Increase dosage during cycle?


New Member
Are there any benefits to starting with a lower dosage and increasing it throughout the cycle (for example +100mg every 4 weeks or whatever) or should you just start with a high dosage from the beginning? Assuming you're familiar with the compounds you're running.
It's called titration. Some people do it, others just prefer to inject the same weekly amount for their entire cycle and then there are those who frontload.

The idea is to lessen the side effects and let the body get used to synthetic Testosterone (as an example).

Personally, I would just inject the desired amount and let it reach stable levels. I might see some point in titration with propionate, but with cypionate/enanthate it takes 4-6 weeks to reach stable levels.
Yes, especially for longer cycles. One reason like already mentioned is to allow your body to get used to the compound and not shock it and introduce a ton of inflammation all at once due to the body’s immune response reaction to a foreign substance. The other reason some people do it is out of the thought that after 8-10 weeks, gains slow down and at that point they bump by 200-300mg.
I used to go from cruise dose straight to full blast dose but I have learned that is actually an outdated way of transitioning
Some points have already been mentioned but in addition ramping up the dose while ramping up food intake is very effective.
I used to go from cruise dose straight to full blast dose but I have learned that is actually an outdated way of transitioning
Some points have already been mentioned but in addition ramping up the dose while ramping up food intake is very effective.
I’ve never actually done it this way before but I do believe it’s probably the most effective way to make progress and stay semi healthy while doing it. I’ll be doing this for my next cycle, starting a little lower than my previous peak offseason cycle, then titrating up slowly to a little past that peak dosage while continuously raising the food to gain 1lb/week
I’ve never actually done it this way before but I do believe it’s probably the most effective way to make progress and stay semi healthy while doing it. I’ll be doing this for my next cycle, starting a little lower than my previous peak offseason cycle, then titrating up slowly to a little past that peak dosage while continuously raising the food to gain 1lb/week
Yes exactly
This is new to me as well. Only started doing this recently. One thing I have noticed is my digestion is so much better. Multiple reasons for that but I do feel, and listening to advice from top IFBB pros has led me to believe that increasing the food and the dosage in conjunction with each other allows the body time to adjust and this has benefits.
We don’t really go from zero to 100 with everything anyway so our dosage should reflect that I think is the reasoning. Also I assume it allows our body to adjust to the high dosage and we aren’t running full dose the entire time so this has to have a beneficial effect. I actually feel like this method could allow for higher dosages to be pushed as needed without as much of a negative impact on health because it hasn’t been real high the entire time.
Just my thoughts