In your opinion, what are the fundamental advantages in life to being jacked? Any disadvantages?


I'll start by a simple list of my own:

1) I can do other things in life well that do not involve lifting weights. Dirt bikes, chasing the kids around, hunting, carrying in groceries or whatever else is much easier when you are fit and strong.

2) I get noticed everywhere I go (though this can also be a disadvantage). Especially out here where I live where so few people are in great shape. Everyone wants to be fit but statistically so few people are. Women stare and dudes look on in admiration or jealously. For better or for worse, people notice you.

3) People tend to respect me more, even in professional settings. Not sure why this is or if it's possibly subconscious. I guess it's because it shows commitment, self discipline and the ability to maintain these traits over many years. Employers, clients and colleagues all seem to respect this by nature.

4) An overall positive frame of mind. I find that when you take care of your body, your state of mind is similarly elevated. It's self love and it shows in how you carry yourself and interact with others. People tell me I am always smiling. Well, that's because I am a pretty happy camper 99% of the time.

5) Sex. I am flat out better at it and more confident since I got into bodybuilding. The drugs I take can sometimes cause performance issues that I have to mitigate, but at 33 years old I am more of a sexual dynamo now that at any previous point in my life.

6) Lower stress levels. It's well noted that exercise can be crucial in managing stress, and for us gym rats that workout 5-6 days a week, therapy from stress is only a session at the cage away.

7) It gives me a sense of control/power. So many factors and circumstances in my life are out of my hands. It can be overwhelming at times. What I can control with military precision is my diet, my workouts, etc. I am truly master of my own destiny when fitness is the metric.

8) It gives me a hobby that is all about me. So many aspects of my life are taking care of others. My wife, my family, paying the bills, making sure everyone makes it to their practices or events and whatever else. I felt like a cog in the machine that served no real purpose other than being a provider before bodybuilding. This life has opened up my eyes to my true potential and made me face down demons that had been haunting me for years. Bodybuilding did not save my life per se, but it has improved it's quality dramatically.

That's all I got off the top of my head.
Very well stated. I have noticed the exact same benefits as well. The one that gets overlooked sometimes is the stress management.
I wrestled and boxed for most of my teen years. Goofy ass video game nerd and theater kid who liked fighting on the side. 135lbs was my highest weight while training. Didn't matter that I could break most people in half- I looked like a twerp and people were always really fast to fuck with me. Even when you know how to defend yourself, it's pretty annoying having to worry about it anytime you're around stupid drunk people. Being the smallest guy in the room is a pain. Definitely gave me some mental insecurities and didn't help with dating.

Now that I'm a solid 195lbs off cycle with a lot of tattoos people have the most interesting perceptions of me. I'm still a goofy ass guy with no hate in my body- but they see the big neck tats and shoulders and think I'm this angry beefed up meathead. Funny because that couldn't be further from the truth.

I'd say it has helped me a lot with...

1) self image and confidence
2) discipline and routine
3) a sense of long term goals that i can track progress on
4) people stopped trying to fuck with me at bars or public places. even though i'm a lot slower and probably can't fight half as good, i LOOK like more of a risk.
5) most women love it. i'm not at the point of being big and "gross" to women but they definitely like my back and arms.
6) animal with sex when i'm on mast or tren. whatever girl i'm with is guaranteed to get nailed before bed, between 2-4am, and maybe even at 7am before work.
7) the gym is like a second home to me. if i'm bored, mad, celebrating, etc. i can always go get a pump and it helps kill the time so i'm not in my own head going crazy.
8) steroids have replaced any other substances i use. I quit drinking and don't vape, smoke, etc.
9) my kids can grow up saying that their dad would beat all the other dads in sports or a fight and that's a good feeling. not that i'd ever do it, at least my sons can look up to me for a while before they find out i was putting needles in my ass to achieve this lifestyle lol
10) great body hair. my beard and mustache filled in. i have strong chest and torso hair but don't look like a yeti. chicks especially like this.

For the most part I'm the same guy. Homebody, laid back, and a dumbass sense of humor. But it has changed my physical appearance and confidence so much that people don't treat me like the same human. If the steroids take 10 years off my life, that's fine because I wouldn't want those extra 10 years of my old life. I look and feel so much better and society just treats me better. It's the cold hard truth but nobody gives a fuck about ugly skinny guys.
Talking from my own perspective as I consider myself just a strong, fit, middle-aged ugly mf, I am not frail like most men my age. It's easier to walk, run, carry shit around, and for the most part not be in constant nagging pain.

