I really like Modafinil - even at low doses

I do see why people enjoy modafinil now

I'm up at 4am most days, but I hate taking caffeine or other stimulants because it makes me jittery and overstimulates the CNS if you have a low stimulant tolerance

I don't get that feeling with modafinil. There's no jittery or "wired" feeling, but it does wake you up and provide a clean, focused energy and feeling, as well as cognitive benefits

It's also really helpful for gym performance too, especially on those early morning days where you're dragging a bit. Feels like you could train for 3+ hours if you really wanted to.

Overall, I'm impressed.
As someone who has extensive experience with Adderall and modafinil, I have to say I prefer modafinil in most cases. And to be as precise in the comparison as I can, I'm comparing a 30mg extended release adderall vs 300mg of modafinil, which are my go-to doses for each substance when I partake in them. Full disclosure, I've experimented with up to 50mg of adderall daily (30mg extended release in the morning, 20mg instant release in the late afternoon) and 400mg modafinil (single dose in the morning).

While it doesn't provide the raw stimulation of a substance like adderall (which is unsurprising, since amphetamines are pretty much unmatched in that regard), modafinil provides a much more subtle, smooth effect that feels more like organic energy and wakefulness.

I like to look at it like this: while certain stimulants like adderall, caffeine, etc, are typically defined by the feeling or energy boost they give you, modafinil is more defined by what you don't feel. Modafinil just keeps fatigue away for me; I feel fresh, like I just woke up from a good nap, except that feeling is constant for 8 - 10 hours. I also get a bit of a mental sharpness effect, but I personally feel that this is very subtle.

The thing I haven't experimented with yet, but has been tempting, is to try a combination of adderall and modafinil to see how they compliment each other, and if there is a synergistic effect between the two. Perhaps somebody who has experience with this could chime in, I'd be interested to hear their personal take.
I do see why people enjoy modafinil now

I'm up at 4am most days, but I hate taking caffeine or other stimulants because it makes me jittery and overstimulates the CNS if you have a low stimulant tolerance

I don't get that feeling with modafinil. There's no jittery or "wired" feeling, but it does wake you up and provide a clean, focused energy and feeling, as well as cognitive benefits

It's also really helpful for gym performance too, especially on those early morning days where you're dragging a bit. Feels like you could train for 3+ hours if you really wanted to.

Overall, I'm impressed.

As someone who has extensive experience with Adderall and modafinil, I have to say I prefer modafinil in most cases. And to be as precise in the comparison as I can, I'm comparing a 30mg extended release adderall vs 300mg of modafinil, which are my go-to doses for each substance when I partake in them. Full disclosure, I've experimented with up to 50mg of adderall daily (30mg extended release in the morning, 20mg instant release in the late afternoon) and 400mg modafinil (single dose in the morning).

While it doesn't provide the raw stimulation of a substance like adderall (which is unsurprising, since amphetamines are pretty much unmatched in that regard), modafinil provides a much more subtle, smooth effect that feels more like organic energy and wakefulness.

I like to look at it like this: while certain stimulants like adderall, caffeine, etc, are typically defined by the feeling or energy boost they give you, modafinil is more defined by what you don't feel. Modafinil just keeps fatigue away for me; I feel fresh, like I just woke up from a good nap, except that feeling is constant for 8 - 10 hours. I also get a bit of a mental sharpness effect, but I personally feel that this is very subtle.

The thing I haven't experimented with yet, but has been tempting, is to try a combination of adderall and modafinil to see how they compliment each other, and if there is a synergistic effect between the two. Perhaps somebody who has experience with this could chime in, I'd be interested to hear their personal take.

Modafinil is what caffeine would be if you were designing it from the ground up.

It's no adderall, true, but adderall "borrows" energy (and health imo) from the future that must be paid back with interest. Moda just gently returns you to where you were to begin with.

