Howcome melanotan 2 makes you nauseous?

I think it's about the filler. I was such a fool and started with 1mg every day with arround 170 lbs. The first few days I got some heat flashed but nothing more.

Now it's fucking disgusting. Yesterday I tried the MT2 from an other vendor and today I'm totally full of energy, no heat flashed and no other sides. It could be that the MT2 had lost a lot of effectiveness that's the reason why I will increase the dosage. I have found it in the freezer and it's surely was deposited their for 7 years.
Yesterday I took 100mg. Today I will try 200mg. Maybe in some days I just take a shot of 1mg and look if a get an erection.
Better than get toasted in the sun studio because there is no protection.
I've noticed when I take my mt2 shot, if I'm in the sun I don't get the upset stomach. But if I take my shot on the way to the beach, my stomach will rumble in waves. It comes and goes but when I'm the sun no shirt all gone.
Type II layed in the sun around 5 days a week roughly for half an hour with spf50 on my face. Roughly 1 1/2 months each cycle, 2 so far.

Don't quite remember my dosing protocoll, as I started really low and gradually went up to 250 mcg MT2. There is a good protocol on the MT2 subreddit. Roughly 1 1/2 months. Got really tan, ppl. were commenting if I've been on holidays as living in northern europe is not favourable for tanning.

Same protocoll with MT1
It had much less side effects, even the desireable ones like steel cutting hard boners on MT2 ^^ It took atleast 500 mcg to notice some skin change. I only tried for 3/4 month after switching to MT2 to boost my skin colour.

I you have the money and time I would recommend going for MT1 and see if it works for you, as MT1 beeing the safer variant of the two.
Just looking back on this.

For me it normally takes about 500 mcg mt2 to notice changes.

And I'm type 1 skin, zero tanning ever.


It's extremely difficult to source mt1 also, that's not stupidly priced.

I used to float my kidneys on mt2, until this year I developed an intolerance.

Here it is...

A 39 year-old Caucasian male injected subcutaneously 6 mg of Melanotan II purchased over the Internet in an attempt to darken his skin during wintertime. This dose was six times the recommended starting dose per the patient. In the emergency department two hours post injection, he complained of diffuse body aches, sweating, and a sensation of anxiety. Vital signs included BP 151/85 mmHg, HR 130 bpm that peaked at 146 bpm, and temperature of 97.8°F. Physical exam demonstrated a restless and anxious appearing male with mydriasis, diaphoresis, tachycardia, and diffuse muscle tremors. Pertinent laboratory values were creatinine 2.25 mg/dL, CPK 1760 IU/L, troponin 0.23 ng/mL, WBC 19.1 k/μL. Urinalysis demonstrated 3 + blood with red cell casts but 0-2 RBC/hpf. Qualitative urine drug screen was negative for metabolites of cocaine and amphetamines but positive for opiates. The patient received benzodiazepines for agitation and anxiety and had improvement in his symptoms. He was admitted to the ICU and during hospitalization his CPK elevated to 17773 IU/L 12 hours later. He continued to receive intravenous fluids with sodium bicarbonate for rhabdomyolysis and his CPK decreased to 2622 IU/L with improvement of creatinine to 1.23 mg/dL upon discharge from the ICU after 3 days. The substance, which he injected, was analyzed via mass spectrometry and was confirmed to be Melanotan II when compared with an industry purchased standard sample.

Discussion: Melanotan products are purchased via the Internet and have three main formulations (Melanotan I, Melanotan II, and bremelanotide). Melanotan I increases melanogenesis and eumelanin content to produce sunless tanning. Melanotan II also increases skin pigmentation but also produces spontaneous penile erections and sexual stimulation. Bremelanotide is a variation of Melanotan II that is specifically designed for sexual stimulation. This unique case highlights the potential of systemic toxicity with sympathomimetic excess, rhabdomyolysis, and renal dysfunction from Melanotan II use."

