MESO-Rx Exclusive How safe (dangerous) is 1000mg per week of testosterone?

What do you think about 1000mg per week TESTOSTERONE for an advanced trainer?

  • Excessive

    Votes: 71 34.3%
  • A little high

    Votes: 70 33.8%
  • Just right

    Votes: 48 23.2%
  • A little low

    Votes: 9 4.3%
  • Not enough

    Votes: 9 4.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Are you really going to make me get out a magnifying glass to read a criticism or insult? Or are you just trying to confirm my age by eyesight degradation!??? :)
I think he was implying you write a damn good wall of text and he's too scared to read it
same training same diet( or lack of :)) as deca makes me eat the house.
there was a confounding factor to this tough and that is the 1000mg of metformin I introduced two months before this cycle on the cruise and kept during. It definetly made me weaker or better said made me not gain strength on twice the amount of gear...
I will get bloods done to see if the metformin screwed my liver (unlikely but there are a few cases in literature) or reduced my b12 levels.
So I am not drawing any conclusions yet, and I will make a post about my experience when I figure it out.
Just fyi. You know they cant seem to manufacture metformin these days with out fucking it up and having a high level of a cacinogenic substance. And its seems across the board with many generic manufacturers. Might want to look your brand up and the FDA recall site..
I think he was implying you write a damn good wall of text and he's too scared to read it
Sorry I can't help it that no keyboard known to man can withstand my super-human typing skills. Combine that with my ET friends and brain disorders and I guess I understand now.. Perhaps I need to start dumbing myself down with something stronger, for the good of mankind.. LOL Shit that calls for a beer thank GOD its only Saturday..
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Sorry I can't help it that no keyboard known to man can withstand my super-human typing skills. Combine with with my ET friends and brain disorders and I guess I understand now.. Perhaps I need to start dumbing myself down with something stronger, for the good of mankind.. LOL Shit that calls for a beer thank GOD its only Saturday..
oh man don't take the wrong way, I prefer a wall of informative posts than a half assed answer to a complex question.
Thats why I always hammer people to. expand on what they say and mean... human language is limited and most arguments happen because one or both party's misunderstands the other.
Just fyi. You know they cant seem to manufacture metformin these days with out fucking it up and having a high level of a cacinogenic substance. And its seems across the board with many generic manufacturers. Might want to look your brand up and the FDA recall site..
yeah I was aware of the issue before hand and dismissed it as the amount of carcinogens is tiny compared to other shit we intake... like car fumes etc.. there was a study I think disproving the whole issue... and een if it was valid I highly doubt it would have given me issues in 3 months in total thar i used it.. unless I was predispossed to it somehow and that remains to be seen
yeah I was aware of the issue before hand and dismissed it as the amount of carcinogens is tiny compared to other shit we intake... like car fumes etc.. there was a study I think disproving the whole issue... and een if it was valid I highly doubt it would have given me issues in 3 months in total thar i used it.. unless I was predispossed to it somehow and that remains to be seen
Yea and actually ironically I think its the exact same harmful substance that is generated or used in the production of tobacco. Maybe the heating process but could be wrong all together. Its amazing how much I attempt to rely on a rotten memory. LOL SO I would have probably gotten more dipping..

SHAMELESS PLUG HERE - Copenhagen is the second cleanest snuff to that regard and coming in a close second to Swedish brand called GENERAL Snuss...
oh man don't take the wrong way, I prefer a wall of informative posts than a half assed answer to a complex question.
Thats why I always hammer people to. expand on what they say and mean... human language is limited and most arguments happen because one or both party's misunderstands the other.
You know I think they say that the English language is actually one of the hardest to learn. And its because there is a damn word for every single thought or fart we can think or emit. And then on top of that we can twist and torque context (and meaning even!) with the verbal action of tone inflection, and in addition to "Slang" as well as simple but DEFINED MULTIPLE MEANINGS if you consult a damn dictionary..! I mean FOR HEAVENS SAKE?!?!? And yes writing in forums is a very limited form or expression i find as even when i go to great efforts to cautiously spell out every dayam word for thought, its still tough to deliver an accurate message as FULLY intented. Thus you can note the tools I am notorious for being CAPS, or bolding, or COLORs, and SPACING. And the best part is that then all that effort and it just confuses the average joe even more if he in not capable of understanding the construct, intent, and delivery.. THEN on top of all that the way any message is received by another is also greatly determined by WHAT FREQUECY THEY ARE ON and their personal psychological filters.. so them many times its all for naught.. Just crazy so I appreciate your patronage to sound communication principles more people should realize these things. But a CLOWN WORLD it is so it would seem these days.. o_O ;) :) A wise man once said WORDS ARE MORE POWERFUL THAT MOST WILL EVER REALIZE..!
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Are you really going to make me get out a magnifying glass to read a criticism or insult? Or are you just trying to confirm my age by eyesight degradation!??? :)
I think it's a meme for "that's a lot of text".

