I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

Well idk shit about politics, all I know is this shit has to stop

I appreciate the insight

I don’t see how people are voting for biden with all his public mess ups where he can’t even talk straight
Really? I voted for every Republican from Reagan up until I voted for Obama because I got tired of watching my friends die because they had no health insurance and Obama was the only hope. McCain said he would give. a 5,000 dollar tax credit, but that would not save any of the people I knew.

I know it was fucked up. It was a half measure but it was a start. When you see people drying in their 40s and 50s because of no healthcare it changes you.

I have always made dam good money and I couldn't see how I was more important in the scheme of things as far as healthcare was concerned. I could always afford the best. My freinds didn't deserve the same?They worked hard. What made it right for the system to allow them to die?

Thats when I changed my mind about the Republican party and started voting Democrat.

Trump has said he has a healthcare plan in 2 weeks how many times?

Trump has done nothing but allow 200,000 people die of covivid. 400,000 by the end of the year. Sorry fellas, your boy is going down. It may take US Marshalls to remove him, but if thats necessary so be it.
Really? I voted for every Republican from Reagan up until I voted for Obama because I got tired of watching my friends die because they had no health insurance and Obama was the only hope. McCain said he would give. a 5,000 dollar tax credit, but that would not save any of the people I knew.

I know it was fucked up. It was a half measure but it was a start. When you see people drying in their 40s and 50s because of no healthcare it changes you.

I have always made dam good money and I couldn't see how I was more important in the scheme of things as far as healthcare was concerned. I could always afford the best. My freinds didn't deserve the same?They worked hard. What made it right for the system to allow them to die?

Thats when I changed my mind about the Republican party and started voting Democrat.

Trump has said he has a healthcare plan in 2 weeks how many times?

Trump has done nothing but allow 200,000 people die of covivid. 400,000 by the end of the year. Sorry fellas, your boy is going down. It may take US Marshalls to remove him, but if thats necessary so be it.

you are so full of shit I don’t think anyone believes your post.

and if it is true it’s too bad your friends died because they were fucking losers and couldn’t support themselves to buy their own health care coverage but that doesn’t really matter because if you’re sick you could go to an emergency room or hospital and get services without healthcare coverage so you’re full of shit telling more lies once again to try to get sympathy.

you’re a fucking joke
Dude wasn’t murdered. He was in shit health and popped some fent in his mouth right before he was arrested.
@Villain that was cold blooded murder. The man was begging the cops saying he couldn't breath.

I have had cops draw down on me. They had murder in their eyes. I wasn't resisting. Im white. There is a problem with those mother fuckers and I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be black. Cops got attitude and it needs to stop.
you are so full of shit I don’t think anyone believes your post.

and if it is true it’s too bad your friends died because they were fucking losers and couldn’t support themselves to buy their own health care coverage but that doesn’t really matter because if you’re sick you could go to an emergency room or hospital and get services without healthcare coverage so you’re full of shit telling more lies once again to try to get sympathy.

you’re a fucking joke
Let me just say fuck you every time you post joe. Even when I don't see your abomination to humanity. Ok
Let me just say fuck you every time you post joe. Even when I don't see your abomination to humanity. Ok

what’s the problem? why can’t you defend your positions?

are you ashamed of your white privilege you had all your life? I bet you have a Black Lives Matter and Harris/Biden 2020 poster in your yard? lol.
what’s the problem? why can’t you defend your positions?

are you ashamed of your white privilege you had all your life? I bet you have a Black Lives Matter and Harris/Biden 2020 poster in your yard? lol.
Yes I do. And I talk to everyone I can can get to listen what a piece of shit trump is.

I spend 8 hrs a day on the phone making calls to ensure that people are registered to vote for Biden and Harris.

The fuck you I left on my last post pertaining to your ignorant ass on this current post applies here.:)

I will be thinking about you November 4 and how you are feeling. Or how ever long it takes. Like I said earlier your boy may have to be physically removed. I'll watch it on the fake news.
How many of you remember when we joined meso to stay safe and to find sources that we could use that would treat us fairly?
Thats what I did the last 20 years. It does bother me that I stand against some of you now. Meso should be more than this.

