MESO-Rx Exclusive How safe (dangerous) is 1000mg per week of testosterone?

What do you think about 1000mg per week TESTOSTERONE for an advanced trainer?

  • Excessive

    Votes: 71 34.3%
  • A little high

    Votes: 70 33.8%
  • Just right

    Votes: 48 23.2%
  • A little low

    Votes: 9 4.3%
  • Not enough

    Votes: 9 4.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Test is the safest compound, cycling on 1g of test only is often more safe than stacking several compounds at low dosages with higher toxicity.
The body do not care about how many digits you are injecting.
With 1000mg of test, I have almost no sides, and it doesn't affect the sleep, libido, appetite etc.
My bloods remain good and healthy as well (lipids and liver enzymes), no elevated BP.

With 500mg test and 200mg tren e, I sleep less, and it sometimes kill my appetite for some reason Idk
with 500mg test and 400mg deca, my libido isn't top
and on both, I have higher cholesterol, and slighly higher liver enzymes compared to test only cycles.
Low dosages 19-nor in general (200-400mg) are much more toxic than the extra 500mg you gonna add of test to have 1000mg weekly dosage.
Neuro toxicity, BP problems, libido problems, mood changes, thyroid and cholesterol.
Perfectly right for me
So, I was a high dose guy... but moved to less Test and throw in other compounds.

The bloating from really high Test dose, along with having to chase tail with AI, and many overusing AI...
Is far worse with regards to appetite for me.

I would rather NOT use AI.
Not be bloated so I can actually eat more food.
So max of 720 Test D with 600 Deca will allow me to omit AI entirely and less bloating.

When I was above 1.2g Test... 900 Deca... I can go without AI and use Nolva, but more bloating and distended stomach, less appetite.

Food is more important than gear.
Dennis James even said "cut your gear in half, and eat more food"...

As far as dangerous... it's all dangerous.
I think the ones that have lasted a long time and that are still alive from Golden Era, used less than people think.

I was torn between excessive and a little high. I would personally rather run Test+Mast or Test+Mast+NPP at lower dosages. The total amount would still be around 1000 mg, but I don't need to take as much AI. I've never taken over 500mg test for a cycle. I know guys who have and only one of them went well, the other 2 felt crappy and couldn't seem to dial in their estrogen properly.

Now for someone who's advanced (or some may say beyond advanced lol) and they're competing for the title of Mr. O, then sure maybe. Idk though I am not at that level nor am I trying to be...

So I'll just keep doing my little "baby cycles" (lol) and try to stay healthy, strong, and large. I lost a lot of muscle over the last few months and I have a back procedure coming up so I am trying my best to maintain but yeah I lost 30 pounds pretty much all muscle, health issues suck. Went from 230 to at one point I was down to 188!!! Thankfully haven't gained any fat, but god damn my strength is down the toilet right now. When I am back at it after a couple months I'll likely go back on a little mast and anavar to try to stack on some weight again.

Anyway, I personally would never run over 500 mg test because I know what works for me and what works is Test + a DHT derivative + NPP. I tried Tren and while it worked I wouldn't do it again.
All I can say is my best cycle to date was 1000 test and 800-1000 primo with 5iu gh. I kept calories roughly 500 above maintenance and put on weight while leaning up. Also took 80mg telmisartan. My hct was below cruise levels (under 50) and my bp hardly moved. It was by far my best cycle and best physique to date.

I don’t compete
1 gram of test, alone, for the right person, right in regards to:
- side effects (or lack thereof) experienced from test
- viable reasons for not using other drugs (like side effects from them)
- a goal that warrants 1g
- suitable diet and training

Probably not altogether that risky as a cycle.

I’d argue it’s much more about the overall approach/duration/time off/supplemental support/etc.

My big holdup with 1 gram of test is, for most, the inevitable aromatization and then the required anti estrogen use. Improper/excessive AI use is probably far more risky than most of the drugs we use, and I think the message being spread, probably correctly, is to avoid use if possible with smarter cycle designs and dosages. I probably wouldn’t group it together with like, only-deca cycles but, I think we know there are smarter decisions that can be made.

1 gram is still circulating in some conversations as the holy grail to a new level of gains, so much so that I’m seeing inexperienced competitors on a g within a cycle or two. Alarming…

Edit; missed the last ask: better alternatives.

A test dose that does not require anti estrogen use with or without something like primo (when total dosage for progress dictates it) and strictly due to the amount of progress my clients see with it, some deca.

1 g test vs 3-500 test, 3-500 primo, 200-300 deca; I’m going with the later.
What are the really dangerous health effects of AIs? Thanks
Good to see the statement of 500mg a week a recommended minimum for test only cycle. For some reason, some guys here are pushing lower as a first cycle. Many report significant gains from their first cycle, should make the most if it.
I see amazing results from 200mg of test C. 24lbs gains after coming off of a cut. I could attribute some of the gains to disbanding the running I was doing 10-25 miles a week but even if I only consider what I gained above my normal body weight,12 lbs. in 2 months are still more than enough to satisfy me.
The impact of steroid cycles varies from person to person. Some individuals may not monitor their blood levels regularly and may not even be aware of pre-existing issues before starting a cycle. Personally, I’ve experimented with dosages of 900 test, deca, and eq for a short period, but found that maintaining a dosage of 500 for each compound worked well for me. I believe in the motto ‘if it’s not broken, don’t fix it,’ so my next blast will likely be around 500 each again, as it has proven effective.
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I see amazing results from 200mg of test C. 24lbs gains after coming off of a cut. I could attribute some of the gains to disbanding the running I was doing 10-25 miles a week but even if I only consider what I gained above my normal body weight,12 lbs. in 2 months are still more than enough to satisfy me.
Oh to be young and dumb …. Lmao

24lbs put on in two months, after coming off a cut on 200 mgs a week of test, you realize prob zero was muscle tissue.

Reddit wasn’t cutting it so came over to Meso ? Well if you pay attention you may actually learn a lot. Forget everything you think you know and read and listen.
Oh to be young and dumb …. Lmao

24lbs put on in two months, after coming off a cut on 200 mgs a week of test, you realize prob zero was muscle tissue.

Reddit wasn’t cutting it so came over to Meso ? Well if you pay attention you may actually learn a lot. Forget everything you think you know and read and listen.
right zero muscle been off the test for a month now and maintained the weight and notice a significant difference in body composition and strength that has persevered.