How open are you with friends, family and people in your life about your gear use?


Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

36 years later. Still Schedule 3. Travesty. Go read the history. DEA and AMA wanted nothing to do with it. Leave it to a politician.

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I think everyone here who juiced for more than a few cycles and actually knows how to eat cannot deny they are on steroids.

We stand out in the gym and outside, even more if you live in hot climates and wear more revealing clothes.

If you’re not getting accused or asked if you’re juiced then maybe reevaluate your nutrition, exercise protocol and lifestyle habits there might be something missing if you look natty while on gear.

That aside, all I do is follow what the old heads say its creatine and muscle tech protein powder.

My better half knows though, plus some cousins and uncles who juice and used to juice.
I think everyone here who juiced for more than a few cycles and actually knows how to eat cannot deny they are on steroids.

Maybe to other steroid users. I think you vastly overestimate the ability of the average person to know whether somebody has used steroids.

Even among steroid users you see discussions and debates about "Did so and so turn pro before ever trying steroids?" LOL
Maybe to other steroid users. I think you vastly overestimate the ability of the average person to know whether somebody has used steroids.

Even among steroid users you see discussions and debates about "Did so and so turn pro before ever trying steroids?" LOL
Not in my experience, the majority of people look like shit that a slightly muscular individual will get accused of juicing even if natty.

So, unless they live under a rock, really old with no exposure to fitness at all or just clueless, then I would understand not knowing about individuals looking like they’re on peds.
Everyone that means anything to me knows..... I am pretty much open with what I do with people..The only people I'm not is people like say....My parole officer.. however she has deffo made the comment that It is evident.. She just kinda grins and tells me to gtf outta her hair and stay outta trouble.... I mean I don't just run around announcing it but like the lady and her daughter that own the small town gym I go to were telling me to get involved In A little contest they had going.. some kind of 60 day challenge or something.. I was no I don't think so.. they just kept on so I told them I was on gear and I wouldn't think it would be fair(*cause only 1 person my gym do gear) they was like ...OH ok I understand.. Now they are just always grinning at me..
Everyone that means anything to me knows..... I am pretty much open with what I do with people..The only people I'm not is people like say....My parole officer.. however she has deffo made the comment that It is evident.. She just kinda grins and tells me to gtf outta her hair and stay outta trouble.... I mean I don't just run around announcing it but like the lady and her daughter that own the small town gym I go to were telling me to get involved In A little contest they had going.. some kind of 60 day challenge or something.. I was no I don't think so.. they just kept on so I told them I was on gear and I wouldn't think it would be fair(*cause only 1 person my gym do gear) they was like ...OH ok I understand.. Now they are just always grinning at me..
geez we are getting a little old for parole no? but ur lucky she seems like a angle. Mine usto full on raid my house with multiple sheriff’s and or local pd looking for anything they could find.
I think everyone here who juiced for more than a few cycles and actually knows how to eat cannot deny they are on steroids.

We stand out in the gym and outside, even more if you live in hot climates and wear more revealing clothes.

If you’re not getting accused or asked if you’re juiced then maybe reevaluate your nutrition, exercise protocol and lifestyle habits there might be something missing if you look natty while on gear.

That aside, all I do is follow what the old heads say its creatine and muscle tech protein powder.

My better half knows though, plus some cousins and uncles who juice and used to juice.
Umm… I got accused more in my 20s when I was completely PED free. Over and over again.

People will always look to those that are significantly better at something and wonder what they did to get there easily. (It’s human to justify to yourself why someone else is better than you)

This is the underlying honest reason most people inquire.


36 years later. Still Schedule 3. Travesty. Go read the history. DEA and AMA wanted nothing to do with it. Leave it to a politician.

Whoa, what is that pink juice he is injecting in his quad??? Is that supposed to be a steroid of some sort?
I am always shocked at the number of folks on steroid forums involved with the criminal justice system.
Are u taking about police or law enforcement? Because they use 10x the amount of gear that criminals use.
I’ve seen huge juiced up cops get a run for the money from some skinny natty african American kids lmao.
Are u taking about police or law enforcement? Because they use 10x the amount of gear that criminals use.
I’ve seen huge juiced up cops get a run for the money from some skinny natty african American kids lmao.
Yeah, I get it. I am just surprised at the number of forum members who are on parole, been to prison, that sort of thing.

It has to be a lot higher than the regular population, especially the overwhelmingly white population represented on steroid discussion forums.
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Are u taking about police or law enforcement? Because they use 10x the amount of gear that criminals use.
I’ve seen huge juiced up cops get a run for the money from some skinny natty african American kids lmao.
I can speak to that as well.

Long family history of LE and military. 3 personal friends on PEDs in law enforcement. 1 is Federal.

Lol. Funny side story. Dad used to ticket kids bringing fireworks over the border, confiscate them and bring them home.

4th of July was awesome