@narta.. Let me clarify as some times I get moving to fast.
The statement "won't work if you are fat" can obviously be qualified different for different folk and more importantly "WONT WORK" meaning to what degree they consider working... And NO I did not get half the returns on my recent comeback as to compared to my first love affair with test back in 2007 when i was not as fat.
Now if you are going to include other steroids more exotic that testosterone, that's a bit different especially if you are using steroids that cant engage the estrogen production process..., as far as fat loss and even muscle gain in lieu of estrogen not rising proportionally. But of couse if you are fat these steroids may bring you up to optimal proportional balance for growth now even..
And yea, if already fat, you can re-composition the body with help from test alone. Keep in mind the context of this thread was TESTOSTERONE.. But thats a weak muted down return with equal gains in FAT for that matter... So in my mind the old school description here "wont work", would be right on target because I dont call getting fatter for every dollar of muscle hypertropy "Working". I don't even consider getting heavier and it being all muscle "working". Heavier being retaining fat and gaining a bit of muscle. And keep in mind in terms of fat cell POPULATION, once the have manifested via hyperplasia, they will ALWAYS be there just waiting to blow back up. And the funny part is fat hypertophy is best achieved with ZERO WORK. LOL. But kinda interesting if you think about it like that. But, sure though if you want to include "Working in the wrong direction".... And dont tell me that if you are fat you can run test alone and drop body fat. Maybe shrink it for a minute. The best you can do is walk the tightrope as it always takes equal proportional increases in estrogen to androgen activity to grow muscle OR fat.. But its going no where AS A CELL short of some serious effort and substance application that is dangerous. But to translate even if your strength-to-weighing on the scale proportion APPEARS to be moving in the right direction seemingly indicating proper "Growth", this in no way means that you are not also achieving gains in adipose tissue via hyperplasia, and just not fully activation of blowing up yet... NEVER underestimate the bodies propensity to put on fat, whether its apparent at the time or not. I wager its the easier of the two to generate new cells in the body..
While many things that I have mentioned are caveated as "sourced and repeated knowlege", I can tell you this. I am now convinced that testosterone use is AT LEAST as effective as causing hypertrophy in body fat.
I would not even be surprise if it not even more effective in hyperPLASIA of adipose tissue, as opposed to muscle. Thats two cents from me though. Could have to do with age aas well..
And it sounds like
@narta you are pre-dispositioning to reference highly dedicated athletes. Most people don't do shit. And of the ones that do a very small percentage is elite or uses gear. So yea that old school statement was also made in the context of advising both gym and steroid newbies..
"For every day we are alive on this Earth and consuming a Caloric SURPLUS, we are either adding muscle or fat. Which one do you want it to be." and again the interesting part is like my example I like to use about how EASY it is to effect a negative as compared to the difficulty in attaining and achieving a positive.
Body fat acquisition and retention merely take lying on the couch eating Twinkies. Muscle acquisition and retention requires that painful thing called WORK. EITHER fat OR Muscle can shrink and atrophy, temporarily. Either can also hypertrophy very by simple or hard but known effective methodology. KILLING AND REMOVING FAT CELLS is something that short of surgery is pretty impossible. Same as muscle.
But which one again is it easier to come by hyperplasia in??!?!?!? Again, we must define and qualify the statement "Steroids will not work if fat"...