Increasing drug dosage and or freaquency.


New Member
Hi all,

Was wondering if some of you more experienced users of aas could shed some light on how you guys go about increasing your total weekly dosages excluding orals? whats your preference pinning more often or pinning larger quantities or are there any other tips?
Either way. Increased frequency orh higher doses. I don't think it matters much.

I prefer pining less. Every 5 days is what I do now, but seldom use more than a gram a week during a blast.
I pin EOD as I feel it helps stabilize my levels better than the swings of 2x7 or E3D. Granted I don't get that monster alpha killing things with my penis feeling after the first 24hrs of pinning but I'm also more emotionally stable so I'll take that over anything else.
Again.... what are you injecting and at what dose do you want to run?

For example a Long ester like Test c/e - if you're at 600mg a week with 2 injections per week, I would just do more each injection to get to 900 or a gram. Over this and I would recommend another injection day.
I found mwf injections to be best and don't see much point in going over a gram total, but I'm not competing at a professional level yet.