Edit: oops, should have read all the latest posts.
i love this study since it is, in my opinion, built up quite well.

it is only up to 600mg a week but i would say if someone is a healthy individual and has some knowledge how to react to different sides that may appear, 1g of test a week is pretty safe.
- Keep e2 in check but dont destroy it
- Keep an eye on blood pressure / heart rate
- Keep an eye on rbc/HB/HCT
And @narta.. Let me clarify as some times I get moving to fast.

The statement "won't work if you are fat" can obviously be qualified different for different folk and more importantly "WONT WORK" meaning to what degree they consider working... And NO I did not get half the returns on my recent comeback as to compared to my first love affair with test back in 2007 when i was not as fat.

Now if you are going to include other steroids more exotic that testosterone, that's a bit different especially if you are using steroids that cant engage the estrogen production process..., as far as fat loss and even muscle gain in lieu of estrogen not rising proportionally. But of couse if you are fat these steroids may bring you up to optimal proportional balance for growth now even..

And yea, if already fat, you can re-composition the body with help from test alone. Keep in mind the context of this thread was TESTOSTERONE.. But thats a weak muted down return with equal gains in FAT for that matter... So in my mind the old school description here "wont work", would be right on target because I dont call getting fatter for every dollar of muscle hypertropy "Working". I don't even consider getting heavier and it being all muscle "working". Heavier being retaining fat and gaining a bit of muscle. And keep in mind in terms of fat cell POPULATION, once the have manifested via hyperplasia, they will ALWAYS be there just waiting to blow back up. And the funny part is fat hypertophy is best achieved with ZERO WORK. LOL. But kinda interesting if you think about it like that. But, sure though if you want to include "Working in the wrong direction".... And dont tell me that if you are fat you can run test alone and drop body fat. Maybe shrink it for a minute. The best you can do is walk the tightrope as it always takes equal proportional increases in estrogen to androgen activity to grow muscle OR fat.. But its going no where AS A CELL short of some serious effort and substance application that is dangerous. But to translate even if your strength-to-weighing on the scale proportion APPEARS to be moving in the right direction seemingly indicating proper "Growth", this in no way means that you are not also achieving gains in adipose tissue via hyperplasia, and just not fully activation of blowing up yet... NEVER underestimate the bodies propensity to put on fat, whether its apparent at the time or not. I wager its the easier of the two to generate new cells in the body..

While many things that I have mentioned are caveated as "sourced and repeated knowlege", I can tell you this. I am now convinced that testosterone use is AT LEAST as effective as causing hypertrophy in body fat. I would not even be surprise if it not even more effective in hyperPLASIA of adipose tissue, as opposed to muscle. Thats two cents from me though. Could have to do with age aas well..

And it sounds like @narta you are pre-dispositioning to reference highly dedicated athletes. Most people don't do shit. And of the ones that do a very small percentage is elite or uses gear. So yea that old school statement was also made in the context of advising both gym and steroid newbies..

"For every day we are alive on this Earth and consuming a Caloric SURPLUS, we are either adding muscle or fat. Which one do you want it to be." and again the interesting part is like my example I like to use about how EASY it is to effect a negative as compared to the difficulty in attaining and achieving a positive. ANYONE CAN TAKE A HAMMER AND SMASH THEIR OWN BIG TOE. BUT HOW MANY CAN BUILD A HOUSE..!

Body fat acquisition and retention merely take lying on the couch eating Twinkies. Muscle acquisition and retention requires that painful thing called WORK. EITHER fat OR Muscle can shrink and atrophy, temporarily. Either can also hypertrophy very by simple or hard but known effective methodology. KILLING AND REMOVING FAT CELLS is something that short of surgery is pretty impossible. Same as muscle. But which one again is it easier to come by hyperplasia in??!?!?!? Again, we must define and qualify the statement "Steroids will not work if fat"...
What I can summarize from that wall of text is that you know zero shit what recomp means. You assume that test can build new muscle (or better said hypertrophy the existing muscle fibers) ONLY on a significant amount of caloric surplus, disregarding the FACT that diet, more specifically diet manipulation is the key that allows the testosterone to work it's magic.

But that's understandable if someone is just regurgitating brosience and bodybuilding stereotypical thinking.