Since duration is dose related, I'll adjust accordingly, taking more at a 4AM wake up than 9AM. For me that's 250-400, roughly.
Hello Meso
I really enjoy Modafinil. Clean energy and wakefulness. No sides. A bit hard to get in my part of the world. So I am a bit sparesome with it. Just tried 25mg. Worked well. 50mg did too.
Is the normal 100-300mg dose overkill, if you are just looking for a boost, and don’t have any medical conditions?
What are your experiences?
50mg when dieting is really useful.

I use 100-200 if I have long days at work, like a long trip etc
It's no adderall, true, but adderall "borrows" energy (and health imo) from the future that must be paid back with interest. Moda just gently returns you to where you were to begin with.
This is an excellent illustration of the comparison between the two, couldn't have phrased it better myself. I feel much more comfortable using modafinil regularly long-term than I do using adderall regularly long-term. Something in the back of my mind just intuitively tells me that consistent amphetamine use over a long period can't be great for me physiologically, whether it be altering dopamine sensitivity or other unknown effects that I'm ignorant about (although I could be wrong, I'm not super well-versed in the scientific literature in this regard). Granted, I'm using these pretty much purely as PEDs, so obviously someone who has a medical condition that is alleviated by an amphetamine derivative medication may receive benefits from them that far outweigh any potential long-term detrimental health effects (especially if the effects are negligible). I do technically have a diagnosed medical condition that warrants adderall usage, but it's a bullshit diagnosis that I got just so I could get a prescription, lol.
Modafinil is what caffeine would be if you were designing it from the ground up.
Would you mind expanding on what you mean by this? Do you mean this as a hypothetical thought experiment? Like, if you were to design the "ideal" caffeine substance, it would behave like modafinil? Or do you mean that they share a similar chemical structure at a fundamental level? Sorry if I'm reading too much into your words, lol. You may have just meant it as a throw-away comment.
Would you mind expanding on what you mean by this? Do you mean this as a hypothetical thought experiment? Like, if you were to design the "ideal" caffeine substance, it would behave like modafinil? Or do you mean that they share a similar chemical structure at a fundamental level? Sorry if I'm reading too much into your words, lol. You may have just meant it as a throw-away comment.

Long duration.

No tolerance (once you reach a stable dose).

No "shakes", visual disturbances, or the other negative effects from the high caffeine doses required after tolerance develops.

No diuretic effect increasing urination.

No withdrawal symptoms.

More pronounced cognitive enhancement.

Various long term protective effects on the brain.

I still enjoy coffee. but no long "need" coffee.
Long duration.

No tolerance (once you reach a stable dose).

No "shakes", visual disturbances, or the other negative effects from the high caffeine doses required after tolerance develops.

No diuretic effect increasing urination.

No withdrawal symptoms.

More pronounced cognitive enhancement.

Various long term protective effects on the brain.

I still enjoy coffee. but no long "need" coffee.
Ah, ok, yeah, that's kinda what I thought you meant. As in modafinil providing all of the positive effects of caffeine to an equal or greater degree, with virtually none of the side-effects.

On an unrelated side note, I believe you are the one who posted a lot of interesting information in a thread I was reading through about a week ago regarding the efficacy of long-term clen use and the myth of needing to take breaks to preserve the majority of the physiological benefits. That was a great thread, and coincidentally everything you were posting was in-line with this video I watched about a month back on the subject (
View: https://youtu.be/WIokB3tr-kw?si=EL9YZ35QA3XGQIj-
). Very helpful information, just wanted to give you some props for that.
I really wanted to like modafinil. It made my throat so itchy and voice hoarse day 1 and sides for worse for me as I kept trying it thinking it was unrelated. Definitely not acid reflux like ghoul mentioned. I've had that many times. I gave it to my wife and she enjoyed it for a week but then it started happening to her too. Maybe it's the brand. It's modvigil 200. So I guess I'll stick with caffeine for now
So i took 200mg modafinil/day for about 4 weeks. Towards the end I just wasn't really feeling it as much. I'd still get that clean, alrert energy but it just felt more effective within the first week or two I took it.

The last 5 days, I haven't taken any at all, and to my surprise, my workouts have actually gotten better without it.

