Readalots Enhanced Testing

I see from your posts you are considering GH, but maybe you will go down the pharma route, so no need for testing?
At between 100 to 400 usd per 5 mg (pharma), I am quickly coming to conclusion i should consider other options in the 80 to 150 usd range (per 50 mg kit). There is a lot of options out there and I am currently researching viable options. GH users are certainly blessed with a wide assortment of choices.

I hope this raw testing is just the start. I am currently not looking at any specific ugl AAS but happy to fund additional testing after we see what we get back here. Thanks for your feedback and following along!
Let's try to keep it civil everyone [in Dirthand's honor]. Ask yourself, what would Dirthand do? :)

I still like the idea of taking all disputes over to Millard's "thunderdome" thread. Unfortunately the traffic to that thread would probably break the site LOL.
Hey guys, Its Dirthand... I am starting this Thread for @readalot . This man has been going around this forum preaching this that an the other about his concerns and mission of heavy metals and crap in the gear that we use. I never really read much of the stuff he wrote but what i always noticed is that he always catch a lot of hell for. He always seem to take the criticism without resorting to low class retaliation of personal insults and so i kind of respected that. Anywho after his sabbatical (or whatever) he came back to the forum and seen that i had been making some gear and doing a small bit of extra testing and seen his opportunity. He contacted me and offered to reimburse me for some of the gcms, and sterility test i had done on some testosterone i had made.WTF ..No that was my thing. I guess he though he need to try and butter me up for me to help him. He wanted to know if he could get in on the new testing i did and add some extra test.. Although i did not really care about endotoxins, heavy metals, residual solvents...ect.. After pondering about it I did not see what it would hurt. If i could help give this man a little peace and/or joy with his obsession.... why the hell not. As human beings we should always be trying to lift one another up not tear each other down.( I know.. take my own advice huh) So I sent some stuff in for testing this morning. Among the samples sent in was a Boldenone undecylenate Raw that Mr. @readalot sent me several hundred dollars to have tested 6 ways from Sunday. I did not profit from this in any way except for possible getting one of my raws tested at no cost.(although the man has offered to send me money for my sister for the sterility testing she does for me, i declined) My reward was just to help the poor guy out. Everybody has been telling the guy to put his money where his mouth is... so that he did.. I will let him explain the test being performed and perhaps we shall have the results by next week.
Awesome! This should be very interesting! @readalot. Very generous of you!
Dirt Is doing a bunch of testing that he will share with us and the only comment you have is a petty criticism.
Appreciate it buns.. truth is im an assclown to people on the forum sometimes..... tit for tat I reckon!
what would Dirthand do?
50/50 chance it could go either way!! Lol
Willing to chip in 50 bucks on this dirt if u can accept usdt
That's really cool.. truth is Mr. Readalot has covered 100% of the testing being performed on this raw..There was actually some money left over of which he had me send to my sister for a dinner as a thank you for performing sterility test on my personal gear!! I wouldn't feel right about taking money from you for something someone has already paid for. I did send off samples for concentration of finished oils with this raw and some more for sterility but it is for my personal gear.. I will post all of those results in my brew log tho.. My initial idea was to start this thread for readalot and back away as I do not have much scientific knowledge to add for or against the subject at hand.. However I would consider doing the leg work for other testing if he wants to continue. So hold that though we shall see what holds in the future.. Very kind of you..

Sorry Jeff no paragraphs.....
ChatGPT will do it for you, for free:

Hey guys, it's Dirthand. I am starting this thread for @readalot. This man has been going around this forum preaching about his concerns and mission regarding heavy metals and other contaminants in the gear we use. I never really read much of what he wrote, but I always noticed that he catches a lot of flak for it. He always seems to take the criticism without resorting to personal insults, which I kind of respected.

Anyway, after his sabbatical (or whatever), he came back to the forum and saw that I had been making some gear and doing a bit of extra testing. He saw an opportunity. He contacted me and offered to reimburse me for some of the GCMS and sterility tests I had done on some testosterone I made. WTF? That was my thing. I guess he thought he needed to butter me up to get my help.

He wanted to know if he could get in on the new testing I did and add some extra tests, although I didn’t really care about endotoxins, heavy metals, residual solvents, etc. After thinking about it, I realized it wouldn’t hurt. If I could help give this man a little peace and/or joy with his obsession, why the hell not? As human beings, we should always try to lift each other up, not tear each other down (I know… I should take my own advice, huh).

So, I sent some stuff in for testing this morning. Among the samples was Boldenone Undecylenate raw that Mr. @readalot sent me several hundred dollars to have tested six ways from Sunday. I didn’t profit from this in any way, except for possibly getting one of my raws tested at no cost (although the man has offered to send money to my sister for the sterility testing she does for me, which I declined). My reward was just helping the poor guy out.

Everybody has been telling him to put his money where his mouth is, so that’s what he did. I’ll let him explain the tests being performed, and perhaps we’ll have the results by next week.

What are you some grammer scholar?
Dirt Is doing a bunch of testing that he will share with us and the only comment you have is a petty criticism.

Fuck off you punk bitch. So tired of these whiny little cunt new members who add absolutely no value to the forum and just add garbage posts that take up space.
Amen UncleBuns!!!

