HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Yes, Superdrol will be added into the lineup. Production is actually already done, but packaging is not ready yet, hence I haven't announced anything yet, but some people already asked in private and ordered some regardless. For those that don't care much about packaging, feel free to order some.

It's 120x10mg - 40€.

Labs not done yet, have a peek at raws labs that were used though if interested...
thats great!

@hleur Do you have bpc157, tb500,mk677 for sale? Do you know when superdrol labs will be available?

that peptides would make HL one stop shop !
My Neighbour uses HL Testo E 300 since 3 weeks now and did a blood test yesterday.
Before HL Testo E 300 he used Akra/Baku Testo E 250.
Both 350mg/week.

Akra/Baku Free Testosterone: 1346 ng/l
(Reference = 77-219)
HL Free Testosterone: 2061 ng/l
(Reference = 77-219)

HL Exemestane seems also to be better than Deus Medical since Estradiol went from 77 pg/ml to 57 pg/ml (Reference = 8-43).

Well done HL!
API carrier, in this case particular filler mixture and it's processing can substantially impact bioavailability of the carried compound. No wonder other vendors have been contracting HL manufacturer for production.
API carrier, in this case filler mixture can substantially impact bioavailability of the carried compound. No wonder other vendors have been contracting HL manufacturer for production.
You have avoided the question, I do not know if on purpourse, but are you planning to offer DHB at any time soon?
First order arrived without vials, apparently customs seized them (EU to EU BTW, the parcel was resealed with customs parcel tape on one side) and sent me the parcel with other items I've ordered. So basically I received a partial order. I sent the video while opening the parcel to hleur and he proceeded to send the vials with a second shipment and in the end I received everything. So all in all good customer service.

Is there a recent primo lab test available?
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First order arrived without vials, apparently customs seized them (EU to EU BTW, the parcel was resealed with customs parcel tape on one side) and sent me the parcel with other items I've ordered. So basically I received a partial order. I sent the video while opening the parcel to hleur and he proceeded to send the vials with a second shipment and in the end I received everything. So all in all good customer service.

Is there a recent primo lab test available?
Yes, the labs are posted on official website next to Primo product, posted here too and also @Klimmzugernie tested it few pages back
Did you request delivery by postal service or private courier?
Guys, discuss details in private encrypted email if needed please.
Man, superdrol fucked me up long time ago but it gave me a look I never had, stuff is nasty. One of the first orals I've ever used too.

Btw I'll update my newest order. 2nd or 3rd not sure, +1000€ order from @hleur and everything as it should be. Communication and shipping was fast and smooth.
Yes it's likely as I first intended to being the most basic compounds to supplement HL which is in MCT, and will continue from there