How much does timing matter with hgh?


New Member
Hey guys,
I’ve been running HGH and was wondering how much timing really matters. Sometimes I pin at 1am, but other times I pin at 3 AM, 12pm, 2am etc.

Will this inconsistency affect effectiveness? Would I see better results sticking to a fixed time every day?

Appreciate any insights!
Hey guys,
I’ve been running HGH and was wondering how much timing really matters. Sometimes I pin at 1am, but other times I pin at 3 AM, 12pm, 2am etc.

Will this inconsistency affect effectiveness? Would I see better results sticking to a fixed time every day?

Appreciate any insights!
Imho , as long as its taken Away from carbs , as long as you get it in,, Taking before bed mimics natural nocturnal surge possibly enhancing bioavailability, reducing protein catabolism, may also help manage insulin sensitivity, morning doses specific goals like fat loss as it compliments fasting states, but may lead to higher serum insulin levels, split dosing if going over 4 ius or around workouts can balance fat loss, muscle gain, and recovery, I take it at least 2-3 hours after any carb intake and split my 5 iu dose 2 ius a.m and 3 ius p.m. and have decent results ,, ymmv
Imho , as long as its taken Away from carbs , as long as you get it in,, Taking before bed mimics natural nocturnal surge possibly enhancing bioavailability, reducing protein catabolism, may also help manage insulin sensitivity, morning doses specific goals like fat loss as it compliments fasting states, but may lead to higher serum insulin levels, split dosing if going over 4 ius or around workouts can balance fat loss, muscle gain, and recovery, I take it at least 2-3 hours after any carb intake and split my 5 iu dose 2 ius a.m and 3 ius p.m. and have decent results ,, ymmv
I always take it before bed but I got to bed at different times. Mostly 1-2am, but sometimes 12pm or 3am.

I got t1d so I think in my case I shouldn‘t have to worry if I take it away from carbs or not right? Sometimes if I eat a high carb meal before bed I inject like 15iu insulin along hgh.
I always take it before bed but I got to bed at different times. Mostly 1-2am, but sometimes 12pm or 3am.

I got t1d so I think in my case I shouldn‘t have to worry if I take it away from carbs or not right? Sometimes if I eat a high carb meal before bed I inject like 15iu insulin along hgh.
with insulin , i am not versed enough to give advice etc, Thats a whole new realm to me,,
Imho , as long as its taken Away from carbs , as long as you get it in,, Taking before bed mimics natural nocturnal surge possibly enhancing bioavailability, reducing protein catabolism, may also help manage insulin sensitivity, morning doses specific goals like fat loss as it compliments fasting states, but may lead to higher serum insulin levels, split dosing if going over 4 ius or around workouts can balance fat loss, muscle gain, and recovery, I take it at least 2-3 hours after any carb intake and split my 5 iu dose 2 ius a.m and 3 ius p.m. and have decent results ,, ymmv

If taken 2-3 hours after carb intake, how long before workout 30min-1hr? I'd like to take pre-workout but it seems a very strict window.
If taken 2-3 hours after carb intake, how long before workout 30min-1hr? I'd like to take pre-workout but it seems a very strict window.
i take my morning dose completely fasted then do my cardio then have a high protein meal lower carbs so im not sure of your strict window , my evening dose is at 2100 hours and i have my last low carb meal at 1630 ish so thats my timing ,,
i take my morning dose completely fasted then do my cardio then have a high protein meal lower carbs so im not sure of your strict window , my evening dose is at 2100 hours and i have my last low carb meal at 1630 ish so thats my timing ,,
Thanks for the explanation, I work out in the afternoon, so I'm trying to figure out how to squeeze it in as a pre-workout. Doesn't look like it's an option, for me at least.

If taken in the am like you mentioned does it still help with fat loose if my strength training is in the afternoon? So I'll take at 8am then cardio after. 5-6 pm is when I go to the gym. The fat loss benefit seems to be be more dominant as a pre from what I've read.
Thanks for the explanation, I work out in the afternoon, so I'm trying to figure out how to squeeze it in as a pre-workout. Doesn't look like it's an option, for me at least.

If taken in the am like you mentioned does it still help with fat loose if my strength training is in the afternoon? So I'll take at 8am then cardio after. 5-6 pm is when I go to the gym. The fat loss benefit seems to be be more dominant as a pre from what I've read.
its gonna aid fat loss as long as your diet and everything else is dialed in , i have no idea how well it works for someone else thats to generalized of a question, Type2 wrote a very good article abouy hgh& fat lipolysis , its a sticky thread around here, thats a good read about the subject,,
Hey guys,
I’ve been running HGH and was wondering how much timing really matters. Sometimes I pin at 1am, but other times I pin at 3 AM, 12pm, 2am etc.

Will this inconsistency affect effectiveness? Would I see better results sticking to a fixed time every day?

Appreciate any insights!

It's minutiae. Total dose > dose timing or dosing around meals or carbs etc.

I've seen some complicated protocols including GH use vs fasted cardio, meal timing, etc., and just don't think it really matters in the long term. hGH is a long-game.

Since you have T1D, I'd be more mindful of blood glucose changes (CGM?) to see if dose timing affects you personally.
It's minutiae. Total dose > dose timing or dosing around meals or carbs etc.

I've seen some complicated protocols including GH use vs fasted cardio, meal timing, etc., and just don't think it really matters in the long term. hGH is a long-game.

Since you have T1D, I'd be more mindful of blood glucose changes (CGM?) to see if dose timing affects you personally.
Yeah, I just inject before going to bed. I never go to bed at the same time, mostly late like 1-3am, rarely earlier at 12pm.

Blood sugar is fine, not much insulin resistance as long as I dont eat too many carbs.