I really like Modafinil - even at low doses


New Member
Hello Meso
I really enjoy Modafinil. Clean energy and wakefulness. No sides. A bit hard to get in my part of the world. So I am a bit sparesome with it. Just tried 25mg. Worked well. 50mg did too.
Is the normal 100-300mg dose overkill, if you are just looking for a boost, and don’t have any medical conditions?
What are your experiences?
It works well for me though I use it sparingly and take massive breaks from it.

Used in combination with a few nootr0pics you can amplify the effect for a while (there are limits to your acetylcholine metabolic processes) but for me the increased energy and mental focus comes at the expense of making me more of a soulless robot than I am naturally.

6 week major project? Sure. Just have to make sure the women in my life take at least several of those weeks to go visit relatives or something.
These type of meds are not available here in the old world. Been interested in adderall and this and others, I can't remember all. Seems like cool drugs when used for certain goals at reasonable dosages. Side effect profile looks good and benefits sound good too.
It works well for me though I use it sparingly and take massive breaks from it.

Used in combination with a few nootr0pics you can amplify the effect for a while (there are limits to your acetylcholine metabolic processes) but for me the increased energy and mental focus comes at the expense of making me more of a soulless robot than I am naturally.

6 week major project? Sure. Just have to make sure the women in my life take at least several of those weeks to go visit relatives or something.
What do you combine it with?
What do you combine it with?
I have used it with a few different Racetams and Choline supplements. I have always treated it like a very hard cycle. so 6 weeks on = 18 weeks off at a minimum for me. Preferably longer off times.
I was using that shit when I was working 60 hrs a week and it started making me feel depressed as fuck during the comedown. I was using 100-200mg. It works but the come down isnt worth it for me. It doesnt do anything some caffeine will do for me.
I've used it plenty as self medication for my ADD. It works, but loses its shine when taken every day even at low doses (always took a quarter of the tab, 37.5mg) It takes it's toll over time, due to not getting quality sleep or dehydration issues.

Recently I started taking Wellbutrin aka Bupropion 150mg extended release and have really been liking it. Helps my mind stay sharper, good energy throughout the day and doesn't wear me down. Felt my best trying vyvanse from a friend but getting prescribed that takes a lot of time.
Im currently preping for a comp. So, I've felt completely garbage when getting off clen, as I usually cycle that, modafinil saved my life as it gave me a bit a breath, no actual energy, but most importantly regulated my mood, controlled completely my cravings and make me more focused. 100mg did shit all, 200mg for me at 2 weeks out, very low calories made all diference, keen to try with a normal diet to see if I become more productive in general.
Not a fan of moda, I use armodafinil. It seems to last much longer and be a little cleaner and steady of a lift. Moda makes me anxious and mean. I use it for a sleep disorder.

200mg of moda is the max recommended dose. 250mg of armo is the max recommended dose.

Is 300mg moda overkill, my opinion, it depends on the person. Most likely yes. Daily use brings tolerance and receiving benefits from a 25mg dose will fade overtime. But I would never suggest going over 200mg moda. It's why many suggest cycling it.

Is a 500mg daily dose of test overkill, in my opinion, it depends. To a noob probably, to a competitor, probably not.
Great drug. I have it prescribed for sleepiness due to sleep apnea. I take 100-200mg per day. No come down like Adderall, lifts mood, and not euphoric like Adderall.
Not a fan of moda, I use armodafinil. It seems to last much longer and be a little cleaner and steady of a lift. Moda makes me anxious and mean. I use it for a sleep disorder.

200mg of moda is the max recommended dose. 250mg of armo is the max recommended dose.

Is 300mg moda overkill, my opinion, it depends on the person. Most likely yes. Daily use brings tolerance and receiving benefits from a 25mg dose will fade overtime. But I would never suggest going over 200mg moda. It's why many suggest cycling it.

Is a 500mg daily dose of test overkill, in my opinion, it depends. To a noob probably, to a competitor, probably not.
I feel the same about armodafinil, regular moda has more of a rush and a crash. Armo is nice and consistent throughout the day
I've used it plenty as self medication for my ADD. It works, but loses its shine when taken every day even at low doses (always took a quarter of the tab, 37.5mg) It takes it's toll over time, due to not getting quality sleep or dehydration issues.

Recently I started taking Wellbutrin aka Bupropion 150mg extended release and have really been liking it. Helps my mind stay sharper, good energy throughout the day and doesn't wear me down. Felt my best trying vyvanse from a friend but getting prescribed that takes a lot of time.

Depending on where u live my psyc gave me a vyvance script quickly… if ur where i live and perhaps across state lines i can give u his info?
Depending on where u live my psyc gave me a vyvance script quickly… if ur where i live and perhaps across state lines i can give u his info?
Teledoc? I'm alright, the psych I'm talking to doesn't seem like she's guarding them, just saving stims until I've tried other stuff. I'm sure after a couple more visits I could easily persuade her but honestly, I'd probably only use vyvanse sparingly.