In a couple months you can come to me and I will talk you down. Sorry if Im making you feel bad:)
it’s hilarious how blm is a Marxist organization yet Marx was a racist and anti-Semite. these people are so stupid.
Lol. BLM stands primarily against LE and their opposition to their mistreatment of minority folk.

I'm a white man that has. had nothing but trouble from LE and I wouldnt want to be black.

Not that I care what you have to say or think. I'm bored tonight.

You have consumed far to much of my @Joe Morgan . Back to your blatant racism. I used to hate at one time. Seeing tbibgs differently cost me alot of what I tbought at the time to be important. I think you dont have it in you, and you will always be a dip shit. Sorry.
I never saw him resist arrest though, and in that case there was video showing the confrontation from initial police contact up until he went motionless. That cop was a pussy, bottom line. I'm not saying what the guy did or didn't take or how he lived his life, but in that case I do believe the police officer was fucking up
This was a pretty much all staged to start the race war we’re now in. There actually was nothing illegal about placing his knee on the criminal’s neck. Excessive, for 8 minutes? Yes, but the criminal wasn’t murdered as a result of the knee to the neck. That’s actually a standard move, right or wrong.
Yes I do. And I talk to everyone I can can get to listen what a piece of shit trump is.

I spend 8 hrs a day on the phone making calls to ensure that people are registered to vote for Biden and Harris.

The fuck you I left on my last post pertaining to your ignorant ass on this current post applies here.:)

I will be thinking about you November 4 and how you are feeling. Or how ever long it takes. Like I said earlier your boy may have to be physically removed. I'll watch it on the fake news.
You're so right Paul, Joe Biden is going to win. Never mind Trumps mega rallies every day, and Biden's non existent crowds. It's all an illusion.

And after Joe's big win, he will come to your house, and your Mom will shout down to the basement: "Pauly, Joe is here!"...and Joe will thank you profusely for all your hard work getting him elected.

And there will be cookies and ice cream, balloons, and lollipops and rainbows....
I'm never Trump and I am BLM. Imo trump is so dam crooked I would vote for almost anyone before I would vote for him.

From the day he began his campaign he has made it clear he is raceist. The Mexican people I know are the salt of the earth. They are the most family oriented people I know.

John McCain is a bona fide hero. Trump is a coward that ised bone spurs as an excuse to avoid service for his country. I served and if i remember correctly you did as well.

Don't ask me to support a man who lies every fucking time he opens his mouth. What is be up to 20,000 lies in 3+ years?

Sorry I can't support trump as a matter of conscious. I don't buy the socialist bullshit. If that means that those making more than 400,000 a year will pay more tax then so be it. They have prospered more than most they should pay mre than mast.

I have always respected you GWT but we definitely disagree on this issue, and your socialist claims are baseless as I am sure you will realize when things are all said and done.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community/government as a whole.

In other words the govt takes on the role in your life of providing for you. Socialism is closely tied to communism. Both are adverse to capitalism. Capitalism isnt perfect but its by design free. Socialism/communism is designed around ownership. The government owning YOU. This country has always been based on rugged individualism. That is an individual is totally self reliant from govt assisstance. That is the blue print for every successful American that was ever gifted life. If one does not or cannot develop the skills to be competant in a capitalist system they say the system is racist. That the man is holding me down. Sound familiar? Thats marxist theory. You see my claims arent baseless. They are tick for tack exactly what the democrats have been pushing for years. They want ppl self reliant on govt. They appeal to ppl who cant make it. To the low income or no income citizens. To the folks who claim time and time again the system is systemically racist and is holding them down. And they are wrong. There are racist ppl but the system as a whole is not systemically racist. And this system anyone can truly make it.

Marxist theory glorifies the govt role in individuals lives and says that eventually the natural downfall of capitalism is communism. Karl believes the state shall be the god and provider of every individual to make everyone equal. You will be provided your rations, housing and simple comforts. A cashless society. Your work provided by the state guarantees your rations. Get caught with contraband? Death. This is Karl Marx. The originator of communism. He is the impetus for every communist regimen that has ever disgraced the earth. And his teachings have been spread thru leftist professors for decades. Indoctrinating our youth. Karl's seeds are in the soil of every left leaning democrat today. Ronald Raegan once said " if communism ever comes to the US it will come thru Liberalism". And hes right, even when he said that 40 some yrs ago. So you see my claims about socialism and the democrat party are more obvious than the sky is blue. And i hope you see it now too.

