I'm forcing my 18 year old son to take Steroids.

All the sudden I feel so much better about myself. I felt horrible when my dog BY HIMSELF in 1995 eaten 10 vials of cyp ( glass and all ) 1000 russian dbol and some other random shit because I didn't move it off site.. I said OMG I think I killed my dog and posted it on elite and everyone started asking me what his goals where. The MF lived and was nuts. pit/american bulldog mix and I blamed myself. He was fine.. He has eaten worse apparently.. But a child.. Man.. You going to hell...
I would point out that you are actually INCREASING the risk of him getting a girl pregnant by giving him a false security with AAS. You do realize NO FORM of birth control is 100% effective, and that is why medical professionals recommend using more than one, right? It is called redundancy. I will put it in financial terms since that seems to be your main focus, birth control “diversification”.

Sure put him on AAS and see how badly this will backfire on you. It is called Karma and it is a bitch!
I would point out that you are actually INCREASING the risk of him getting a girl pregnant by giving him a false security with AAS. You do realize NO FORM of birth control is 100% effective, and that is why medical professionals recommend using more than one, right? It is called redundancy. I will put it in financial terms since that seems to be your main focus, birth control “diversification”

Sure put him on AAS and see how badly this will backfire on you. It is called Karma and it is a bitch!

No such thing as Karma. Thats a term that the little people use when they don't have control of their lives, that gives them some relief believing in fantasy.
So, an 18 year old using AAS's for birth control is harmful?

I get it... as long as people do what you like, it's ok. But... otherwise... it's harmful
Did you even read what you wrote?! Of course making a teenager take anabolic steroids for contraceptive purposes is harmful!! Jesus holy fucking Christ man, wear a damn condom! They are almost infinitely less harmful than using steroids.
Did you even read what you wrote?! Of course making a teenager take anabolic steroids for contraceptive purposes is harmful!! Jesus holy fucking Christ man, wear a damn condom! They are almost infinitely less harmful than using steroids.
Tons of 18 year olds or younger take steroids.

Do you know what kind of harm paying child support for 18 years will do? ( Save the condom remark.. we all know, no one likes them).
And if you can't pay it, you get jailed. (jail is not healthy).

Your economic status/stability, affects your health and longevity more than the "average" damage a small quantity of AAS will ever do.

And the fact is, women destroy a lot of mens income/savings.

Ever notice how gray 30-40 year old men are, who have kids?

I honestly believe if you rationally looked at plus's vs negatives, this would be a preferable move for a lot of young men.

I'll never forget, my first job I ever had, I was making , I dunno.. 100,000 a year. I thought that was awsome. Then came a letter saying I may owe child support. Actually ,it was not a job, but a business. Now how is a man suppose to take profits and make his business grow, with a woman constantly deducting $ via child support?

I investigated moving to another country. I even asked my attorney jokingly... hell, it would be better to eliminate her, I could get out after so many years, vs 3 felony child support could be 3 strikes, life in prison!

So, for a business owner, making a million a year, vs 50,000 if he has to pay child support, will affect his health big time.
623 worthless posts in less than a month is either a testament to how lenient the admin is or how far this site has fallen to shit. i'll let you all decide for yourselves.
Go start your own site if you think can do better? I'm sure you wish you were a moderator and could mute everyone who didn't think you were a "God".

So far it seems the owner has done way better at running a board than you, or anyone else on here, correct me if I'm wrong. But...who's to question Mr Super God? I'm sure you are the type who thinks they know more than their Dr who has years of experience also.

One suggestion I have is.. you could have some sections moderated, and some not. But.. I still say people would gravitate towards the free for all sections.

Blow me SuperGod! You know you wanna!
The Chinese study took monthly injections of 500 milligrams of TU in tea seed oil for 30 months.

Over the course of the trial, nine pregnancies occurred in the partners of 1,045 study participants, or roughly one pregnancy for every 100 men.
The Chinese study took monthly injections of 500 milligrams of TU in tea seed oil for 30 months.

Over the course of the trial, nine pregnancies occurred in the partners of 1,045 study participants, or roughly one pregnancy for every 100 men.
I blasted consecutively other compounds always test at least 500mg for a couple years previous to that. Im definetly not the only one. Its like 50/50 at best based off of accounts ive heard
623 worthless posts in less than a month is either a testament to how lenient the admin is or how far this site has fallen to shit. i'll let you all decide for yourselves.
Yeah, I've reported a number of his ridiculous posts, many simply spamming old threads. Even Bill Cosby can see he is a banned member trolling the site.
Yeah, I've reported a number of his ridiculous posts, many simply spamming old threads. Even Bill Cosby can see he is a banned member trolling the site.

It's of no use. Trolling is no longer a ban warranting offense. Same for using multiple usernames. Of course i'm basing that statement off of the ridiculous shit i see here on a daily basis that continues to go unabated.

There use to be a sticky in the UG forum with the rules. i say use to because i was looking for it last week and realized it's no longer there.
623 worthless posts in less than a month is either a testament to how lenient the admin is or how far this site has fallen to shit. i'll let you all decide for yourselves.
Most of his posts are criticizing and calling out sources. Most of the reports we've received against him are from sources seeking to have him banned for trolling their threads.

Do you see the moderation issue?

I could ban people for obviously violating the rules but they would still assert they were banned for speaking out against sources.