I need advice for using Norditropin SimpleXx 10 mg/1,5 ml - 30 I.U. Refil cartridges with no pen


New Member
Hopefully someone can give me some sound guidance on what I should be pulling on an insulin needle to administer the desired IU

I don't have the injector that you would normally have with this so that's why I've got the needles I have.

The needle I have is a 1.0ml needle starting at 0.1 with 5 smaller increments up to 0.2 and continues up to 1.0ml

What the best way to work out where to pull on the needle to what IU need.

I want to start of at 3 IU going up to 4 IU.

One other question I have is at what dose do I need to start splitting my IU I take?
Why dont you just buy the pen? I have one that a buddy gave me so they cant be that hard to find.
Iron Will I have 6 refills, yeah I will try looking for a pen as when I did it this morning I pushed to hard on the plunger and spilt about £50 on the kitchen floor.

When you're taking this gear and the T4 are you feeling any different? As in does it trigger sweats? Shakes? I've not felt a thing yet.