If you only had 8 exercises.

Good mornings. The old school ones, with a heavy ass bar, bending you like a stick in the wind.

Better late than never.
The hardcore makes up for the lateness.

I have always found these a bit awkward to do.
I might be wrong in thinking that it looks easy to do but it's hard to get it right.
It's tough on your back.
The way I see people do them, I am not sure.
What is the right way, according to you?
I thought that one was supposed to hinge at the hip, so your bum goes back.
But I see people just bending forward with the upper body.
Maybe there are more ways of doing this and I don't know.

I kind of like the seated ones, but that's just because i am crap at this stuff... and then no more posterior chain, like that, I guess.
I thought that one was supposed to hinge at the hip, so your bum goes back
That's is correct. Utilize a chamfered bar and push your hips out. It's all about the posterior chain.

Our hips are the most powerful muscle on our body. Utilizing them as much as possible is a good way to have a muslch improved quality of life, no back pains, better core strength etc

The sexy trained ass is a bonus