How many of you guys get sore from training?

I really dont get sore from training at all. Maybe just a tiny bit sore but its hardly noticable. Im on a decent cycle but Im wondering if anyone else gets sore from training and does it change when on a cycle.
My legs stay sore for days. On other days I can tell that my body is in a shock from how hard I trained that day but I don’t feel any soreness.
I'm 48, and when I do squats, my legs are sore for a day or two. Also when I train arms, I can feel it.

Sadly, I don't get sore when doing chest. I usually do 6-7 different exercises, 5 sets and 15-18 reps. I wish I could feel it in my chest. I get a really nice pump though. Same with shoulders.
Before my first ever cycle I’d get very sore but did far far too many intensity techniques and volume in one workout. Can’t even blame infrequent training for the soreness - I did an upper/lower split hitting each muscle twice a week.
Started my first cycle of test only and zero soreness after 4 days from the first shot.
I understand it that soreness is not at all an indicator of progress and a lot of soreness is more a sign you’re not training that muscle often enough so it never progressively adapts that well. Or doing way too much.
I remember that it is optimal to have a little bit or Doms or none at all.
I don’t get any Doms anymore. I think that’s from a combination of TRT and also not doing forced reps. I still do a lot of rest pause, and drop sets for intensity
I'm in my mid 30s

I train fairly hard. I'm on 100mg of test e and 100mg of tren a.

I also take 4iu of HGH, 300mcg tb-500 and 300mcg of bpc157.

No pain at all, I was worried I wasn't doing anything.
i find that if i load the muscle in a deep stretch, i am more likely to be sore for a few days. Slow eccentric or pauze in the stretched position or a combination of both.
I notice nobody mentioned either mobility/warmup-cooloff nor nutrition. I still get sore going hard, especially legs. However, I've found out lately that slamming carbs around the workout helps a LOT. It's been a gamechanger for me, coming from a permacut mindset on low-carb.
I notice nobody mentioned either mobility/warmup-cooloff nor nutrition. I still get sore going hard, especially legs. However, I've found out lately that slamming carbs around the workout helps a LOT. It's been a gamechanger for me, coming from a permacut mindset on low-carb.
I’d forgot that in my recent Dons free years I use peri workout nutrition. I have 400 cals of carbs and 30g protein as my workout drink