How steroids made me depressed

Why do people post this ^^ but the high blood pressure people are like "here take this, and that , and oh this too...etcetc" lol...
Genetically, unfortunately, you're predisposed to hair loss. You've sped up the process.
Accept it. What are haircuts now? $25 lol.
i was getting one when they were $15 twice a month. Now, I'm saving $50 bucks or so a month.
I started losing mine at 25...
First time I shaved my head it was a disjointed feeling and I looked weird to myself.
Then I got used to it.
Get yourself a Platinum Pit Bull 4 rotating heads skull shaver. I used same blades for 1 year. Cleaned every 2 weeks. Replacement head is like $25.
Rechargeable and I use it every other day.

Embrace it... because it's in your future either way... don't stress out about it.
as a younger guy (mid 20s now) whos been into PED's for just at like 2 years now AND has medicated depression I fully understand you man. Before I delved into test and REAL PED's I used sarms (ostarine) while monitoring bloods and making sure I didn't just crash myself

While I got decently large compared to all my friends I found it so hard to be happy or even just content honestly, it felt like no matter what I would never be who I wanted or what I wanted to be

My test was never high due to a car accident when I was 13 they think messed with my brains demand to produce but I wasnt quite hypo, I tried so hard to get help and nobody was willing to help me raise my test (doctors) eventually I decided f*ck it ill do it on my own (mind you I am a junior in uni with a focus in endocrinology and anabolics is my specialty so I wasnt jumping in blind)

I started with a trt dose at 175mg a week and felt nothing until week 4ish

and started to feel better all around, I went through a ROUGH breakup and it destroyed me, threw me back into a depressed spiral and honestly it was much harder to come out of..... you know..

BUT here we are man

life is rough, but those rough times make us appreciate the good

life goes on whether we like it or not and sometimes its just realizing that it does go on makes me get out of bed and just try and be a little better today

Trust me man its only as good as the people you have in it with you, try and put yourself out there and meet people, delve into the shit you love!

They dont care about your hair bro, if they do they arent people you need in your life. I started losing my hair in my early 20s from genetics and I just went and shaved it (I balled my eyes out before but now I love it lol)

Shaving the head is definitely an ego death
Genetically, unfortunately, you're predisposed to hair loss. You've sped up the process.
Accept it. What are haircuts now? $25 lol.
i was getting one when they were $15 twice a month. Now, I'm saving $50 bucks or so a month.
I started losing mine at 25...
First time I shaved my head it was a disjointed feeling and I looked weird to myself.
Then I got used to it.
Get yourself a Platinum Pit Bull 4 rotating heads skull shaver. I used same blades for 1 year. Cleaned every 2 weeks. Replacement head is like $25.
Rechargeable and I use it every other day.

Embrace it... because it's in your future either way... don't stress out about it.
I know I am, but honestly this new hair solution has been working really well. Even while am in this test,tren and anadrol cycle. Hair regrowth has been amazing.
as a younger guy (mid 20s now) whos been into PED's for just at like 2 years now AND has medicated depression I fully understand you man. Before I delved into test and REAL PED's I used sarms (ostarine) while monitoring bloods and making sure I didn't just crash myself

While I got decently large compared to all my friends I found it so hard to be happy or even just content honestly, it felt like no matter what I would never be who I wanted or what I wanted to be

My test was never high due to a car accident when I was 13 they think messed with my brains demand to produce but I wasnt quite hypo, I tried so hard to get help and nobody was willing to help me raise my test (doctors) eventually I decided f*ck it ill do it on my own (mind you I am a junior in uni with a focus in endocrinology and anabolics is my specialty so I wasnt jumping in blind)

I started with a trt dose at 175mg a week and felt nothing until week 4ish

and started to feel better all around, I went through a ROUGH breakup and it destroyed me, threw me back into a depressed spiral and honestly it was much harder to come out of..... you know..

BUT here we are man

life is rough, but those rough times make us appreciate the good

life goes on whether we like it or not and sometimes its just realizing that it does go on makes me get out of bed and just try and be a little better today

Trust me man its only as good as the people you have in it with you, try and put yourself out there and meet people, delve into the shit you love!

