I fucked up on Tren and T3…


New Member
Hello everyone,

for more details you can read the unfinished cycle log that I posted.

Basically I wanted to recomp/cut with a Test/Tren cycle. It worked great in the first few weeks until I had the glorious idea of adding T3 to speed things up.

Long story short, I ended up losing almost 15kg from my highest to lowest weight in a way too short timeframe and now I just look like a smaller version of my previous self. Not even much leaner, I probably lost muscle and fat at an equal ratio. I can give more details if anyone asks.

What I‘ve learned from this is that you shouldn’t be a dumbass and think you know more than people with years of experience.

I‘m in the process of dropping everything except Test and hopefully I can get the lost muscle back. I didn’t have any business running Tren and T3 anyway with my limited experience.

I was a fucking moron…
I started to get desperate towards the end of my cut. Added low dose tren E for a couple weeks before I ultimately pulled it due to sides and never noticing anything positive (but lots of negatives). I was also going down the rabbit hole of reading about thyroid meds. Had labs drawn and they (thyroid) weren’t bad or out of whack. Ultimately decided against adding it but man. I was real close.

It was just a couple weeks ago but even now, looking back I feel like I was a just in panic mode for some reason. Dieting is weird. Almost like you’re in a constant state of fight or flight or some shit.
I’m MUCH more designed to be fat.
Unfortunately 100mcg the entire time. At least I know now that my source is legit…
The problem isn't fake T3. I had a supply of UGL T3, but after experiencing UGL clen adventures, I just couldn't bring myself to use it. I finally chucked it to protect myself from temptation.
I started with 25mcg, then 50mcg a few days later and really liked it so my monkey brain went "more = better"

For perspective..I’m nearing my first pro show and am on 37.5 total split into two doses after several weeks at just 25. 100mcg is a crazy dose that needs reserved for extreme situations. If 25mcg doesn’t get shit moving your problem is diet and activity. Get those right first, then consider new drugs, and those that eat muscle absolutely last.
chances are your underground UGL t3 was incorrectly dosed, so that 100mcg you were taking was probably much more

t3 is also highly catabolic. Add in a severe calorie deficit (im assuming you were in one if you lost 15kg which is a f**kload), probably a poor diet where you undercut your protein needs, and yeah tren might not even be enough to save that muscle

Honestly T3 isn't needed for a cut unless your bloodwork shows you have thryoid issues, or you're prepping for a show, at the end of a hard diet where your metabolism has slowed down, and even then you'd only really need 25-37.5mcg (of pharma grade T3)

The tren and a calorie deficit alone would have been enough to rip the fat off your body while preserving muscle. You could have even ate at maintenance and still lost a lot of fat while on tren. But super high dose t3 + calorie deficit + shitty diet = massive muscle and strength loss, plus it makes you look flat and stringy. It also increases my appetite and makes me ravenous to the point where I don't even find the relatively small metabolic increase worth the insane hunger I get from it. I'd rather just up my cardio
Hello everyone,

for more details you can read the unfinished cycle log that I posted.

Basically I wanted to recomp/cut with a Test/Tren cycle. It worked great in the first few weeks until I had the glorious idea of adding T3 to speed things up.

Long story short, I ended up losing almost 15kg from my highest to lowest weight in a way too short timeframe and now I just look like a smaller version of my previous self. Not even much leaner, I probably lost muscle and fat at an equal ratio. I can give more details if anyone asks.

What I‘ve learned from this is that you shouldn’t be a dumbass and think you know more than people with years of experience.

I‘m in the process of dropping everything except Test and hopefully I can get the lost muscle back. I didn’t have any business running Tren and T3 anyway with my limited experience.

I was a fucking moron…
Maybe at 5-8kgs shouldn’t you have thought wooooahh, weight is dropping quick but body composition isn’t looking great, maybe I have to reevaluate my drug protocol/diet?

I have no idea how you were able to push through until you lost 15kg. Maybe I just overthink every process, but if I start dropping that much weight and look the same, I will let another set of eyes evaluate my situation for objectivity.

That sucks, maybe no t3 for you next time lol.
Maybe at 5-8kgs shouldn’t you have thought wooooahh, weight is dropping quick but body composition isn’t looking great, maybe I have to reevaluate my drug protocol/diet?

I have no idea how you were able to push through until you lost 15kg. Maybe I just overthink every process, but if I start dropping that much weight and look the same, I will let another set of eyes evaluate my situation for objectivity.

That sucks, maybe no t3 for you next time lol.

When you reduce calorie input that low, I was losing 8 pounds a week at one point in my life, you're no longer thinking rationally, and if you don't have anyone to check you, mentally things spiral downwards quick. He's lucky it didn't get worse.
When you reduce calorie input that low, I was losing 8 pounds a week at one point in my life, you're no longer thinking rationally, and if you don't have anyone to check you, mentally things spiral downwards quick. He's lucky it didn't get worse.
This is why most would recommend getting a coach instead of spending your money on drugs first.

Having a workout partner to keep you in line immensely help too.

For perspective..I’m nearing my first pro show and am on 37.5 total split into two doses after several weeks at just 25. 100mcg is a crazy dose that needs reserved for extreme situations. If 25mcg doesn’t get shit moving your problem is diet and activity. Get those right first, then consider new drugs, and those that eat muscle absolutely last.
Is 37.5mcg a replacement dosage or already above normal values?

It‘s not like 25mcg didn’t work for me, my diet and activity was on point, but I was incredibly inpatient.

I will probably stay on 25-37.5mcg for a few weeks until my body is in a stable position and then drop the T3.