My physical appearance commands respect for other reasons besides being "jacked" even if the latter just adds to that perception.

I am used to stares, mostly from other men, women not so much, unless they want to persuade their kid to eat their broccoli or the Baba Roga will come for them lol!

And last but certainly not least, it helps me not to unlive people, when my anger meter hits deep red due to the abundance of stupidity around me, because I know I can cause real harm so I need to restrain myself and get it out in the gym.

Negatives? Clothes need to be tailored, I don't fit in normal seats in airplanes, well, I do but the other people suffer, can't do stealth in public and I spent a lot of money on food. And most people don't get the dopamine hit they are after if they try to physically hurt me (not attack me, but hit me like when my SO disagrees with me or I am being a jerk)
You hit the nail on the head with all your pro's there are few cons other then the drugs themselves can have issues obviously.

Lol ya just that minor little detail that your shaving decades off your life expectancy, but im sure the vanity based, ego boosting pros are totally worth it in the long run (er wait, short run in this case)

And before someone goes off about moderate use yada yada, even in that case (and if your pinning tren at any dose your not a moderate user fyi) the science has shown that a higher body mass, even just muscle, directly correlates to a reduced life expectancy (even in the absence of any PED use).

Im not saying dont do it, but dont be a bunch of obtuse douchebags circle jerking with eachother about how this shits pure pros and the worst con is maybe accelerated hair loss or a limp dick. The worst con is not seeing your children grow up because you died from a massive heart attack in your mid 40s because you cared more about random people admiring you then you did about the people that love you.
Most people guess I'm 6'5", but height measured at combine at 6'3". You're always shorter on a legit measurement. Having said that:
1. It's tough to fit in chairs, cars, planes, roller-coasters, etc.
2. Have to order clothing custom/online. Shoes are hard to find (size 15 4e, or 16)
3. Go through mattress, pillows, seats fast... and underwear for that matter.
4. Men do not stare at me at all.
5. Women (not all) either somehow get in my view, fiddle around me, try to get my attention [yes, cocky statement].
6. Most everyone receptive to friendship.
7. Cannot scratch my back.
The most I hate is everyone you know will call you whenever they’re moving or need help carrying anything heavy and huge.

Just like Mojo, I cannot scratch my back so I have a telescopic backscratcher with me most of the time lol.
Thanks Declan. That tel. backscratcher is a great idea. Now, I need to find something for the occasional zit.
The most I hate is everyone you know will call you whenever they’re moving or need help carrying anything heavy and huge.

Just like Mojo, I cannot scratch my back so I have a telescopic backscratcher with me most of the time lol.
Never been 'Jacked', but as a Class III obese but physically fit 350lbs (and some volunteer experience with transport logistics) I used to the "I need help moving" calls a lot. Funny enough, No one thinks you need help when moving.
Never been 'Jacked', but as a Class III obese but physically fit 350lbs (and some volunteer experience with transport logistics) I used to the "I need help moving" calls a lot. Funny enough, No one thinks you need help when moving.
it’s funny how you’re suddenly the favorite nephew or buddy when they’re moving right lol.
This was the major disadvantage back in the military. You can not hide conditioning.
Another disadvantage is in sports. One look at your size and everyone sticks you in a role regardless. Step onto a "soccer" field and after a few juggles, you're either a Centre-half if mobile or a goalkeeper if slower.
Rugby was the worst. It's always Prop :D :D, or spend a whole game listening to complaints from the lads on why you should be playing Prop
Another disadvantage is in sports. One look at your size and everyone sticks you in a role regardless. Step onto a "soccer" field and after a few juggles, you're either a Centre-half if mobile or a goalkeeper if slower.
Rugby was the worst. It's always Prop :D :D, or spend a whole game listening to complaints from the lads on why you should be playing Prop
Yeah, in the U.S. you'd be a "lineman" in football. At 365lbs & can move, you'd be a damn good one. Now, if your really fast, you could play running back, like Derrick Henry... that's like a Buick running with a football.