How to do this as cheap as possible with high quality food


New Member
I realize this is not a cheap hobby by any means, but as I imagine a lot of us Americans are doing right now, I’m trying to figure out how to eat good and not absolutely break the bank. I have a pretty consistent diet down that I’m happy with that I think it’s relatively decent for the money I am spending. But i thought I’d get the groups ideas to see if I’m missing anything I haven’t thought of


Meal 1: 2 scoops my protein whey, 40g oats, banana, 2tbsp PB

Meal 2: 6oz chicken, 1 cup white rice

Meal 3: 2 scoops my protein whey, 40g oats, banana, 2tbsp PB (preworkout)

Rice krispy walking into the gym

Meal 4: 4oz chicken 1 cup white rice (post workout)

Meal 5: 6 eggs.

This ends up being
2600 calories
230g p
230 c
79g f

Im in the middle of a cut right now so that’s why its not much calories lol I’m seeing great results but am curious if I’m missing out on a protein or carb source I can substitute at some point when I get tired of this.

I get chicken for $2 a pound at Costco, a huge bag of oats for like $8 there. Pretty much most of my food some from Costco. The whey protein comes out to roughly $1 a serving. The eggs are about $1 a serving because I get 60 for $10