0 sides or withdrawal symptoms when stopping it which is always a plus.

I still like the compound, but maybe it's more effective when cycled. Taking a break for now
So i took 200mg modafinil/day for about 4 weeks. Towards the end I just wasn't really feeling it as much. I'd still get that clean, alrert energy but it just felt more effective within the first week or two I took it.

The last 5 days, I haven't taken any at all, and to my surprise, my workouts have actually gotten better without it.

0 sides or withdrawal symptoms when stopping it which is always a plus.

I still like the compound, but maybe it's more effective when cycled. Taking a break for now

While there's no tolerance, in the sense of continuously having to increase the dose to achieve the same effect, like an amphetamine or caffeine, the production of enzymes that metabolize Moda increase in response to using it, and break it down more quickly.

This upregulation hits its limit pretty early, a month or two. and then metabolization no longer speeds up.

So what you describe is standard for regular use. Often there's one dose increase by the prescriber, and then people stay on the same dose for years without any further drop off in effectiveness.
While there's no tolerance, in the sense of continuously having to increase the dose to achieve the same effect, like an amphetamine or caffeine, the production of enzymes that metabolize Moda increase in response to using it, and break it down more quickly.

This upregulation hits its limit pretty early, a month or two. and then metabolization no longer speeds up.

So what you describe is standard for regular use. Often there's one dose increase by the prescriber, and then people stay on the same dose for years without any further drop off in effectiveness.
Yeah I figured if anyone knew why it would happen, It would be you.

I'm a big fan of modafinil now. I'll probably just end up cycling it as I probably don't need it as often as I was taking it (ed). I'll probably just keep it to the days i have massive projects to work on, or the days I'm dragging butt and need a little pick me up in the gym

Edit: looks like my post is awaiting moderator approval. I don't think i said anything that bad?
Yeah I figured if anyone knew why it would happen, It would be you.

I'm a big fan of modafinil now. I'll probably just end up cycling it as I probably don't need it as often as I was taking it (ed). I'll probably just keep it to the days i have massive projects to work on, or the days I'm dragging butt and need a little pick me up in the gym

Edit: looks like my post is awaiting moderator approval. I don't think i said anything that bad?

Hey whatever works for you, it's so safe, and easy to jump off and on (moreso than caffeine) experimenting to find what works is risk free, with only some lost sleep being the worst case scenario.

I'm at the point I carefully calibrate my dose based on waking time, a mix of Modafinil and Armodafinil, and the timing is so reliable at this point it wears off right before bedtime.

I also go a little higher if I have an exceptionally challenging day ahead.

Tiny 50mg Armodafinil tablets on a 200mg Moda "base" are handy for dialing in the perfect amount of afinil for the day.
150mg trt dose a week. Also running 100mg moda a day and have tried multiple brands like wakalert, healing pharma, sun pharma, etc.

I like the wakefulness boost with Moda, but it is definitely jacking my blood pressure up. I’ve had to run 2.5 mg oral minox and 40mg Telmisartan to keep it in check.

Anyone else notice trt and moda driving up blood pressure abit too high?
150mg trt dose a week. Also running 100mg moda a day and have tried multiple brands like wakalert, healing pharma, sun pharma, etc.

I like the wakefulness boost with Moda, but it is definitely jacking my blood pressure up. I’ve had to run 2.5 mg oral minox and 40mg Telmisartan to keep it in check.

Anyone else notice trt and moda driving up blood pressure abit too high?

It's a mixed bag. Most don't seem to experience a rise in BP, of those that do, it's typically 5-7 points. Were you monitoring. BP before, or did an increased heart rate prompt you to check?
Honestly nah I didn’t monitor BP before starting Moda. So it’s hard to tell if I can blame moda for BP rising.

What sucks is I’m 6 foot and like 178 pounds. Not exactly overweight or anything. Oh, also using 100mg primo a week to manage estrogen with trt. Plus 0.5mg fin and 2.5mg oral minox at night. Hoping the oral minox helps to reduce blood pressure abit too.

