How steroids made me depressed

I didn't realize Mike Ohearn was the op.
On a srs note. I feel bad for people that have this issue. I haven't showed any signs of hair loss.

I spent my whole life thinking I was gonna go bald. Didn't happen from age or from drugs that should cause it/speed it.
On a srs note. I feel bad for people that have this issue. I haven't showed any signs of hair loss.

I spent my whole life thinking I was gonna go bald. Didn't happen from age or from drugs that should cause it/speed it.
Mine has slowly crept back over the years. Started in my 30s. I'm now in my 50s.
Enjoy the process and don't stress about things you cant change .
Shit id like to be over 6 feet tall but it is what it is.
Did i win at life ? Yes
Am i knee deep in pussy ? Yes
Do i have everything paid of and live mostly worries free ? Yes
It takes time bro don't sweat it if you read your post after you are 30 you will find it funny and will be happy how far you have made it .
Listen to some Goggins and Jordan Peterson videos on YouTube and kill it!
Thank you brother I appreciate it, in the mean time I am going to do some more research on how to regrow my hair
Looks like you are sensitive to DHT and was already genetically prone to this.. I've been running gear since the age of 16 and only made me more chewbaka like...
Look you knew what you put yourself into the first day that needle went inside of you stop with the drama and stop using those "hair saving pills" because they can fuck you up even more..
Get a short haircut or just go bold see how your hair grows from 0 and maybe with time it'll grow back as it was before if not either you accept being bold or take a trip to turkey for hair transplant..
Regarding your comment about us the people of the forum being obsessed with how we look and shit... shame on you budy nothing else to add here..
Shame on me why? I am obsessed about how I look as much as everyone else here in this forum. It is a natural human desire to want to look your best. And there is no shame in it.
Have nice hair.... Use steroids.

Pick one.

I can tell you right off the bat, you didn't take the fina long enough to get any results. In fact, it's typical for it to make the shedding worse before it gets better.

Best advice you will ever get: stop fucking experimenting on yourself with drugs. You're either too young and immature to handle this, or it just doesn't align with anything you value.

Let time work it's magic, the hair will improve if you lay off the gear. Fucking forget about taking hair loss drugs - you're going to be back here asking for help because your dick stopped working or that you've suddenly become asexual.
I took finasteride for about 4 month and the reason I stopped is because I can tell the low dht was fucking with my head and libido.
To everyone reading this, Am sure am not the only man who’s struggled with hair loss. And am sure someone else has gone through my experience. Every time I look in the mirror my confidence and self esteem plummets and I overall just feel super insecure about it. Am not afraid or embarrassed to tell you how I really feel. Am going to keep it real. It makes feel unconfident, and insecure. If I figure a way to fix this hair loss thing am sure many other guys struggling with it will benefit from it as well. I will keep you guys updated.
Why can’t a hat work till you get a transplant? My best friend started balding at 20 and was full bald by 24. He didn’t use gear but he always had pussy and NEVER took his hat off in college. It’s easier then styling your hair and a lot girls like hats lol
I have been a member of this forum for a very long time, I have always seen posts on how to mitigate and get rid of side effects but this specific side effect that happened to me seems like it isn’t taken very seriously. I am going to have to reveal my age in this post and I hope that you guys don’t clown me for my young age and being on steroids. The reason I kind of have to reveal my age is so you understand why this effected me mentally so much. I am 21 years old and I started using steroids when I was 20. I have only 2 cycles under my belt. The first one was just 8 weeks of test at 300mgs and the second was test(400) and primo(200) With a little bit of anadrol (25mgs). That cycle was just 12 weeks. I feel that I have always used extremely low doses. Anyways what is that side effect? It’s hair loss. Pretty much as soon as I started my first cycle I got instant shedding. And now it’s at an uncontrollable rate. It is supper embarrassing especially around my friends. I used to have such long hair and now I have thin hair and multiple bald spots on my head. I have tried pretty much everything out their to fix it. Oils, shampoos, finasteride. And nothing seems to be able to fix it. Some vets on here will say to just go bald and shave everything. But unfortunately I just can’t be confident without my hair. Not all of us look good bald. It was simply part of my identity. Anyways guys I would appreciate if you can give some tips or pm me. Am sure you understand why my young age is relevant in this matter as no one my age should have this ugly of a head.

I don't know much about regrowing hair, but I will just say this.. embrace it!

Shave it down and move on.. hair is not necessary to be happy. You might be surprised at the ladies that actually like a bald head.
Why can’t a hat work till you get a transplant? My best friend started balding at 20 and was full bald by 24. He didn’t use gear but he always had pussy and NEVER took his hat off in college. It’s easier then styling your hair and a lot girls like hats lol
I don’t look good in hats man
Where the rubber meets the road, if mpb runs in your family,and you want to keep your hair, peds might not be for you.
Where the rubber meets the road, if mpb runs in your family,and you want to keep your hair, peds might not be for you.
He doesn't want to hear that. He wants to hear that he can keep doing what he's been doing. He will ignore everything he hears that tells him otherwise. Just like everything other kid that comes here.
He doesn't want to hear that. He wants to hear that he can keep doing what he's been doing. He will ignore everything he hears that tells him otherwise. Just like everything other kid that comes here.
No not at all, I understand that this is the truth. I am no longer blasting, as of right now I am just trying to figure out a way to regrow my hair
I believe I have found the solution after doing a LOT of reseaarch. It is ru5881, minoxidil, and topical finasteride combined. The RU blocks the androgen receptor at the scalp, the topical finasteride will lower the dht at the scalp, and minoxidil for regrowth. I have purchased all the products and am going to try them. I am going to update you guys. If this is a success I may also give you guys before and after pictures if I am comfortable enough.