They dont care about your hair bro, if they do they arent people you need in your life. I started losing my hair in my early 20s from genetics and I just went and shaved it (I balled my eyes out before but now I love it lol)

Shaving the head is definitely an ego death
We are not in the same time frame brother, now in days people are more superficial especially at my age. With social media and dating apps your looks have never mattered more.
This is my third week now on the tren test and anadrol cycle and honestly this cycle is insane strength wise I have gotten so much stronger as to my hair loss journey hair regrowth has not even stopped one but. If you are struggling with hair loss this topical stack is definitely for you there is literally no way your hair will not regrow from my experience as am literally on the most hair u safe anabolic and still growing my hair. Am genuinely so happy and thankful that I found this.
This is my third week now on the tren test and anadrol cycle and honestly this cycle is insane strength wise I have gotten so much stronger as to my hair loss journey hair regrowth has not even stopped one but. If you are struggling with hair loss this topical stack is definitely for you there is literally no way your hair will not regrow from my experience as am literally on the most hair u safe anabolic and still growing my hair. Am genuinely so happy and thankful that I found this.

Are you trying to lead up to selling something? Ahha
Bro we're both clowns of meso rx

Trying to get juiced up so we can get some girls huh

I feel ya brother

Just don't contradict yourself
I am not contradicting my self, I am extremely prone to hairloss and I have accepted that fact. Now that being said I have found a solution and this solution works so well that even while being on tren and anadrol my hair is still growing. That users reply came from an envious and jealous position that is why he can fuck off.
Tren? Oh, I see where this is going. You think your depressed now? Your not going to want to stop your hair " growing stack". I dont care how you Pct, it's not going to be pretty. You made a deal with the Devil, we all have.

By midsummer, I predict, your posting something along the lines of " steroids made me depressed, and bald again" riddled with cystic acne, bleeding through your shirts, you will be a hot mess.
Collect and source your SSRI'S, and accutane now.

Tren. Growing hair. Maybe on your back.
We are not in the same time frame brother, now in days people are more superficial especially at my age. With social media and dating apps your looks have never mattered more.
Don't waste time with social media and dating apps unless you want to settle for a lot less than what you deserve. Go out to bars , clubs , library , malls etc, and talk to women.
I have been a member of this forum for a very long time, I have always seen posts on how to mitigate and get rid of side effects but this specific side effect that happened to me seems like it isn’t taken very seriously. I am going to have to reveal my age in this post and I hope that you guys don’t clown me for my young age and being on steroids. The reason I kind of have to reveal my age is so you understand why this effected me mentally so much. I am 21 years old and I started using steroids when I was 20. I have only 2 cycles under my belt. The first one was just 8 weeks of test at 300mgs and the second was test(400) and primo(200) With a little bit of anadrol (25mgs). That cycle was just 12 weeks. I feel that I have always used extremely low doses. Anyways what is that side effect? It’s hair loss. Pretty much as soon as I started my first cycle I got instant shedding. And now it’s at an uncontrollable rate. It is supper embarrassing especially around my friends. I used to have such long hair and now I have thin hair and multiple bald spots on my head. I have tried pretty much everything out their to fix it. Oils, shampoos, finasteride. And nothing seems to be able to fix it. Some vets on here will say to just go bald and shave everything. But unfortunately I just can’t be confident without my hair. Not all of us look good bald. It was simply part of my identity. Anyways guys I would appreciate if you can give some tips or pm me. Am sure you understand why my young age is relevant in this matter as no one my age should have this ugly of a head.

You should have done more research and used RU58841. You'd be totally fine, and I doubt you would have seen any hairloss at all.

At this point, you need to follow this protocol:
-RU at 50mg daily
-Ketoconazole shampoo
-GHK-cu at 5mg daily
-Microneedling at 1.5mm depth once per week

Buzz your head close to the scalp, so the compounds actually apply to the scalp rather than getting stuck to your hair. Also, this will take your hair off your mind for a bit while it has a chance to grow back.

Order a bunch of RU58841 powder (RU58841 | Buy RU-58841 Powder | 10 gram | Anagen Inc ✔️) and mix 50mg per ml into minoxidil oil (use a digital scale to be accurate). That way, you can just apply 1ml of minoxidil to your scalp daily and get both substances in one go. Be sure to apply it in the morning and let it dry. If you have to wake up an hour earlier than usually to make this work, don't be a pussy, get your ass out of bead.

