How steroids made me depressed

On a srs note. I feel bad for people that have this issue. I haven't showed any signs of hair loss.

I spent my whole life thinking I was gonna go bald. Didn't happen from age or from drugs that should cause it/speed it.
I'm not balding but at 26, i am graying/whiting. I am crying. I have a beautiful hair color. I can't go gray!!
If you lost is that quickly on gear you were probably going to lose it soon anyways. I have a nephew that lost most of his hair around 20.

I don’t have any direct experience. In my 40s, and though not as thick as it was in my teens, my hair hasn’t changed much.

That said, I’ve read minoxidil, finasteride, and RU58841, all topical, can help. It can take 6-12 months to see any positive results. By applying the finasteride topically you supposedly have less side effects.

If there were a great or perfect solution it would be talked about all over the place. No one is trying to keep this hidden knowledge from you.
If you want your hair back get off all AAS, let your body rebalance, give it time, and hope for the best. You're young so possibly if you get back to natural it will regrow. Or, carry on and embrace the bald.
If you want your hair back get off all AAS, let your body rebalance, give it time, and hope for the best. You're young so possibly if you get back to natural it will regrow. Or, carry on and embrace the bald.
Honestly I think I am just extremely genetically prone to hair loss. Even with my low doses I pretty much started having hair loss first cycle. Hope fully with this new strong protocol I can make some progress.
Nice bro, you got the right idea. Do you plan on being natty during this hairloss protocol? Or do you plan to stay on a dose of test/peds while? I was there as you are, it works and the hair gains keep coming (im on testosterone too). Microneedling will be the next step. Check out some posts in the hairloss sticky too.

Depression leads to fortitude. All part of the cycle.

I documented my progress. and depending on your level of hairloss, it will take a ~year of persistence, if you are that depressed about your hair.
Nice bro, you got the right idea. Do you plan on being natty during this hairloss protocol? Or do you plan to stay on a dose of test/peds while? I was there as you are, it works and the hair gains keep coming (im on testosterone too). Microneedling will be the next step. Check out some posts in the hairloss sticky too.

Depression leads to fortitude. All part of the cycle.

I documented my progress. and depending on your level of hairloss, it will take a ~year of persistence, if you are that depressed about your hair.
Just gonna be in a cruise of 150mgs, it’s nice seeing someone who went through it commenting on the post thank you bro I appreciate it.
How so bro? I am just sharing my experience because I know some members on this forum have experienced a similar thing.
Man honestly it’s just strange to me because these are known sides to taking gear.

I’m just not really sure what it is you’re looking for here not in a bad way or anything … do you just need to vent, someone/people to talk to? At the end of the day I believe you are responsible for the decisions you make and the consequences of those decisions. At some point you have to have a tough conversation with yourself about whatever it is that isn’t going well in your life or is causing you to be “depressed”.

What makes you depressed about not having a killer hairline ? Are you being made fun of ? Is it just how you view yourself ?
How so bro? I am just sharing my experience because I know some members on this forum have experienced a similar thing.
Because you’re literally crying like a little bitch when there are children out there diagnosed with cancer that won’t let that get them down and stay upbeat and happy as they can be in life but you on the other hand are pathetic. You think you lack confidence cause of image or money. No pal it’s you, go to your local grocery store and buy a pair of fucken NUTS and man up !!!
Because you’re literally crying like a little bitch when there are children out there diagnosed with cancer that won’t let that get them down and stay upbeat and happy as they can be in life but you on the other hand are pathetic. You think you lack confidence cause of image or money. No pal it’s you, go to your local grocery store and buy a pair of fucken NUTS and man up !!!
Well I was going for a softer landing lol but you sir when full sledge hammer to the cranium. Lol good on ya !
Just gonna be in a cruise of 150mgs, it’s nice seeing someone who went through it commenting on the post thank you bro I appreciate it.
Np bro. It may be painful to point out the obvious that a good % of members are burnt out and provide negative posts instead of not commenting at all and sucking it up [insert reason why].

Those who do continuously provide positive posts it is noted.

Try to stick with 150mg test e (?), you should be fine. Stay proactive with the hairloss protocol and i can give you pointers if need. Microneedling will def give those exponential gains.

Check some of my posts regarding hairloss. Others have provided similar posts and it checks out. Correlation, not causation.

Still not aware of the level of your hairloss but since you are young im sure the hair follicles are still strong. which will help you respond well to the these treatments.
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Np bro. It may be painful to point out the obvious that a good % of members are burnt out and provide negative posts instead of not commenting at all and sucking it up [insert reason why].

Those who do continuously provide positive posts it is noted.

Try to stick with 150mg test e (?), you should be fine. Stay proactive with the hairloss protocol and i can give you pointers if need. Microneedling will def give those exponential gains.

Check some of my posts regarding hairloss. Others have provided similar posts and it checks out. Correlation, not causation.

Still not aware of the level of your hairloss but since you are young im sure the hair follicles are still strong. which will help you respond well to the these treatments.
Thank you bro, I really appreciate your help man seriously.
Np bro. It may be painful to point out the obvious that a good % of members are burnt out and provide negative posts instead of not commenting at all and sucking it up [insert reason why].

Those who do continuously provide positive posts it is noted.

Try to stick with 150mg test e (?), you should be fine. Stay proactive with the hairloss protocol and i can give you pointers if need. Microneedling will def give those exponential gains.

Check some of my posts regarding hairloss. Others have provided similar posts and it checks out. Correlation, not causation.

Still not aware of the level of your hairloss but since you are young im sure the hair follicles are still strong. which will help you respond well to the these treatments.
150 mg of test for what?
150 mg of test for what?
OP says he plans to cruise at that dose. If he starts being proactive with these hairloss medications, the dose of exogenous androgens wont nullify the androgen blockers so he should keep his hair and begin to see a comeback in hair gains