I'm forcing my 18 year old son to take Steroids.

Most of his posts are criticizing and calling out sources. Most of the reports we've received against him are from sources seeking to have him banned for trolling their threads.

Do you see the moderation issue?

I could ban people for obviously violating the rules but they would still assert they were banned for speaking out against sources.

i guess i wasn't aware of the ultra fine line between outspoken and troll. Below is a good write up of this outspoken member.

Cherokee is a troll. It’s very simple to figure out. Guys can’t help but engage him. Check his post history.

1. One post said he’s a 20 year old kid who’s going to run reckless cycles because fuck it.

2. Another post he’s a multimillionaire who runs multiple businesses.

3. Next post he’s an older guy who’s about to run his first cycle. He was obese and eating KFC for 15 years straight.

4. He’s forcing his 18 year old son to take steroids (wait I thought he himself was 20).

Just put him on ignore. You can follow his post patterns. He clicks “new posts” goes to that forum and starts talking ridiculous shit to get a rise from people. He has almost 700 posts in 3 weeks and it’s all nonsense.

And while i have you, let me ask about the UG forum rules sticky (which mostly seemed to apply to all other sub-forums).

Is it being rewritten or is the truncated version with no defined rules the final version?

Mainly asking because multiple usernames used to be prohibited with the exception of being under certain circumstances. Neither of the below fall under that umbrella AFAIK.

Chewbacca = Chieftain = Coffee Zombie
Dragon Ordnance = DashPCT = Brewly

i'm all for multiple usernames. Sometimes i write some knee slappers that i wish i had the ability to give a like to so if that's no longer prohibited then make room for NotMisterSuperGod and Buff Sexington on the new members list.
i guess i wasn't aware of the ultra fine line between outspoken and troll. Below is a good write up of this outspoken member.
He's been banned for sure. I think you've shared obvious reasons why he should be considered a troll. I just want people to know that banning him for such rule violations could lead to accusations of protecting the sources he criticized. This is not the case and I hope you would agree.
Is it being rewritten or is the truncated version with no defined rules the final version?

Mainly asking because multiple usernames used to be prohibited with the exception of being under certain circumstances. Neither of the below fall under that umbrella AFAIK.

Chewbacca = Chieftain = Coffee Zombie
Dragon Ordnance = DashPCT = Brewly

i'm all for multiple usernames. Sometimes i write some knee slappers that i wish i had the ability to give a like to so if that's no longer prohibited then make room for NotMisterSuperGod and Buff Sexington on the new members list.
I will look into both. Can I assume you've confirmed that it is the same individual, each with 3 usernames?
He's been banned for sure. I think you've shared obvious reasons why he should be considered a troll. I just want people to know that banning him for such rule violations could lead to accusations of protecting the sources he criticized. This is not the case and I hope you would agree.


I will look into both. Can I assume you've confirmed that it is the same individual, each with 3 usernames?

With Chewbacca the coincidences are just too many. The join dates. The constant misuse of ))) in nearly every post. Avoiding the +Quote option. When one sign's on the other two follow shortly after. When one doesn't sign on the other two are MIA and all sign in within the same 60-90 minute block of time in the early morning.

With DO he accidentally posted in his thread with the Brewly name, basically said fuck it and went with it. Dash got temp banned for posting a link and DO took over handling business in the thread in the meantime.
My family is very well off, and I don't want my son to have to pay child support for 18 years and ruin his life. So, I insisted that he started taking testosterone.

But... I ran across this study, any idea why it's less effective in white men?

Lead researcher Yi-Gun Gu, MD, of Beijing's National Research Institute for Family Planning tells WebMD that while the contraceptive was found to be highly effective in the study, TU alone is not likely to be used in non-Asian populations.

Asian men seem to respond well to testosterone as a form of contraception, while studies in white men have shown it to be much less effective.

The reasons for this are not clear, but Gu tells WebMD that any hormonal birth control developed for non-Asian men is likely to include another hormone -- progestin.

Studies have shown the testosterone-progestin combination to be very effective in suppressing fertility in white men.

The Chinese men in Gu's study took monthly injections of 500 milligrams of TU in tea seed oil for 30 months. This formula is not available in the U.S. and is indicated to treat low testosterone levels with injections typically given every three months.

Over the course of the trial, nine pregnancies occurred in the partners of 1,045 study participants, or roughly one pregnancy for every 100 men.
One could make the distinction that this is essentially the same as women going on the pill (some parents do pressure their daughter to do so for her protection from pregnancy) -- not that I am in agreement, I would discuss the pros and cons with them, but ultimately leave the choice to my child.

I didn't notice what their studies concluded on the long term impact on the man's ability to father children later on when they come off. That's the part that would concern me greatly. Have you looked into that?
Please stop giving this anal bead the attention he craves. Just let his threads die please.