It's going to take up to 6 weeks for the RU to dissolve in the minoxidil (just buy the oil on Amazon if you can't find it at a local wal mart or something), so you'll want to order RU already mixed to get yourself started.

As far as the GHK-cu, it's fucking expensive, so you're going to have to do the best you can. Even a single mg per day is better than nothing. You'll need to reconstitute it into bacteriostatic water, then drop it into your minoxidil/RU mixture. Save enough of the GHK-cu/bacteriostatic water mixture to apply directly to the scalp on microneedling days. Again, ideally, you apply 5mg of GHK-cu daily, including the microneedling day. In fact, you could do 10-15mg daily if money isn't an issue.

DO NOT APPLY MINOXIDIL TO YOUR SCALP ON THE MICRONEEDLING DAY!!!!! Again, don't apply minoxidil to your scalp on your microneedling day. Minoxidil has negative effects on the cardiovascular system and can cause heart palpitations (and other horrid shit) if it goes systemic.

On microneedling days, smear GHK-cu into the wounds on your scalp.

The two most important compounds here are the fina and the RU. Make those two work if you can't afford this entire protocol.

I'm not sure if I covered everything because I'm in a huge hurry, but this will absolutely, indefinitely, certainly work, but it may take a few months, possibly even a year.

Stop stressing, stop being depressed, just rest assured that this protocol will work, and if you cycle in the future, always use RU. If you want to be perfectly hair safe, use it with finasteride and only use test in your cycle.

Best of luck.
You should have done more research and used RU58841. You'd be totally fine, and I doubt you would have seen any hairloss at all.

At this point, you need to follow this protocol:
-RU at 50mg daily
-Ketoconazole shampoo
-GHK-cu at 5mg daily
-Microneedling at 1.5mm depth once per week

Buzz your head close to the scalp, so the compounds actually apply to the scalp rather than getting stuck to your hair. Also, this will take your hair off your mind for a bit while it has a chance to grow back.

Order a bunch of RU58841 powder (RU58841 | Buy RU-58841 Powder | 10 gram | Anagen Inc ✔️) and mix 50mg per ml into minoxidil oil (use a digital scale to be accurate). That way, you can just apply 1ml of minoxidil to your scalp daily and get both substances in one go. Be sure to apply it in the morning and let it dry. If you have to wake up an hour earlier than usually to make this work, don't be a pussy, get your ass out of bead.

It's going to take up to 6 weeks for the RU to dissolve in the minoxidil (just buy the oil on Amazon if you can't find it at a local wal mart or something), so you'll want to order RU already mixed to get yourself started.

As far as the GHK-cu, it's fucking expensive, so you're going to have to do the best you can. Even a single mg per day is better than nothing. You'll need to reconstitute it into bacteriostatic water, then drop it into your minoxidil/RU mixture. Save enough of the GHK-cu/bacteriostatic water mixture to apply directly to the scalp on microneedling days. Again, ideally, you apply 5mg of GHK-cu daily, including the microneedling day. In fact, you could do 10-15mg daily if money isn't an issue.

DO NOT APPLY MINOXIDIL TO YOUR SCALP ON THE MICRONEEDLING DAY!!!!! Again, don't apply minoxidil to your scalp on your microneedling day. Minoxidil has negative effects on the cardiovascular system and can cause heart palpitations (and other horrid shit) if it goes systemic.

On microneedling days, smear GHK-cu into the wounds on your scalp.

The two most important compounds here are the fina and the RU. Make those two work if you can't afford this entire protocol.

I'm not sure if I covered everything because I'm in a huge hurry, but this will absolutely, indefinitely, certainly work, but it may take a few months, possibly even a year.

Stop stressing, stop being depressed, just rest assured that this protocol will work, and if you cycle in the future, always use RU. If you want to be perfectly hair safe, use it with finasteride and only use test in your cycle.

Best of luck.
Already figured it out lol, and yes this stuff works amazing!
Post some pictures. Before and after if you can.

Also, high blood pressure and bad glucose management also worsen hair loss.