How steroids made me depressed

It’s been a couple days since I started use of the products and hair loss/shedding is definitely slowing down. It is very obvious because the hair that falls is not nearly as much as it used to be when taking a shower. Still needs more time to see real results obviously. But I think it’s working!
Just wanted to update you guys it’s been a week now and my hair has completely stopped shedding. Hair loss is pretty much back to normal. Just normal amount of hairs falling in the shower nothing INSANE like it was before. I can’t wait for everything to regrow and I can tell this shit is gonna work! Maybe I am a hyper responder to this because I am young? Honestly I don’t know but it is working!
Hair isn’t overrated bro, it shows that you are young and healthy and that is why females find it attractive. Especially in my age being bald is definitely a no go. Anyone who tells you the way you look doesn’t matter in my opinion is telling you complete bullshit. Afcorse the way you look matters, this is why this forum is full of obsessed gym freaks who are on grams of steroids. Because the way you LOOK MATTERS.
You know! I was in my 20's once, 25 at the time of this first pic. I was also a very superficial person and I thought my hair was what made me!!! Please do not think I am berating you, because I am not. I worked my ass off as a medic, got paid shit wages, worked 24hours shifts and got paid for 16. Smoked weed, smoked 3 packs of Marlboro Reds a day and drank wayyyyy toooo much. But I had my hair!!!
2013-08-12 15.06.10---02.jpg As i got older, I started to realize that what made me was me. The way I treated my wife, fellow workers, strangers even. My work ethic. Even how I treated animals... There is so much that truly makes up a person. Now I am 57. I do not smoke, I don't smoke weed, I eat healthy, I work out 4-7 days a week including yoga and stretching. I still work my ass off but I get paid well for it. But I am not "RICH" b y any stretch of the imagination. My employees will do anything for me. Not because I have long hair, but because I treat them fairly, honestly and they know that I would not ask them to do something that I would not due myself.
I am not perfect. But I will tell you this. I cut my hair very short and it has not changed the way people see me. What has changed the way people see me is my attitude, my level of fitness, my diet, how I treat them and others.
I am healthier now than I was at 25 and I never plan to go back to where I was at 25.

before (2).jpgafter.jpg

I reap the benefits of my new life style and my wife does as well. I no longer believe that it was my "Hair" that made me. IT WAS ALL ME!!
I do understand where you are coming from, but it sounds like you may have some deeper issue at play. Don't be afraid to talk to someone. It may help.
As far as hair loss, if you are predisposed to MPB then AAS will accelerate the rate at which you lose your hair. Also, as you well know, there are not a lot of guys on this or any other forum that would advocate a 20 something year old guy running AAS. Period. But, you have already made that choice. You did not mention a post cycle between your two cycle. Did you run one? If so what was it? How long?
Just wanted to update you guys it’s been a week now and my hair has completely stopped shedding. Hair loss is pretty much back to normal. Just normal amount of hairs falling in the shower nothing INSANE like it was before. I can’t wait for everything to regrow and I can tell this shit is gonna work! Maybe I am a hyper responder to this because I am young? Honestly I don’t know but it is working!
Nice bro, I do 25mg once daily of RU. I highly recommend you dilute ru enough to even get 2ml/25mg if possible. Works just as well and really stretches the use of the RU by mg

Just been my experience with it.
You are probably have a zoomer broccoli top and your entire world will end if you lose that dead squirrel thing on top of your head.

You sound like the typical zoomer, which is the softest and most feminine generation of males I've ever seen. For your own good, you have to fight that programming.

Going bald feels like the end of the world, but it isn't. Every bald guy I know gets all the women. Don't listen to what women say they want. Never listen to them.
Hey guys just wanted to update you guys, hair loss growth has been really good. That being said I really want to run another cycle. Test/tren 300/300 and 100mg anadrol for 4 weeks. I am going to hop on this and see if my hair growth will continue kind of like an experiment of how strong the topical products are. We will see how it goes and I will update you guys. And yes this is my first tren cycle lol.
Hey guys just wanted to update you guys, hair loss growth has been really good. That being said I really want to run another cycle. Test/tren 300/300 and 100mg anadrol for 4 weeks. I am going to hop on this and see if my hair growth will continue kind of like an experiment of how strong the topical products are. We will see how it goes and I will update you guys. And yes this is my first tren cycle lol.
Ready to lose more hair I take it
Hair isn’t overrated bro, it shows that you are young and healthy and that is why females find it attractive. Especially in my age being bald is definitely a no go. Anyone who tells you the way you look doesn’t matter in my opinion is telling you complete bullshit. Afcorse the way you look matters, this is why this forum is full of obsessed gym freaks who are on grams of steroids. Because the way you LOOK MATTERS.

Not everyone here is obsessed with looks bro! Just most!

What about the guys who just do gear for strength and power lift ! They don’t give a shit about being pretty !
Hey guys just wanted to update you guys, hair loss growth has been really good. That being said I really want to run another cycle. Test/tren 300/300 and 100mg anadrol for 4 weeks. I am going to hop on this and see if my hair growth will continue kind of like an experiment of how strong the topical products are. We will see how it goes and I will update you guys. And yes this is my first tren cycle lol.
Test tren is a great cycle - add masteron for the kicker

Test tren mast was the best cycle I ever ran
Ready to lose more hair I take it
Yes I am ready lol, but I just want to see how good these products really are. My hair growth has been phenomenal due to these topical products and I want to see if it can keep growing my hair even when taking the most androgenic steroids that are known for hair loss anadrol and tren.
Not everyone here is obsessed with looks bro! Just most!

What about the guys who just do gear for strength and power lift ! They don’t give a shit about being pretty !
Subconsciously, everyone cares about looks. Even if you try to act like it doesn’t matter you know it’s true. Humans are judgmental and that’s just the way it is.
Yes I am ready lol, but I just want to see how good these products really are. My hair growth has been phenomenal due to these topical products and I want to see if it can keep growing my hair even when taking the most androgenic steroids that are known for hair loss anadrol and tren.
I am gonna be frank/real with you.

you were crying about your hair loss and talking about how it made you depressed 3 weeks ago.

Why the hell are you going to blast gear and risk further hair loss

For some of us that dont care about hair loss thats one thing. But if you make another thread criyng about your hair loss... You are going to get zero sympathy from people here. You are going on a non hair friendly cycle.
I am gonna be frank/real with you.

you were crying about your hair loss and talking about how it made you depressed 3 weeks ago.

Why the hell are you going to blast gear and risk further hair loss

For some of us that dont care about hair loss thats one thing. But if you make another thread criyng about your hair loss... You are going to get zero sympathy from people here. You are going on a non hair friendly cycle.
I agree you are correct, honestly I have excepted it that I may lose hair. If I do I will simply hop off and continue using the topical products and start hair regrowth again. I simply want to see how good these topical products are.
Hey guys just wanted to update you guys, hair loss growth has been really good. That being said I really want to run another cycle. Test/tren 300/300 and 100mg anadrol for 4 weeks. I am going to hop on this and see if my hair growth will continue kind of like an experiment of how strong the topical products are. We will see how it goes and I will update you guys. And yes this is my first tren cycle lol.
I don't think that's a good idea kid. If you have not learnt already with your hair loss then there is not much hope for you. It's a well known part of sides....
Cycle by all means just don't complain when it happens again...
I understand having hair at such a young age is important so you have to weigh up the risks.
I went bald at a relatively young age but that was genetically predispositioned for me through family genes. I can tell you now like other people have said it hasn't impacted the amount of pussy I got. Girls love the bald beefy look. And it saves you a fortune in hair cuts.