I assumed more people knew


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AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Outside of meso, have you ever met anyone else as well aware of the peramiters and testing ability and other things that are available, in the field of aas and peptides? Honestly this place is an incredible source of knowledge. I kind of assume sometimes other people put in the effort and learning that comes here freely. But then it seems otherwise outside of this place.
Outside of meso, have you ever met anyone else as well aware of the peramiters and testing ability and other things that are available, in the field of aas and peptides? Honestly this place is an incredible source of knowledge. I kind of assume sometimes other people put in the effort and learning that comes here freely. But then it seems otherwise outside of this place.
I will mention testing on hgh or some other peptides tested how there is access to view the testing results for those products and dudes always think it’s made up tests. Like it’s impossible to have those things tested. Everyone in my area is just clueless to anything AAS related there knowledge is still from 90’s about it.
What exactly are you talking about? janoshik?
Yes, and just the other wealth of information available, and articles by millard and by type2x. Along with many other knowledgable members to throw information off of, and read the dieting logs. I havent met anyone outside of this place that knows info in person, about the use of aas and peptides like here.

Edit-and like big bowl said, to a tee.
I will mention testing on hgh or some other peptides tested how there is access to view the testing results for those products and dudes always think it’s made up tests. Like it’s impossible to have those things tested. Everyone in my area is just clueless to anything AAS related there knowledge is still from 90’s about it.
Yes exactly.
I think a majority of guys probably just buy gear blindly in the gym or from naps. The few gear related conversations I've had in my gym, The guys are clueless and are buying homebrew that gives pip from one guy or they just associate the labels of ugl gear with high quality. Honestly it's embarrassing. I don't discuss my sources or meso to anyone in real life besides my best friend. He knows I use meso and we both buy from the same few sources individually.
No. Not even close. Even the guys I k ow who are really big or used to compete. It’s like talking to a kid when it comes to gear and stuff.

They embody the statement I’ve heard that getting jacked is easy, we make it hard.

They eat a lot, they take drugs, and they pick up heavy things and put them down. No testing, no research, no thoughts on the “best” way to do things. No fancy approaches or plans.

Sometimes all this information isn’t a blessing. I know I get sucked into the weeds easily.
Outside of meso, have you ever met anyone else as well aware of the peramiters and testing ability and other things that are available, in the field of aas and peptides? Honestly this place is an incredible source of knowledge. I kind of assume sometimes other people put in the effort and learning that comes here freely. But then it seems otherwise outside of this place.
I see a lot of gym members juicing that are at a complet loss on training and obviously eating requirements.
I don't bring up the aas topic because it's obvious I just, when asked, go into training, eating, and proper recovery.
Most people don't like to "nerd out" on things. Meaning they just take whatever is put in front of their faces and they don't want to think about any other possibility but that because that's a lot of work for them.