If shipments from china stopped, how would it affect us?

Let's say something happens politically and shipments from China stopped. How do you think that would affect steriod users and how quickly? UGLs would run out of stock fast? Prices go up domestic? Turn to other countries for raws?

This could very well happen. Do you have a plan for when it does?
If shipments from China stop I think we’re gonna have far more issues than not being able to abuse drugs.

Or is this scenario they just stop the illegal drugs?
They were just ship to other countries. Then reship here. Unfortunately this is how fentanyl precursors are shipped to Mexico. I guess they are "brewed" then the final product sneaks across the southern border. The same go for about everything from steroids to other products. Good, bad or indifferent I don't see shipments of major stuff stopping from China to America soon. And if they do, reshipping is always a another step.
Just the illegal drugs hypothetically lol
It's interesting how selective you are being... lol, u funny.
You gringos can still get cheap clothing and electronics.
But the Chinese government says no more tren etc.
So, who can save the day?
Turkey would be a good intermediary.
They would still be mates with China, obvs, so no problem shipping your suspicious shopping items there and then to you.
And they are in a good central position to ship it all, left right and centre.
Or maybe I am saying that because in am in Europe so it seems that way.
Erdoğan will be keen to provide an international hub for your illegal drugs because it's well known he's very keen on chinese superdrol.