ve done something. Recently took a few months off leg training to focus on stability and stuff (snowboarding). First workout back I was sore but that’s it.

It’s really frustrating because I use the RP strength hypertrophy app and I feel like a lot of its cues for progression are based on soreness. I have to basically lie to the app of at the end of a meso cycle I’ll be in the gym 2+ hours doing stupid amounts of volume.

It also doesn’t matter how hard I go or how far past failure I go. Just won’t happen.
When i first started lifting i could get sore especially my legs. Sitting down was a challenge. But soreness went away after a while. And for decades my muscles didn't get sore unless i did something new and that only lasted for 1-2 workouts. And once i started AS sore happened even less. Now that i am old it is feeling like i am training again as things can get sore as i don't recover as quick.
i get sore after every training, but my training is really hard..(One heavy set e4d each exercise, no volume training)
dont take to much anti-inflammation supplements, if i take curcumin and all that shit it wont get sore.. but i loose muscle mind connection..
I don’t get sore unless it’s been months since I’ve done something.

That's true for me, too. I do somewhat regular ab work but started working out with a guy who periodically did planks in between sets. That made my gut/flank sore in weird places.
I don’t get too sore in my upper body. Maybe my chest and abs but that’s about it. But after leg days…. Boy, I will literally collapse if I bend my knees more than a few degrees. One wrong step and I’m crawling on the floor. Been happening for 2 years.

It’s like my quads and calves didn’t get the memo that we’re on gear now.
Haven't get really sore for couple years now. I'm training for 20 years and the first 14 i was doing a bro split, one body part a day. I was going so hard i'd be sore for 4 days, in legs maybe 5. Then switched to powerlifting and i didn't get sore at all, just pain in all joints lol.

Last couple years i'm doing Upper Lower rest Upper Lower rest rest and it's been a blessing. One upper is focused on pull, one in push and one lower in quads one in hams.

Cutting the volume of every body part in half really helped. Now i just feel a bit numb after leg training for couple hours but after that i'm g2g.
Same. I lift hard. Been lifting/dieting consistently for over 20 years. Always beating the log book.

And I never… ever… get sore.
the guys that don't get sore, what are your BF levels at? are you in a calorie surplus all the time?
what about the guys that do get sore?

For myself in a deficit i can get sore much more easily, especially at low BF levels...
if I eat like an ass I can train much harder even so twice a week per muscle group ussually I am sore, once every 5 days per muscle group no soreness...
the guys that don't get sore, what are your BF levels at? are you in a calorie surplus all the time?
what about the guys that do get sore?

For myself in a deficit i can get sore much more easily, especially at low BF levels...
if I eat like an ass I can train much harder even so twice a week per muscle group ussually I am sore, once every 5 days per muscle group no soreness...

I’m at a pretty damn steep calorie deficit currently. Still no soreness.

Body fat levels I’d say around 10-12%
I never get sore from any training except for legs, i train them every sunday and from money to friday i’ll be unable to fully walk normally.. guess the intensity is right or something is wrong
Still get sore with every muscle group that I hit hard,when joints are fluid and body aches are zilch! Lateral and rear delts are hard to fry at times but beleive me I always try and scorch em . Sleep is good while using CPAP and HGH religiously , so although I dont have the recovery I had when I was 17-35, It's decent enough.
Legs especially after a 3 week layoff, my OCD doesnt allow me to pace myself, so i walk around like a Porno bitch after a 3 day shoot for about a week lol
200mg Test + 3iu hgh = never sore for me after the first few weeks.

I get really sore if I go too hard, but HGH takes that away.