Whenever you hear politicians pushing government reliance for healthy, young people you are pushing socialism. It means you are heading in the wrong direction. In BLMs mission statement it literally says they wish to destroy the western prescribed nuclear family structure. Clear as fuckin day. They, the democrats, wish to destroy the American way of life first by taking your guns rendering you helpless. Then provide an elixir to all your ails that the govt is the way. They will help. This is the exact method all communism regimens have employed to take power from its people. Subjecting them to total govt control and countless abuses of human rights.

KEEP THE GOVT OUT OF YOUR LIFE. That is the American way
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Sorry you had me on ignore @flenser. I have respected your opinion in most of your posts.

I'm all in for Biden and Harris, and I feel that BLM. I'm one of the few here who disagree, but I can't think of what I did to offend you that you would put me on ignore. :(

Im certain trump will lose this election though.

I use ignore when I'm following a conversation in a thread that's clogged with tangents. I probably just forgot to take you back off ignore. Nothing personal...
You're so right Paul, Joe Biden is going to win. Never mind Trumps mega rallies every day, and Biden's non existent crowds. It's all an illusion.

And after Joe's big win, he will come to your house, and your Mom will shout down to the basement: "Pauly, Joe is here!"...and Joe will thank you profusely for all your hard work getting him elected.

And there will be cookies and ice cream, balloons, and lollipops and rainbows....
This was a pretty much all staged to start the race war we’re now in. There actually was nothing illegal about placing his knee on the criminal’s neck. Excessive, for 8 minutes? Yes, but the criminal wasn’t murdered as a result of the knee to the neck. That’s actually a standard move, right or wrong.

The media has a long history of picking the worst examples to push their agenda. But the thing that bugs me about this is the guy was being detained for bilking a shop out of $20, a civil issue. Next he was being arrested for.. resisting arrest, and it snowballed from there.

To hell with the drug issue, and to hell with the race issue. This is a police state issue IMO. Getting his ID so the shop could sue him is the absolute most the police should be responsible for.

I don't think the police were doing their jobs wrong. I think their jobs are defined incorrectly.
The media has a long history of picking the worst examples to push their agenda. But the thing that bugs me about this is the guy was being detained for bilking a shop out of $20, a civil issue. Next he was being arrested for.. resisting arrest, and it snowballed from there.

To hell with the drug issue, and to hell with the race issue. This is a police state issue IMO. Getting his ID so the shop could sue him is the absolute most the police should be responsible for.

I don't think the police were doing their jobs wrong. I think their jobs are defined incorrectly.
The conspiracy theorist in me says this was all staged. Why a closed casket? His funeral was a complete joke. Somewhere out there, this criminal George Floyd is living it up on his payout he received.
The conspiracy theorist in me says this was all staged. Why a closed casket? His funeral was a complete joke. Somewhere out there, this criminal George Floyd is living it up on his payout he received.

Occam's razor says it was lazy reporters and agenda driven media.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community/government as a whole.

In other words the govt takes on the role in your life of providing for you. Socialism is closely tied to communism. Both are adverse to capitalism. Capitalism isnt perfect but its by design free. Socialism/communism is designed around ownership. The government owning YOU. This country has always been based on rugged individualism. That is an individual is totally self reliant from govt assisstance. That is the blue print for every successful American that was ever gifted life. If one does not or cannot develop the skills to be competant in a capitalist system they say the system is racist. That the man is holding me down. Sound familiar? Thats marxist theory. You see my claims arent baseless. They are tick for tack exactly what the democrats have been pushing for years. They want ppl self reliant on govt. They appeal to ppl who cant make it. To the low income or no income citizens. To the folks who claim time and time again the system is systemically racist and is holding them down. And they are wrong. There are racist ppl but the system as a whole is not systemically racist. And this system anyone can truly make it.

