How to utilize my Nolvadex/Tamoxifen optimally? And other questions..


New Member
22 years old
~14% bodyfat
Between ectomorph/mesomorph

1. - - This is my first cycle and it is going to last for 10 weeks, and I plan on taking 400mg a week. The active ingredient is Testomed's blend: test cypionate 187mg/ml+ test enanthate 188mg/ml + test propionate 25mg.

2. - - I think I'm somewhat prone to gynecomastia since my fat storages concentrate on my legs and my bone structure is rather unmasculine. My normal testosterone levels are most likely lower than average since I've always been genetically weaker than my peers.

3. - - I have a grand total of 600mg of Nolvadex/Tamoxifen at my disposal. I will be using them for both on-cycle gynecomastia prevention and post-cycle therapy.
I cannot get any more Nolvadex nor Testomed's steroids than this.

4. - - When should I start my post cycle therapy after the cycle has ended? Somewhere I read that for test cyp it would be like 14 days, and for test enth like 21 days. Can't remember the source.

5. - - I've also been using clenbuterol for 2 weeks at the end of my fat loss period. Should I be using more clenbuterol during the cycle? I heard that it takes at least 3 weeks before the steroids kick in, so I thought I could lower my fat percentage even further before bulking up.

SO THE BIG QUESTION IS: What is the best division of my 600mg of Nolvadex/Tamoxifen during cycle and post cycle, given the information above?

1 resource that I've looked at below. Since my natural test levels are low, and my weekly dosage is rather low, I thought that this could affect your answer to my question.

"SO how much Nolvadex should you use during PCT? I favor using, although to be totally honest, you can probably even get away with far less than that. Doses as low as 5mgs/day have proven to be as effective as 20mgs/day for certain areas of gonadal stimulation. (8) 20mgs/day, however, is a dose that myself and others have used with great success, and the research I’ve done in this area typically uses this milligram amount. SO lets stick with 20mgs/day for now."


Massive Thank Yous in Advance! :)
You barely have enough nolva for pct, def not if you front load it, so you certainly won't have enough to run on cycle
You barely have enough nolva for pct, def not if you front load it, so you certainly won't have enough to run on cycle
A question I should have asked directly in the first post is: Is it better to run small doses of Nolvadex (2.5-5.0mg a day) than nothing, or am I just wasting it? In case I save the majority for PCT