Ifbb Pro Bodybuilder Resorts To Armed Robbery To Support Steroid Habit


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Former IFBB pro bodybuilder Miguel Neil said he resorted to the armed robbery of several Columbus-area businesses to support his steroid habit according to WSYX Columbus ABC6/FOX28 reporter Lisa Rantala:

"In the simplest of terms, he called it roid rage," Rantala said. "[Neil] said he need money to supply a major steroid habit and he was doing anything to get it... He blamed his steroid use during his bodybuilding competition for altering his mind, thinking and moods. "

Source: http://www.myfox28columbus.com/news...Faults-Steroids-for-Robbery-Spree-54135.shtml [VIIDEO]

However Columbus Dispatch reporter John Futty heard something entirely different in the Franklin County courtroom:

"Assistant County Prosecutor Doug Stead said Neil’s supporters blamed the crimes on Neil’s heavy use of steroids," wrote Futty. "But Neil said he would not use that as an excuse."

Source: http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/10/29/Former_bodybuilder_sentenced.html

No one was going to take any such claims seriously anyway since Neil had served time in prison of 4 different occasions long before he ever became involved with competitive bodybuilding (and steroid use):

While the use of anabolic steroids and various other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) are pervasive in competitive bodybuilding and mandatory at the highest levels of the sport, Neil had an extensive criminal history that spanned his adult life long before he ever discovered bodybuilding.

Neil had already served four prison sentences. They included 7 months for receiving stolen property in 1991, almost 2 years for theft and receiving stolen property in 1992, 6 months for attempted burglary in 1997 and 5 years for bank robbery in 1998.

Source: https://www.steroid.com/blog/IFBB-P...n-Prison-for-Armed-Robbery-and-Kidnapping.php

Such a sad excuse! I've never faced 144 years so I can not relate ... But the reality is this guy pulled every string he could to lessen his sentence. C'mon ... Supporting your steroid habit; roid rage! Knowing that I can't respect this POS!
If all of his money from the robberies went to his habit, he would've been better off scoring and manufacturing the shit himself.
Their has to be an underlying
issue hear.
maybe hes covering up for another addiction.
I have not read the article but its hard to believe.
I've never been able to understand the thought process that a guy like this has and how easily and at what point does a thought turn into an armed robbery? How can a guy rationalize a scheme that no matter how I work it through always has him ending up with a lengthy prison sentence and the very real possibility of being shot and killed by LE with the best possible outcome being about $150 or so in my pocket.
Those cops are looking for any reason to shoot and kill anyone and then this guy has no problem becoming their dream come true. A black man with a firearm is terrorizing businesses in a 10 mile radius. I bet those cops had a pool going knowing that each day that passed was another one closer to target practice with a living, breathing, moving target. They missed.
I've spent time talking to bank robbers and to guys charged with kidnapping for ransom and attempted murder. I've made what some would describe as "disturbing" and "irrational" decisions as a way to make money. I'd use the same words to describe the clerks on the business side of that gun and armed robbery and their decision to work for $9/hr? I'm comfortable with the life I've lived.
I'm relieved that it's never occurred to me to walk into a liquor store with a ski mask and a fake gun when things got tough.
It seems crazy to me the connections he should have for sauce and the price.
Whats up BEN long time glad you back brother!
just off topic seeing i cant get an answer from the head of this sight.
why wouldent i be able to PM people?
Like Ben said it takes a special thought process for something like this to be put into the works. Despite how hard life can be at times because life isn't easy by any means even on a good month. I would not think irrationally enough to commit something like this. Atleast not for the cause

Many people would do certain extremes to survive. But for a cocktail of testosterone with some other additives? Article might be blowing this out of proportion. Or this guy has seriously given up on life outside the joint.
I don't know that gh is pretty expensive. I'm not sure what's worse. Armed robbery or gay for pay. One of which seems to happen quite often with male bodybuilders.
It seems crazy to me the connections he should have for sauce and the price.
Whats up BEN long time glad you back brother!
just off topic seeing i cant get an answer from the head of this sight.
why wouldent i be able to PM people?
I just started a conversation with you which are the new private messages.
I don't know that gh is pretty expensive. I'm not sure what's worse. Armed robbery or gay for pay. One of which seems to happen quite often with male bodybuilders.
If its between sucking a dick and armed robbery ill stick up a toll booth right now in my own car! I'm glad I don't run with bodybuilding crews if thats the m.o.

Could I fuck an grapefruit like Kai instead? :)

Eh, I might still do the toll booth if it was going to be posted on these internets here..
Don't we need to correct that post by substituting CRACK everywhere we see STEROIDS?!

Just saying...

F'n crack head!!
This guy had priors before going on the juice. That says it all. It's a bummer anyone's life has too go this way.