How steroids made me depressed

I think you are being way too hard on yourself. Yes it's uncommon for someone in their early 20s to be straight up bald, but thats when a lot of mens hair starts to thin out anyways. Look at all these military guys with no hair. It only looks bad if you are wimpy and insecure about it.

Being bald is almost like a stamp of approval in the gym. When you say "meaty juicehead" I think 99% of people think of a beef monster with very thin, short, or shaved hair.

Skinny bald guys = cringe
Buff bald guys = badass
I think you are being way too hard on yourself. Yes it's uncommon for someone in their early 20s to be straight up bald, but thats when a lot of mens hair starts to thin out anyways. Look at all these military guys with no hair. It only looks bad if you are wimpy and insecure about it.

Being bald is almost like a stamp of approval in the gym. When you say "meaty juicehead" I think 99% of people think of a beef monster with very thin, short, or shaved hair.

Skinny bald guys = cringe
Buff bald guys = badass
I understand where you are coming from, unfortunately while he’s I am muscular and I look like an in steroids I do not have the physic of a ifbb pro, I have not been on steroids for long enough and I have never blasted with high doses to get those results either. I have only done 2 low dose cycles remember that. And I still would like to have my hair either way.
Finasteride minoxidil dermaroller RU58841 revita hair loss shampoo conditioner, I blast with tren and cruise with primo shit scorches my hair but I implemented the hair loss stack seems to keep it from falling out.
Most of you guys don't understand that hair loss is genetic, eh? If your mothers father was bald, you are going to be bald whatever you use. Steroids simply accelerate the hair loss.

My granddad was balding from his 20s, I went bald guess when... in my 20s.
Most of you guys don't understand that hair loss is genetic, eh? If your mothers father was bald, you are going to be bald whatever you use. Steroids simply accelerate the hair loss.

My granddad was balding from his 20s, I went bald guess when... in my 20s.
I know it’s genetic, I just didn’t expect it to be this extreme.
I think you are being way too hard on yourself. Yes it's uncommon for someone in their early 20s to be straight up bald, but thats when a lot of mens hair starts to thin out anyways. Look at all these military guys with no hair. It only looks bad if you are wimpy and insecure about it.

Being bald is almost like a stamp of approval in the gym. When you say "meaty juicehead" I think 99% of people think of a beef monster with very thin, short, or shaved hair.

Skinny bald guys = cringe
Buff bald guys = badass
My hair started thinning literally right after high school. I was 19 at the time. By 25, my hair line looked like Jessie Venture's, lmao. It was something I was forced to be come comfortable with at an early age. I'm sure 5ar inhibitors might have helped, but the toxic side effects just wasn't worth it. I rather feel good and get nice erections than have a full hair line. I knew it was coming anyways. My father had it, also my grandfather had it.
My hair started thinning literally right after high school. I was 19 at the time. By 25, my hair line looked like Jessie Venture's, lmao. It was something I was forced to be come comfortable with at an early age. I'm sure 5ar inhibitors might have helped, but the toxic side effects just wasn't worth it. I rather feel good and get nice erections than have a full hair line. I knew it was coming anyways. My father had it, also my grandfather had it.
And that’s something I don’t want to go through, I will try my best to fix my hair. If I can not then Oh well at least I tried. After I have tried is when I will accept it.
btw, once you gain some hairs, you need to post a thread titled "How steroids made me NOT depressed - A hairloss journey" hakahakhahaha
I have been a member of this forum for a very long time, I have always seen posts on how to mitigate and get rid of side effects but this specific side effect that happened to me seems like it isn’t taken very seriously. I am going to have to reveal my age in this post and I hope that you guys don’t clown me for my young age and being on steroids. The reason I kind of have to reveal my age is so you understand why this effected me mentally so much. I am 21 years old and I started using steroids when I was 20. I have only 2 cycles under my belt. The first one was just 8 weeks of test at 300mgs and the second was test(400) and primo(200) With a little bit of anadrol (25mgs). That cycle was just 12 weeks. I feel that I have always used extremely low doses. Anyways what is that side effect? It’s hair loss. Pretty much as soon as I started my first cycle I got instant shedding. And now it’s at an uncontrollable rate. It is supper embarrassing especially around my friends. I used to have such long hair and now I have thin hair and multiple bald spots on my head. I have tried pretty much everything out their to fix it. Oils, shampoos, finasteride. And nothing seems to be able to fix it. Some vets on here will say to just go bald and shave everything. But unfortunately I just can’t be confident without my hair. Not all of us look good bald. It was simply part of my identity. Anyways guys I would appreciate if you can give some tips or pm me. Am sure you understand why my young age is relevant in this matter as no one my age should have this ugly of a head.
Shave head+ grow beard+get jacked = beast
go watch all of MPMD hair restoration videos. If you do the "nuclear option", which IIRC, is topical minoxidil with micro needling, Finasteride, and Nizoral. But these people do this religiously for like years, and they make some damn good hair gains.....oh and your gonna have to NOT do anabolics while trying to grow hair.
After reading this i come to the same conclusion of most. There are a few options, stop using gear, keep using and try to do shorter fades or just fucking embrace it and shave it. Those are the real life scenarios you gotta pick what you want in life and go with it. You’ll regret a lot when older but you need to realize there is no changing whats done and get out of the depression over hair. Be depressed about bills, kids and bigger issues other than hair. If you are going to do something do research and expect the worse but hope for the best.
After reading this i come to the same conclusion of most. There are a few options, stop using gear, keep using and try to do shorter fades or just fucking embrace it and shave it. Those are the real life scenarios you gotta pick what you want in life and go with it. You’ll regret a lot when older but you need to realize there is no changing whats done and get out of the depression over hair. Be depressed about bills, kids and bigger issues other than hair. If you are going to do something do research and expect the worse but hope for the best.
I think the best thing I could have done was be proactive about it and have started using these products from the beginning but I i didn’t. Let’s see if I can make some hair gains though no need to cry about all I can do is try to make the best choice from here on forward.


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