Hypogonadism at 20 years old


New Member
Hallo guys, nice forum, i see here a lot of people who has the same problems. I used Test E 250mg for 2month when i was 19 , i did not do any PCT and I realized that i have hypogonadism at 20 years after half year since las injection and it was too late i had really deep depression and no muscle tone. Then i found a good physician that prescribed Clomid to me 50-100mg a day for 1-2 months. He sad test usually recovers 2-4 weeks, but its already one month since i am taking it and no any changes, really worried about it.

My analysis 2 month ago:
Testosterone,Free and Total 355 ng/dL (ref 348 - 1197)

Free Testosterone(Direct) 8.4 pg/mL (ref 9.3 - 26.5 )

LH 4.5 FSH 2.4 (ref 1.7 - 8.6/1.5 - 12.4 ) DHEA-Sulfate 381.8 (ref164.3 - 530.5)
Progesterone 0.7 (ref 0.2 - 1.4 )
Estrogens, Total 106 ( ref40 - 115)
Cholesterol, Total 214 mg/dl
cortisol 20.6 ( ref 2.3 - 19.4)

semen analysis normal

Is it Better to use Tamoxifen and Clomid together? Currently just use clomid and no results.
What do you think what a chance that my own Axis recover well ? I really could not live normal life because of it . I Would be glad to hear someone who could recover his own axis, hope for your respond guys!
Not to be an ass, but that Is what you get for not doing your research and jumping into a cycle without knowing what you have to expect and so on. Also you probably didn't do a blood test to figure out your levels bevor your cycle. So your numbers could be back to "normal" bc they could have been on the low side before (bc most of them are in the range). You could try to run a power pct (nolva,clomid,hcg). If that doesn't work after 2/3 tries then you probably have to accept that you have fucked yourself and start thinking about trt.
Not to be an ass, but that Is what you get for not doing your research and jumping into a cycle without knowing what you have to expect and so on. Also you probably didn't do a blood test to figure out your levels bevor your cycle. So your numbers could be back to "normal" bc they could have been on the low side before (bc most of them are in the range). You could try to run a power pct (nolva,clomid,hcg). If that doesn't work after 2/3 tries then you probably have to accept that you have fucked yourself and start thinking about trt.

I am currently running Clomid 100mg + Tamoxifen 40mg, i am on my 4th week and it seems that no any results in rising my testosterone. If it does not work, i will try Power PCT, hope it will help me. will post my results after
I'll be real with ya, I did some hardcore stupid shit and blast and cruised for a few years not knowing anything about my own productive system or any of that.

I tried the power pct and it didn't work for me, clomid will raise your t back into normal range while you are on it but once I stopped taking it my test fell down to hypogonadism levels, however I've been taking test shots for the last week and I feel 110% better.
Hallo again guys!

I got my blood analysis on my clomid+tamox treatment, my LH and Test response well, buy physically still feel sucks. If i passed clomid/tamox Test, Does it mean that i have Secondary Hypogonadism or Primary? and what easy to treat?


Of course your levels will be up on clomid. Make a test 4 weeks after your off everything then you will know if your System can work on its own.

Second thing. I think I remember your estrogen was a little high on you last test. With t very low and estrogen on the high end that could be the cause. Or your just depressed in general.
Of course your levels will be up on clomid. Make a test 4 weeks after your off everything then you will know if your System can work on its own.

Second thing. I think I remember your estrogen was a little high on you last test. With t very low and estrogen on the high end that could be the cause. Or your just depressed in general.
Do i need to try Letrozole or dostinex to lower estrogens?
Hey Paul, first I think you need to get your mind right. Whatever issues you may have are probably not going to be totally resolved by taking a pill for a few weeks. I will say there is some precedent of guys taking test for a while with no pct and it taking months for normal function to return. But you said yourself the labs showed improved test levels and you still felt like shit. So I think the most important thing you can do now is to change your mentality and your lifestyle. Go out and fuck chicks. Start lifting just to increase pure strength. Set goals and acheive them. Try a ketogenic diet. Stuff like that.
Hey Paul, first I think you need to get your mind right. Whatever issues you may have are probably not going to be totally resolved by taking a pill for a few weeks. I will say there is some precedent of guys taking test for a while with no pct and it taking months for normal function to return. But you said yourself the labs showed improved test levels and you still felt like shit. So I think the most important thing you can do now is to change your mentality and your lifestyle. Go out and fuck chicks. Start lifting just to increase pure strength. Set goals and acheive them. Try a ketogenic diet. Stuff like that.
Man, it is not that simple as you say. I was hypogonadal for almost half year, i did not know that this was because of low Test, My dosages were just 250mg. i thought it is my mental problem and i went to the psychologist for 200$ for session to help me and they did not. The mistake was that i realized that its hormones too late and started treat it just recently. Right now it is almost 1 month on Climid+Tamox , Numbers show good blood test and i feel mentally better but physically i fucked myself and i can't work out.

This is why i am sure first you should go to make blood test if you are steroid user than go to psychologist.
You don't get it though, you cant just separate the mind from the body. Like they have done studies that shown that the fans of the team that wins a big game get a testosterone boost or just watching some porno will give a testosterone boost.
Dude I literally was living in hell I know exactly what you mean, personally id just jump on test, ever since I started doing test again I feel like a million bucks and it's a complete 180.

Get on the juice bro
All of you who have no clue what you are talking about should not give medical advice on a serious topic like this. Sean Taylor go suck on a dick. 26 years old planning trt rest of your life and giving the same advice to a noob? You are noob yourself bud. Just because you can type some words on a forum does not make you an expert. Advice you have given is absurd.
@Paul_Martin for a real medical advice PM @Michael Scally MD or read his posts. Don't be dumb and don't listen to the "bro's" with shit knowledge and no care for your well being
All of you who have no clue what you are talking about should not give medical advice on a serious topic like this. Sean Taylor go suck on a dick. 26 years old planning trt rest of your life and giving the same advice to a noob? You are noob yourself bud. Just because you can type some words on a forum does not make you an expert. Advice you have given is absurd.
@Paul_Martin for a real medical advice PM @Michael Scally MD or read his posts. Don't be dumb and don't listen to the "bro's" with shit knowledge and no care for your well being

I am agree with you man, get on juice when your axis sucks is bad idea. I contact with Scally , right know i am waiting for my second blood test. The main problem that i did not do any PCT for the long time after cycle, and know still suffering and waiting when clomid will work on me better.

Also i think it is a good idea to add 1mg AI (Letrozole) every day, for minimize increase estrogens.

I am sure here are many guys who cycling for years without good minimum break like 6-12 months and definitely will suffer in the future like me. So it is better to clean yourself as soon as you can.