How steroids made me depressed

I have been a member of this forum for a very long time, I have always seen posts on how to mitigate and get rid of side effects but this specific side effect that happened to me seems like it isn’t taken very seriously. I am going to have to reveal my age in this post and I hope that you guys don’t clown me for my young age and being on steroids. The reason I kind of have to reveal my age is so you understand why this effected me mentally so much. I am 21 years old and I started using steroids when I was 20. I have only 2 cycles under my belt. The first one was just 8 weeks of test at 300mgs and the second was test(400) and primo(200) With a little bit of anadrol (25mgs). That cycle was just 12 weeks. I feel that I have always used extremely low doses. Anyways what is that side effect? It’s hair loss. Pretty much as soon as I started my first cycle I got instant shedding. And now it’s at an uncontrollable rate. It is supper embarrassing especially around my friends. I used to have such long hair and now I have thin hair and multiple bald spots on my head. I have tried pretty much everything out their to fix it. Oils, shampoos, finasteride. And nothing seems to be able to fix it. Some vets on here will say to just go bald and shave everything. But unfortunately I just can’t be confident without my hair. Not all of us look good bald. It was simply part of my identity. Anyways guys I would appreciate if you can give some tips or pm me. Am sure you understand why my young age is relevant in this matter as no one my age should have this ugly of a head.
Reminds me of these videos --

I think Hims or one of those companies make a topical Minoxidil + Finasteride (or possibly a Minoxidil + Dutasteride) that you can apply. That, along with dermarolling and a ketoconazole shampoo and I think you could see some decent results (Derek makes one Intelligent Super Volumizing Anti-Thinning Shampoo).

Personally, I look good bald with a giant ass beard, and don't feel like doing that shit for the rest of my life or paying for a hair transplant. Plus I started balding when I was like 24 or some shit (before AAS use) and I knew I was gonna be rockin the chrome dome at some point. Hope you can fix your problem man, considering how much your hair means to you.
Harsh truth but this is why we tell young people not to start gear, and especially why we tell people not to take low dose cycles for short periods of times.

You may have permanently altered your brain chemistry and shut down your hormone balances, so you could have very underwhelming results. Now instead of spending your early 20s worried about school, sports, fun, etc.... You're worried about going bald and dealing with depression.

Nothing we say can undo how you feel, but please tell your story when you see other young guys wanting to jump the gun like you did. (Clearly) they don't listen to the older guys, the same way you didn't, but they might take advice from you since they see you as more of an equal
Harsh truth but this is why we tell young people not to start gear, and especially why we tell people not to take low dose cycles for short periods of times.

You may have permanently altered your brain chemistry and shut down your hormone balances, so you could have very underwhelming results. Now instead of spending your early 20s worried about school, sports, fun, etc.... You're worried about going bald and dealing with depression.

Nothing we say can undo how you feel, but please tell your story when you see other young guys wanting to jump the gun like you did. (Clearly) they don't listen to the older guys, the same way you didn't, but they might take advice from you since they see you as more of an equal
I agree with everything you said, like I said I can’t change the past. The best thing is to move forward and learn from this mistake. As of right now my main goal is to fix my hair.
Hair isn’t overrated bro, it shows that you are young and healthy and that is why females find it attractive. Especially in my age being bald is definitely a no go. Anyone who tells you the way you look doesn’t matter in my opinion is telling you complete bullshit. Afcorse the way you look matters, this is why this forum is full of obsessed gym freaks who are on grams of steroids. Because the way you LOOK MATTERS.
My man I’m 34 now and my hair when I was your age was my pride. I feel you for sure. The older you get the less you care about it. Short hair now different style different friends. I would suggest shave it fuck it. Like others have said get some different cloths. Go hang out at different spots. You look “bad” because you are not used to it. Go meet some lady’s you don’t know. Older ones are not gonna care as much and are going to put out more anyways.
Do people even still cap on people for being bald ? I don’t think I’ve heard of shit like that since childhood making fun of old adults

It’s low hanging fruit anyway …

I think you should embrace the good and don’t let the bad get to you life’s full of peaks and valleys… if I had to guess this is nowhere close to the toughest pill you will have to swallow.

Go enjoy life plenty of things to be grateful for you just have to adjust your perspective.
But why though?

Have you tried to unpack that? For what reason are you insecure about it ? Do you get made fun of ?
It is because of multiple reasons, 1. my facial structure does not look good without hair, 2. It is weird at my age that I don’t have hair 3. Girls my age prefer guys with hair overall gets in my head and fucks with my confidence
Have you placed your order yet to buy these medications? More times on interwebz = more hairloss. Gotta place those orders
Yes it’s coming soon
Hell yeah bro, welcome to the fuck going bald club. You already won the battle since they will be arriving at your doorstep. Just gotta be persistent to win the war. It takes time furrsure. Coscto kirkland minoxidil is 10$ a bottle. 1 month. RU i use half the recommended dose topically and finasteride ~1mg mixed in my minoxidil + oral fin 1mg every other day. I also do microneedling. Goodluck.
Hell yeah bro, welcome to the fuck going bald club. You already won the battle since they will be arriving at your doorstep. Just gotta be persistent to win the war. It takes time furrsure. Coscto kirkland minoxidil is 10$ a bottle. 1 month. RU i use half the recommended dose topically and finasteride ~1mg mixed in my minoxidil + oral fin 1mg every other day. I also do microneedling. Goodluck.
Thank you bro I will be updating you guys soon
It is because of multiple reasons, 1. my facial structure does not look good without hair, 2. It is weird at my age that I don’t have hair 3. Girls my age prefer guys with hair overall gets in my head and fucks with my confidence
Yea idk man different strokes for different folks I guess.

Gotta be some bigger issues than facial structure and girls …. just wear hats maybe? While you’re trying to come up with a solution that could work in the short term…
Yea idk man different strokes for different folks I guess.

Gotta be some bigger issues than facial structure and girls …. just wear hats maybe? While you’re trying to come up with a solution that could work in the short term…
Listen to make it simple am simply ugly as tuck without hair, that’s it.
Listen to make it simple am simply ugly as tuck without hair, that’s it.
Hair is not going to make you beautiful though if that's the case. Be bald, jacked and most of all have a personality and character.

There is a reason girls are attracted to older men. It ain't the hair.