I'll start by a simple list of my own:
1) I can do other things in life well that do not involve lifting weights. Dirt bikes, chasing the kids around, hunting, carrying in groceries or whatever else is much easier when you are fit and strong.
2) I get noticed everywhere I go (though this can also be a disadvantage). Especially out here where I live where so few people are in great shape. Everyone wants to be fit but statistically so few people are. Women stare and dudes look on in admiration or jealously. For better or for worse, people notice you.
3) People tend to respect me more, even in professional settings. Not sure why this is or if it's possibly subconscious. I guess it's because it shows commitment, self discipline and the ability to maintain these traits over many years. Employers, clients and colleagues all seem to respect this by nature.
4) An overall positive frame of mind. I find that when you take care of your body, your state of mind is similarly elevated. It's self love and it shows in how you carry yourself and interact with others. People tell me I am always smiling. Well, that's because I am a pretty happy camper 99% of the time.
5) Sex. I am flat out better at it and more confident since I got into bodybuilding. The drugs I take can sometimes cause performance issues that I have to mitigate, but at 33 years old I am more of a sexual dynamo now that at any previous point in my life.
6) Lower stress levels. It's well noted that exercise can be crucial in managing stress, and for us gym rats that workout 5-6 days a week, therapy from stress is only a session at the cage away.
7) It gives me a sense of control/power. So many factors and circumstances in my life are out of my hands. It can be overwhelming at times. What I can control with military precision is my diet, my workouts, etc. I am truly master of my own destiny when fitness is the metric.
8) It gives me a hobby that is all about me. So many aspects of my life are taking care of others. My wife, my family, paying the bills, making sure everyone makes it to their practices or events and whatever else. I felt like a cog in the machine that served no real purpose other than being a provider before bodybuilding. This life has opened up my eyes to my true potential and made me face down demons that had been haunting me for years. Bodybuilding did not save my life per se, but it has improved it's quality dramatically.
That's all I got off the top of my head.
You stated pretty much the main pro's of being muscular and fit.
I can't think of anything else to add as I experience those pro's too.
So let's talk about the cons XD
1. Nightmare on planes seats or if the plane isn't well pressurised, I once had to literally go breathe by the toilet a/c on the toilet roof (I am only 6'1 but that's tall enough for me)
Also bad experience on subways I have often to seat leaning forward to avoid occupying more than just my seat space, some cars also can feel small
See below lol (can't imagine for taller/bigger people)
2. Clothes are starting to be hard to find particularly when in Europe most of high Street retailers offer only XXL sizes max, sometimes I fit, sometimes I have to leave it there.
Don't get me started on suits. If I want to wear a suit jacket and not look ridiculous I will have to have a tailor modifying it or is obese person jacket
3. Constant dumb questions about, what I have to do to look like you? As if the expected answer should be: do 3 sets of this every day and in a month you are golden
4. Constant reminders "hey big guy" "you are big fella" etc etc, they were nice at first as I was near anorexic when started but it gets tiring a decade later
5. People expecting that you want to train with them (when them is never stepped foot in a gym) in the hope of free personal training programme/assistance
6. People always asking you help for their moving because for them they are doing you a "favour" as they consider it "free gym" no thanks I pay for a membership already and when I move I pay movers to help me, so still nope.
7. Being noticed is a double edge knife, is nice ok, but sometimes you just want to walk and mind your business without much consideration
8. When on a bulk and a blast, occasionally worrying that your boss or colleagues might notice that you aren't exactly natty and what repercussions that might have for your job
Having said that, I wouldn't go back skinny not even if paid to do so.
The pro's for me outweighs the cons and I am happy being (relatively) big and I try getting even bigger (at that point I'll be forced to buy clothes online and pay the bodybuilder tax as they are nice clothes designed for muscular people but they tend to cost 3x )