Lol the guy is obviously an idiot. I mean he didn't deserve to go through that but saying that is only 6 tines the recommended starting dose?? I've never heard of anyone taking 1 mg (1000 mcg ) of MT1 or MT2. I've seen 250mcg as a loading dose but that's it. Dude obviously ducked up bad.

Regardless, it makes me concerned that there could be deleterious but unnoticeable side effects to MT2. Especially those who experience the yawning and elections, etc. It just seems like it is such an unnecessary thing to take when you can just take MT1 and get the tan you want without any neurological side effects...

Where do you source your mt1?
I've noticed when I take my mt2 shot, if I'm in the sun I don't get the upset stomach. But if I take my shot on the way to the beach, my stomach will rumble in waves. It comes and goes but when I'm the sun no shirt all gone.
On what dose ?
I think it's about the filler. I was such a fool and started with 1mg every day with arround 170 lbs. The first few days I got some heat flashed but nothing more.

Now it's fucking disgusting. Yesterday I tried the MT2 from an other vendor and today I'm totally full of energy, no heat flashed and no other sides. It could be that the MT2 had lost a lot of effectiveness that's the reason why I will increase the dosage. I have found it in the freezer and it's surely was deposited their for 7 years.
Yesterday I took 100mg. Today I will try 200mg. Maybe in some days I just take a shot of 1mg and look if a get an erection.
Better than get toasted in the sun studio because there is no protection.
a complete vial is 10mg, you can start on 250/500mcg
On what dose ?
I'm a red head Irish who could only tan my forearms. I used MT2 at 250 mcg to start. I took it for two days and on the third I took 500mcg at the beach. After that I would only take 250 mcg every Sunday at the beach. And every time I would use 50 spf zinc lotion. After getting that copper tone tan I would linger a little without sunblock. I also take NAC. Which helps light skin folks stay in the sun a fraction longer.
‘Induction of cancer in the skin’.. what the?? Haven't heard that before
Replying to this OLD thread in case others are searching/reading up on MT2 like I did. I kept coming across studies with dire sounding names linking MT2 and skin cancer. Being the nerd I am, I read them all. In every single study that I read, the behavior of the user lead to skin cancer (ie, regular sun bed usage, outdoor tanning without sunscreen, repeated sunburns, etc), not the use of MT2. Often people using MT 2 also use sun beds, tan outdoors, and fail to apply sunscreen. All behaviors known and proven to cause skin cancer.

Don’t take my word for it, search up med and other sites for the studies if you want. You will see the same info repeated.

MT2 does not protect from sun damage.
In 2006, melanotan in addition to tanning gave a side effect, but not nausea, but not an arbitrary erection, which could last a very long time. Sometimes it interfered with work. :)
MT1 to me is much better choice harder to find now and less sides for me. MT2 gave me Nausea permanent Vitaligo too so im done with that peptide all together. You didnt know one of the side effects could be skin cancer? Maybe you should look up side effects before you put stuff into your body just a thought!
MT1 to me is much better choice harder to find now and less sides for me. MT2 gave me Nausea permanent Vitaligo too so im done with that peptide all together. You didnt know one of the side effects could be skin cancer? Maybe you should look up side effects before you put stuff into your body just a thought!
That’s funny because Melanotan 2 and 1 cured 99% of my vitiligo.
Don’t buy Chinese MT2. You can buy MT2 made in the USA and dosed properly for cheap. Chinese MT2 I’ve noticed usually isn’t dosed right and depending on the batch makes me feel like death the next day. They’ve been known to throw in weird fillers as well. I’ll never inject MT2 out of China again. The extra $10 you’ll spend is def worth it. Only buy the Chinese stuff when your ex hits you up for another bottle.
This might have been why I was experiencing poor results from MT2 a few times. One time was when I bought a 10 pack of Chinese. I got the flushed face and horrible nausea but no tanning effects. I was figuring it’s a quality issue - maybe handling/storage idk