Supraphysiological testosterone levels can increase x fold the body's response to training and diet. If those parameters are shit, testosterone supplementation will have shit results times X.
I took 1000mg of test once in a single shot by accident once. It gave me some pretty disturbing dreams.
Definitely felt off for a couple days. Wouldn’t want to run that.
I took 1000mg of test once in a single shot by accident once. It gave me some pretty disturbing dreams.
Definitely felt off for a couple days. Wouldn’t want to run that.
You took it in single shot… of course you wouldn’t want to run it that way, this thread is weekly. And how in the actual fuck does one do that, accidentally?!?!
You took it in single shot… of course you wouldn’t want to run it that way, this thread is weekly. And how in the actual fuck does one do that, accidentally?!?!
Short answer is by being a fucking idiot I suppose.
Long answer is when I first started cycling gear a source I used had some test 500. I think it was like a hybrid ester held with like EO or something. Anyhow I thought, cool I’ll just get it and inject less oil. Well that shit is ridiculously painful after you pin. I had trouble walking and sitting. So I didn’t throw it out but had it in the cabinet with the cyp 200. One night I came home late and didn’t want to put off taking my shot. I grabbed the 500 I had stopped using thinking it was the regular test cyp200 and pulled 2ml. I was doing 700mg a week test only. Which was 2 shots of 400mg test every fourth day.

I realized right after what I had done.

Eventually I ended up just diluting the test 500 with sterile oil to reduce the concentration and it was ok to pin after that.
What I can summarize from that wall of text is that you know zero shit what recomp means. You assume that test can build new muscle (or better said hypertrophy the existing muscle fibers) ONLY on a significant amount of caloric surplus, disregarding the FACT that diet, more specifically diet manipulation is the key that allows the testosterone to work it's magic.

But that's understandable if someone is just regurgitating brosience and bodybuilding stereotypical thinking.

Supraphysiological testosterone levels can increase x fold the body's response to training and diet. If those parameters are shit, testosterone supplementation will have shit results times X.
HABLE??!! We are kinda saying the same things and kinda not... I said PRECISELY that diet manipulation is the key. THE PROBLEM is that controlling the quality and quantify of YOUR "DIET", Is as difficult as it it important to the process. Which is all about body fat and whether or not a cycle is working optimally depending on the operator's intent.

Keep in mind (and I think you were the the 7 foot green giant that described your TWO YEAR PROCESS) and how you recomped.. FYI 2 years of steady training to achieve some still fat changes in composition is the precise definition of steroids NOT working... LOL ... And I understand recomping well.. Personally I would say its not possible and you are just truly shrinking fat and enlarging muscle temporarily if you are older. But is you are younger than yes. But a 2 year chart of "RESULTS" as recomp is NOT what a steroid CYCLE "working" is about. AT ALL...

On diet - In fact the FIRST COMPONENT of a steroid cycle is CALORIES. As with no calories the body would have not reason for the furnace (cell) thermostat to put out the demand call and open up the doors to interface with metabolic components... With no calories there is little need for INSULIN, THYROID, SEX HORMONES, Minerals for the SPARK PLUG, Water as coolant and operational solvent, Fat as lipids (Coal on the fire to stoke it), and SO ON. The magic that happens at the cell is way more than the action of a single steroid or two. Be it testosterone or more exotic form...

And OF COURSE there must be a surplus be it ever so slight in a perfect bubble. You dont really believe that fat converts back into calories of value for growth do ya? It is fuel for metabolic fire at best. It can not turn back into protein for growth. So what are you saying exactly...? That because in two years of hard work in the gym you are affirming your testosterone worked and for recomp purpose.?? I'm here to tell ya that in that time frame it may have contributed a lot less that you think. Unless of course you had you caloric intake increase to perfection? Still your fat would not have gone to far in that case... So what again are you missing about diet being Key #1, and testosterone not working on fatties???.
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Short answer is by being a fucking idiot I suppose.
Long answer is when I first started cycling gear a source I used had some test 500. I think it was like a hybrid ester held with like EO or something. Anyhow I thought, cool I’ll just get it and inject less oil. Well that shit is ridiculously painful after you pin. I had trouble walking and sitting. So I didn’t throw it out but had it in the cabinet with the cyp 200. One night I came home late and didn’t want to put off taking my shot. I grabbed the 500 I had stopped using thinking it was the regular test cyp200 and pulled 2ml. I was doing 700mg a week test only. Which was 2 shots of 400mg test every fourth day.

I realized right after what I had done.

