hey, complete noob here, just wanted to share my experience with ifit thus far. I know the "cycle" I tried to set up is retardo, was trying to emulate the all oral cycle 2 from getroids.net using ifit products. after a week of 30mg dbol and 60mg anadrol daily, no change of any kind. no increase strength,size, aggression, no libido, energy,gyno, change, no sleeping, sweating change, no difference in workouts... absolutely nothing. so I started taking the superdrol too, and the tbol, at end week 2. I know dumbass move using my body like guinea pig, wasn't too worried since no change of any kind. popped open the capsules, all 5 have same consistency, color, taste. vitamin c I think. says that's the filler on the package, I think that means he took empty caps and filler-d em up with straight vitamin c and nothing else. coming to the end week 3, still no change of any kind when I contacted source he just tried to scare me into buying testosterone.
For what it's worth fellas, try not to tee off on me too hard for poor decisions, could use guidance, I try not to be an askhole too much.