It sucks cause if I’m high BP at 6 foot and 180, guess my genetics suck, and I’d just stroke the hell out if I bulked to 200 pounds or beyond. The guys who are 200+ with good blood pressure are truly blessed.
Honestly nah I didn’t monitor BP before starting Moda. So it’s hard to tell if I can blame moda for BP rising.

What sucks is I’m 6 foot and like 178 pounds. Not exactly overweight or anything. Oh, also using 100mg primo a week to manage estrogen with trt. Plus 0.5mg fin and 2.5mg oral minox at night. Hoping the oral minox helps to reduce blood pressure abit too.

It sucks cause if I’m high BP at 6 foot and 180, guess my genetics suck, and I’d just stroke the hell out if I bulked to 200 pounds or beyond. The guys who are 200+ with good blood pressure are truly blessed.

Take heart knowing that BP, if controlled, shows the same long term outcomes of those with naturally lower BP. Crazy as it seems some outcomes are superior when BP is controlled with medication.

Telmisartin and Minox provide their own benefits, especially with long term use.

If you need it to drop just a little more, into the ideal 120/70 milestone, consider low dose daily cialis. Not a big reducer of BP, just a couple of points, but long term use suggests better heart and brain health.

Long term brain health also appears to be a benefit among those who use Moda for a decade+. It appears to initially spark the widespread addition of new neurons in the brain, and while that benefit levels off after a while, a greater ability to create new connections persists as long as you use it (neuroplasticity).

Unlike some other cognition enhancers, Modafinil increases the ability of brain cells to dispose of oxidative waste (damaging) at a rate greater than the increase of its production from Moda induced increased activity.
Hi everyone ! Been reading the thread and seen that most people run quite a high dose.

What about a 50mg to help the day and help a diet ? Is it worthless to get under 100mg ?

Been under methylphenidate but hate it !
Hi everyone ! Been reading the thread and seen that most people run quite a high dose.

What about a 50mg to help the day and help a diet ? Is it worthless to get under 100mg ?

Been under methylphenidate but hate it !

Absolutely nothing wrong with a low dose. Everyone's reaction is different anyway, so the standard 150mg Armo or 200mg Moda doses aren't ideal for everyone. Usually within the first month or so of daily use you'll need to increase to maintain the same level of effect, but not again after that.

I love 50mg tabs of Armodafinil, or 100mg of Moda, they let me dial in the perfect dose depending on what time I wake up.

Duration is closely tied to total dose, not just strength of the effect. You only want to take one dose in the morning, the larger, the longer it'll last.

For Amrodafinil I highly reccomend the 50mg Artvigils, a really good value. The 50mg Modawake are even better. but the price, like for all Sun Pharma (from some vendors) has been skyrocketing for some reason. I assume it's getting more difficult to acquire, or someone's got a monopoly, because the price gap between it and competing brands is madness.

Otherwise I just split tabs as needed, not a perfect solution for precise doses but close enough and a far better value.
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Absolutely nothing wrong with a low dose. Everyone's reaction is different anyway, so the standard 150mg Armo or 200mg Moda doses aren't ideal for everyone. Usually within the first month or so of daily use you'll need to increase to maintain the same level of effect, but not again after that.

I love 50mg tabs of Armodafinil, or 100mg of Moda, they let me dial in the perfect dose depending on what time I wake up.

Duration is closely tied to total dose, not just strength of the effect. You only want to take one dose in the morning, the larger, the longer it'll last.

For Amrodafinil I highly reccomend the 50mg Artvigils, a really good value. The 50mg Modawake are even better. but the price, like for all Sun Pharma (from some vendors) has been skyrocketing for some reason. I assume it's getting more difficult to acquire, or someone's got a monopoly, because the price gap between it and competing brands is madness.

Otherwise I just split tabs as needed, not a perfect solution for precise doses but close enough and a far better value.
Thanks you so much.

It’s really amazing how a forum can actually explain and make you learn things.

Going to look after that. Not familiar with Amrodafinil, so going to make some research on that. Thanks !