How open are you with friends, family and people in your life about your gear use?

Anyone that has used gear can tell I’m enhanced. I don’t advertise it but it’s pretty obvious when an average Joe is over 40yrs old and sub 10% bf with veins everywhere.

I think it’s rather insulting to deny being enhanced if someone asks. An insult to their intelligence.

All that said, the less people that know, the better. Unfortunately I used to date a gal that has pretty much told my entire town I use gears so I just do my thing and anyway.

I intentionally downsized in last few years just to age better so I don’t stand out as much anymore. Definitely not fully clothed these days being smaller. But when the shirt comes off, there’s no point in trying to deny usage.

Just use your best judgment on who you let in your little circle of trust. It’s damn near impossible to hide it from a woman that lives with you. Unless she’s incredibly unobservant or stupid.
We live in a era of people identifying they them hers and girls marrying trees and ghosts, why should people give a fakk on what i'm doing? Even if they know it or not, it doesn't affect their lives. So, i'm not cheering it nor denying it. Quite a few ppl know it, obviously i won't admit it to underage kiddos from my gym but some guys we bro chat in gym, they know it. Many of my friends know it.

My family no, because they won't understand it and my mother will have a extra unnecessary reason to worry about me.

My gf knows it since day 1. Actually i started gear after we met and she's fine with that because she knows i'm not reckless and i monitor my health enough and actually living the whole lifestyle required to not end screwd up.

Anyone that has used gear can tell I’m enhanced. I don’t advertise it but it’s pretty obvious when an average Joe is over 40yrs old and sub 10% bf with veins everywhere.

Exactly, most of the times there's no need to be asked and that's how it's supposed to be IMO. If you're on gear and look like the average natty gymbro, something's not right..

I think it’s rather insulting to deny being enhanced if someone asks. An insult to their intelligence.

Well said man, i agree 100%.
I’m in the same category of “people know” but no one knows for sure. Like others have said, if you juice and no one suspects anything, you’re doing it wrong lol.

Now, as far as my ex wife goes, I thank the lord every day I didn’t share it with her. I was with her for 16 years…and she was so oblivious it would be an absolute shock if she found out. She worked from home or an hour + away the entire time we were together, so there was plenty of opportunity for me to do my thing.

Now, going through a divorce, and seeing the shit they will make up out of thin air, if she knew…she would try to destroy me. She’s already trying to take my kid for no reason, but if she had this as evidence it would make that battle even tougher.
It's the kind of thing that gossips would use against you, and you gain nothing.

"Need to know" basis only.

I'd only discuss it with a friend who I think might benefit.

Nobody's going to come seeking to "bust" you, that's ridiculous.

The WORST person you could tell is your doctor, unless you know them very well.

You'd find more understanding, and "harm reduction treatment" if you told them you use heroin than AAS. You'd likely have to switch docs or every problem will be pinned on steroids.
I think it’s rather insulting to deny being enhanced if someone asks. An insult to their intelligence.

It’s rather insulting to be asked when someone has no business asking. So they deserve the answer they get.

In my case, I ignore the question or roll my eyes. If they press I stare them down hard to get my point across.

Ignorance is not an excuse for being a nosey prick

Example: “Your wife is a redhead. Is she natural? Carpets match the drapes? Just idly curious.”
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It’s rather insulting to be asked when someone has no business asking. So they deserve the answer they get.

In my case, I ignore the question or roll my eyes. If they press I stare them down hard to get my point across.

Ignorance is not an excuse for being a nosey prick

Example: “Your wife is a redhead. Is she natural? Carpets match the drapes? Just idly curious.”
You’re correct in it’s none of their business and it depends on the person and how they come at me and what they ask.

I haven’t had anyone straight up ask if I take steroids in years. I have downsized a bit but anyone with a brain can tell I’m enhanced lol. Especially for mid 40s.

Maybe it’s more because I’m older now but usually people ask me about PEDs because they want to pick my brain because they want to start or improve their own protocol. But I’m kinda locally known as the supp/nootropic/PED expert so usually it’s someone I know.

I don’t go around talking about steroids to strangers but if someone I know asks me a specific question about it I will usually inform them of what I know about it. Whether it’s about HGH or anabolics or whatever. I enjoy talking about something I’m passionate about. I’m not selling and never have so I’m not super paranoid.
You’re correct in it’s none of their business and it depends on the person and how they come at me and what they ask.

I haven’t had anyone straight up ask if I take steroids in years. I have downsized a bit but anyone with a brain can tell I’m enhanced lol. Especially for mid 40s.

Maybe it’s more because I’m older now but usually people ask me about PEDs because they want to pick my brain because they want to start or improve their own protocol. But I’m kinda locally known as the supp/nootropic/PED expert so usually it’s someone I know.

