How often do you cheat?


New Member
I cheat once a week. I normally eat 3000 cals (400c, 64f, 220p) but once a week I have one meal that takes my daily intake to over 4-4.5k (most I ever hit is 6). I mostly eat crap but it keeps me sane.. a man can only eat so much rice/chicken/oats.

So.. do you cheat? how often?
I have been cheating on one meal (post workout) on leg and back day. So two times per week. Gives me something to look forward and I don't feel bad about it after killing legs and back!
I don't cheat simply because I don't limit what foods I eat, I eat whatever I enjoy eating.

I'm a big fan of discretionary calorie allowance. Consistently eating the required number of calories to gain or lose weight, whichever your goal happens to be, is going to determine your results, not specific foods or meals, so eating in such a way that allows you to consistently meet your caloric and macro nutrient goals everyday without straying too far from it is key. For me that means eating whatever I enjoy.
Right now one free day per week. I do paleo diet with lower carbs, halfway through week I carb up more w/ yams, push it another few days low carb, then my free day. Ive gotten more muscular this way and leaner
I am pretty strict with diet..
up until about 5pm..
I hit the Taco Bell after work, but then strict again..
Until about 8:30pm.. then I have some Hersheys 2 for $5 pints..
Banana Nut yesterday ..

Peanut Butter Cup tonight, but Hersheys isn't real
Peanut Butter Cup.. It's just Peanut Butter.. Not really Cup

I cheat once per week. Friday nights, I get a large pizza, a transvestite hooker and cheap room down town. I get it all out of my system and the next day I'm back to chicken and eggs in my lunch pail.
Are you sure your eating brain and not giving it?

Since you seem pretty gullible ;)

Make sure to get your self some Horchata straight from the big brown syphon in between the taco man's pants.
I heard it contains 12 essential amino acids and semen....
as long as you don't get any on your hair you'll be fine.
Average one day per week, rarely planned. I eat like Shrek and then feel like Porky the Pig. ;)
Hersheys 2 for $5 pints..
Banana Nut yesterday ..
I had Banana Nut, waffles and chocolate syrup ..
Someone stop me..

I had a bad belly ache all night..
this was about a week ago..
I felt like I had to poop but sitting on
the bowl hurting...
I never get that but I also never eat
so much icecream..

I would eat desert once a month
but this girl got me loving icecream.. I still have abs though.. for now


