Tren's effect on future fertility when B&C "anyways"


New Member
So I asked myself the following: Is tren a future obstacle of getting fertile when using while B&C.

So lets say Person X is on TRT and/or Blast for 5+ years. The "testes" are shut down anyways right, most probably. Let's say that Person now chooses to use a moderate dose of tren for a few weeks pre contest or the such. But 1 year after that cut, the person wants to become fertile again to get a happy&healthy kido.

The Tren metabolites are gone by now - will there be a significant dowside for the persons fertility plan opposed to if the person would haved use anavar/mast instead?

I tried to rationalize my way into an satisfying conclusion but with my limited knowledge on the matter, I'm not happy with what I came up with. Any deeper knowledge or toughts?
So I asked myself the following: Is tren a future obstacle of getting fertile when using while B&C.

So lets say Person X is on TRT and/or Blast for 5+ years. The "testes" are shut down anyways right, most probably. Let's say that Person now chooses to use a moderate dose of tren for a few weeks pre contest or the such. But 1 year after that cut, the person wants to become fertile again to get a happy&healthy kido.

The Tren metabolites are gone by now - will there be a significant dowside for the persons fertility plan opposed to if the person would haved use anavar/mast instead?

I tried to rationalize my way into an satisfying conclusion but with my limited knowledge on the matter, I'm not happy with what I came up with. Any deeper knowledge or toughts?
This is anecdotal, I know someone personally who had kids while on a heavy blast, he was running tren, eq and test plus some orals. When I say kids, maybe 3 we’re conceived while on blast.

But there are guys who lose fertility even if they never touched tren.

This just indicates response differs among users and you have to try it yourself to determine how you react. The most common way for people to ensure they have a backup plan is to freeze some sperm before they touch any PED.
This is anecdotal, I know someone personally who had kids while on a heavy blast, he was running tren, eq and test plus some orals. When I say kids, maybe 3 we’re conceived while on blast.

But there are guys who lose fertility even if they never touched tren.

This just indicates response differs among users and you have to try it yourself to determine how you react. The most common way for people to ensure they have a backup plan is to freeze some sperm before they touch any PED.
Yes, I did read a lot of these anecdotal reports. Afaik nearly all users who were fertile before going on exogenus hormones did become fertile again after ~6 moths, often even without PCT...

It's an very important topic I think. Thanks for the input @DECLAN !
Posting a paper. I'm shocked. You must be a doctor?

Also "you did not give information on tren" you posted an articel of absolute surface knowledge broscience level basics.

If I'm the kid, where are your manners?
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@Grey Spartan Nevertheless, your right I should read & understand how the HPT axis acts/works.

(If you did so, I would highly appreciate a quick sum-up that answers my question instead of just posting an article that is not connected to the question without any further context. Being old is not equicalent with being knowledgeable *take that with a grain of salt, or sriracha sauce*)

Much love!
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