I don’t go around talking about steroids to strangers but if someone I know asks me a specific question about it I will usually inform them of what I know about it. Whether it’s about HGH or anabolics or whatever. I enjoy talking about something I’m passionate about. I’m not selling and never have so I’m not super paranoid.

The only downside isn't some legal jeopardy, it's the "he's a cheater" gossip ammo that can get out there.

It seems like steroids have fallen out of the public consciousness, along with the stigma, since the media stopped hyping "Roid Rage Mania" from a decade ago+.

And it's clear to me, GLPs have been changing public perception regarding PEDs, especially among men. Breaking the "injecting for self improvement" barrier.

I'm with you in the sense I love an opportunity to talk about this topic with an interested person though. Most PED naive men are surprised at how much intellect is required to participate in this properly. Most of us become mini-medical professionals.
The only downside isn't some legal jeopardy, it's the "he's a cheater" gossip ammo that can get out there.

It seems like steroids have fallen out of the public consciousness, along with the stigma, since the media stopped hyping "Roid Rage Mania" from a decade ago+.

And it's clear to me, GLPs have been changing public perception regarding PEDs, especially among men. Breaking the "injecting for self improvement" barrier.

I'm with you in the sense I love an opportunity to talk about this topic with an interested person though. Most PED naive men are surprised at how much intellect is required to participate in this properly. Most of us become mini-medical professionals.
Yes on the last two paragraphs.

It must be a far different culture where you live. Steroids are not considered all that bad in my area/region. In fact, I think most women prefer their man enhanced to a degree around here. Unless he’s just naturally studly and those guys drop off after college these days or else become enhanced themselves.

I guess my point is that locals ages 25 to 55 are somewhat knowledgeable about PEDs. At least enough to know when they see someone who obviously is enhanced. It’s not taboo around here so it’s more discussed publicly I guess.
Yes on the last two paragraphs.

It must be a far different culture where you live. Steroids are not considered all that bad in my area/region. In fact, I think most women prefer their man enhanced to a degree around here. Unless he’s just naturally studly and those guys drop off after college these days or else become enhanced themselves.

I guess my point is that locals ages 25 to 55 are somewhat knowledgeable about PEDs. At least enough to know when they see someone who obviously is enhanced. It’s not taboo around here so it’s more discussed publicly I guess.

I don't know where you live, but in the US a poll of medical professionals showed they held cocaine users in higher regard than steroid users. A likely reflection of society as a whole. I do believe that's changing, but the idea steroid use is a widely acceptable, welcome practice, even seen as a positive activity somewhere is alien to me for sure.
held cocaine users in higher regard than steroid users
Cocaine then AAS right there with crack cocaine a few rungs down. All those AAS users sharing needles and bloodbourne pathogens. Ouch.

AAS schedule 3 while tobacco and ethanol are legal OTC fun in US. What a joke. Purest of retardation.

Most don't want the articles anyway. Just the graphs please.
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I'm asked often if I'm on the sauce. I've never been a little person, way bigger on the sauce though and people tell me they assume I'm on " something " which I give no mind to.

I'm 6'2 , size 38-40 waist depending on brand , 285 lbs and fill a 2x shirt.

I had many opportunities to use steroids earlier in life but I was scared honestly, people always thought I did anyways. I went as far as I could naturally for years before jumping on to build the foundation that I have now which took 18 years of natural lifting pushing the bar to new heights each year. I remember only adding 10-15lbs to my bench per year which took a lot of work naturally when you're in the 400lb+ club.

I truly believe when you're stronger than most people, they will always assume you're " on " and spread rumors negating the years of work put in.

My family has always known I was strong so I don't think they think anything of it. My wife knows and encourages it. She enjoys the sex drive I get from it and likes to show me off when we hit the town. Other than that I don't openly talk about it with friends or family let alone strangers. I've worked out with the same crowd for 15+ years, obviously I hit a plateau years ago and they're not dumb or lame to the game so I just assume they know since I'm climbing in numbers again. Respectively, they've never asked or made me feel a way about it, we just like hitting big numbers and encouraging each other.
Cocaine then AAS right there with crack cocaine a few rungs down. All those AAS users sharing needles and bloodbourne pathogens. Ouch.

AAS schedule 3 while tobacco and ethanol are legal OTC fun in US. What a joke. Purest of retardation.

Most don't want the articles anyway. Just the graphs please.
Your right its disgusting.
Watch bigger faster stronger again, about the balco thing. Bernie sanders and Biden. Biden had this sick illusion in his statements that he would have been a pro athlete if it wasent for guys taking juice kicking his ass lol, I Dident know if I should feel sorry for him or pee my pants laughing.
People ask who is more agains ass repubs or dems?

I’m libertarian myself but these wierdos are pushing me farther from the left.