Eventually I ended up just diluting the test 500 with sterile oil to reduce the concentration and it was ok to pin after that.
Holy shit that must’ve hurt. I remember Beligas had a super Sustanon that was 500mg lol.
Holy shit that must’ve hurt. I remember Beligas had a super Sustanon that was 500mg lol.
I remember standing in the parking lot with my car door open just standing there because I didn’t want to sit down.

Just standing there. A while.
Shit was serious.
I wonder how many actually ran 1g before they talk...

Reading is one thing, doing it is another.

I have done 1g of test in the past, I thought shit it's gonna be bad, because I was listening to too much of opinion from people who only read and repeat and don't have experience at all.

It wasn't even bad at all, sure it definitely feels like you're taking quite a lot, but it's nothing that is impossible to manage. As long as I controlled my estrogen and didn't eat too much junk food, I felt okay, not good, not normal, but okay.

Gains wise it was all right, I gained a lot of weight, I then added in anadrol and it was awesome. But again nothing too bad in terms of sides, I'd rather repeat this than do tren at over 300mg/week.

As for sides...
-night sweats (not every night though, as weeks pass body adapts and I sweat less and less...)
-increasing sweating and heat
-estrogen spiking (now with a lot more experience, I know how to manage it properly)
-acne (I'm prone to it and honestly dht gives me worse acne than this, low dose roaccutane clears it completely)
-minor blood pressure increase of 5-7 points in sys

P.S. I don't recommend using 1g or do what I do, just my personal experience on it, not some internet blabber and parroting...
I wonder how many actually ran 1g before they talk...

Reading is one thing, doing it is another.

I have done 1g of test in the past, I thought shit it's gonna be bad, because I was listening to too much of opinion from people who only read and repeat and don't have experience at all.

It wasn't even bad at all, sure it definitely feels like you're taking quite a lot, but it's nothing that is impossible to manage. As long as I controlled my estrogen and didn't eat too much junk food, I felt okay, not good, not normal, but okay.

Gains wise it was all right, I gained a lot of weight, I then added in anadrol and it was awesome. But again nothing too bad in terms of sides, I'd rather repeat this than do tren at over 300mg/week.

As for sides...
-night sweats (not every night though, as weeks pass body adapts and I sweat less and less...)
-increasing sweating and heat
-estrogen spiking (now with a lot more experience, I know how to manage it properly)
-acne (I'm prone to it and honestly dht gives me worse acne than this, low dose roaccutane clears it completely)
-minor blood pressure increase of 5-7 points in sys

P.S. I don't recommend using 1g or do what I do, just my personal experience on it, not some internet blabber and parroting...
I only tried it once in the beginning of my blast and cruise adventure.
I did not like it as i was agitated all day and night it was hard to sleep had oily skin , pimples on my shoulders.
Thinking back at it my problem was high E.
I was taking 3 Aromasin but was not enough.
Because the internet experts made me think 75 mg of aromasin was a lot and also toxic.
Knowing what i know now i would take 4-5 Asin at that dose of test and probably be fine.
I ended the cycle and never whent above 500 mg test after that but i am tempted to try it again because if i manage estrogen right i feel best on test only .
I wonder how many actually ran 1g before they talk...

Reading is one thing, doing it is another.

I have done 1g of test in the past, I thought shit it's gonna be bad, because I was listening to too much of opinion from people who only read and repeat and don't have experience at all.

It wasn't even bad at all, sure it definitely feels like you're taking quite a lot, but it's nothing that is impossible to manage. As long as I controlled my estrogen and didn't eat too much junk food, I felt okay, not good, not normal, but okay.

Gains wise it was all right, I gained a lot of weight, I then added in anadrol and it was awesome. But again nothing too bad in terms of sides, I'd rather repeat this than do tren at over 300mg/week.

As for sides...
-night sweats (not every night though, as weeks pass body adapts and I sweat less and less...)
-increasing sweating and heat
-estrogen spiking (now with a lot more experience, I know how to manage it properly)
-acne (I'm prone to it and honestly dht gives me worse acne than this, low dose roaccutane clears it completely)
-minor blood pressure increase of 5-7 points in sys

P.S. I don't recommend using 1g or do what I do, just my personal experience on it, not some internet blabber and parroting...
Fuckin A…

I get so sick of the hypothetical overthinking and microanalysis of this shit. I had a god damn great time on a gram of test. Did I have side effects? Yes, but what the fuck do you expect? Did I also set PRs every workout and have fucking insane sex drive? Also, yes.

If you want to play this game, you have to accept that you are temporarily sacrificing health to an unknown degree in exchange for increased strength and size. I don’t know when this became a novel concept.