Marxist theory glorifies the govt role in individuals lives and says that eventually the natural downfall of capitalism is communism. Karl believes the state shall be the god and provider of every individual to make everyone equal. You will be provided your rations, housing and simple comforts. A cashless society. Your work provided by the state guarantees your rations. Get caught with contraband? Death. This is Karl Marx. The originator of communism. He is the impetus for every communist regimen that has ever disgraced the earth. And his teachings have been spread thru leftist professors for decades. Indoctrinating our youth. Karl's seeds are in the soil of every left leaning democrat today. Ronald Raegan once said " if communism ever comes to the US it will come thru Liberalism". And hes right, even when he said that 40 some yrs ago. So you see my claims about socialism and the democrat party are more obvious than the sky is blue. And i hope you see it now too.

Whenever you hear politicians pushing government reliance for healthy, young people you are pushing socialism. It means you are heading in the wrong direction. In BLMs mission statement it literally says they wish to destroy the western prescribed nuclear family structure. Clear as fuckin day. They, the democrats, wish to destroy the American way of life first by taking your guns rendering you helpless. Then provide an elixir to all your ails that the govt is the way. They will help. This is the exact method all communism regimens have employed to take power from its people. Subjecting them to total govt control and countless abuses of human rights.

KEEP THE GOVT OUT OF YOUR LIFE. That is the American way
This is 100% spot on rt here!
This is 100% spot on rt here!
I never really understood the social economic theory till i started reading for myself. I started investigating Karl Marx. Reading about how he was a german immigrant and was exiled from Germany and forced to live in London for his radical views. He wrote the Communist Manifesto. The book on which Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao and the communist Party of North Korea based their beliefs and ultimately an entire govt. So the question is why after all these monumental failures of communism do we see a resurgence of it here in the United States? Well in part, because communism on paper is actually a tempting idea. A perfect commune without mans interference is supposed to be heaven on earth. Everyone has a role and they receive rations for work performed. Under a communist state the word god is abolished because the state is your god. Lets make that clear. Under communism god doesnt exist. God and communism are opposites. They cannot exist together. The govt provides for your every need and no one is wanting for nothing. You as an individual own no land, no wife and nothing private. Everything is shared. Its also a cashless society. Everything is bartered. Every communist regime gains traction because the very poor need an answer to their woes. This is who it appeals to most. In this case here in the US it would be ppl who prescribe to the idea some invisible man is keeping them down. It would be the ppl who dont work, dont want to work or ppl who dont do the things and gain the tools necessary to compete in a competitive capitalist world. Soon however the bliss they were told about the new world order comes to shambles. Because even tho everything is provided for them communism kills the human spirit. Their is nothing to achieve. Nothing to aspire too. The natural human spirit to excel is crushed. Because if everything is provided for and you are stuck in your cast system whats the point? The govt has complete and total control over who gets rations and who gets cast higher or lower. This is called the proletariat, the working people and the bourgeoisie, the ruling class.

This is the new world order the democrats want for us. Lets be clear the conservative democrats have all left the building. They dont exist and if they do they are powerless to the hords of extreme left that plague their party. That leaves only the republicans who oppose this. What we see now days from the democrats, BLM, LBGQT, womans rights and other left wing leaning groups is the same thing. They want the abolishment of the constitution as its written, the death of capitalism because it keeps the black man down, they want complete and total control over you and they are doing it in the name of oppression. Ironic isnt it?

Marxism at its root is evil. And its in our govt our universities and our youth. What scares me most is alot of ppl dont see it or even understand it. They dont realize their vote can change the entire course of human history and the free world as we know it. Weve already dealt with socialized medicine and that failed miserably. Now they want the head of the eagle. They want to change the constitution to fit their agenda and they will if elected. They say elect us and all this violence will stop. Ironic isnt it? Have you read BLMs mission statement? It literally says they seek to abolish the western prescribed nuclear family structure. They are directly opposing our way of life and doing it with violence and murder. They say if Trump elects a justice to the supreme court (which is his presidential duty) they will appoint and make more justices by appointing one to Washington DC, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. States which currently do not have justices. In other words the left are Tyrants if they dont get their way. We are not ruled by Tyrants. And its about time America realizes it. These people are anti American. Wake up