Injecting into a vein

I see the term “medically approved” body parts thrown around a few times in this thread.

Anyone have a list, or better yet, a picture?
J Clin Nurs. 2015 Sep;24(17-18):2368-75. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12824. Epub 2015 Apr 14.
Aspirating during the intramuscular injection procedure: a systematic literature review.
Sisson H1.

To review the available evidence on aspirating when administering intramuscular injections and suggest recommendations for practice.

The process of aspiration has been ingrained in the intramuscular injection procedure, and whilst many policies no longer recommend this practice, it often continues to be taught and practiced. The result is a variation in this procedure not always consistent with an evidence-based approach.

A systematic literature review.

A systematic approach to searching the literature was undertaken using identified academic databases from inception to May 2014. Citation searching identified additional data sources. Six studies met the search criteria.

The majority of health professionals do not aspirate for the recommended 5-10 seconds. Administering an injection faster without aspiration is less painful than injecting slowly and aspirating. The main influences on the decision of whether or not to aspirate are based on what health professionals are taught and fear of injecting into a blood vessel.

In the paediatric vaccination setting, the practice of aspirating during the administration of an intramuscular injection is unnecessary and there is no clinical reason to suggest that these principles may not be applied when using the deltoid, ventrogluteal and vastus lateralis sites in other settings. Owing to its proximity to the gluteal artery, aspiration when using the dorsogluteal site is recommended. Nurses must be supported in all settings, by clear guidance which rejects traditional practice and facilitates evidence-based practice.

Educators need to ensure that their knowledge is up to date so that what they teach is based on evidence. This may be facilitated via regular educational updates. Further research and subsequent guidance are needed to support evidence-based practice in intramuscular injection techniques in all nursing settings.

Aspirating during the intramuscular injection procedure: a systematic literature review. - PubMed - NCBI
Glute? 5/8 inch needle? "Well there's your problem."
@MisterSuperGod but what actually happens when you don't inject deep enough? It should be a subQ injection then, which still isn't that much wrong-?
It is true that the needle is unstable though and moves around quite a bit-i get that one.
Unsure about injecting directly into a vein, but I can tell you that nicking a vein with test/deca results in a coughing fit that is very close to dying! Lol Can’t imagine what it would be like with Tren.
@MisterSuperGod but what actually happens when you don't inject deep enough? It should be a subQ injection then, which still isn't that much wrong-?
It is true that the needle is unstable though and moves around quite a bit-i get that one.

It would still work, but depending on volume, you're looking at a nasty lump and possibly some PIP. SubQ is typically injected in much smaller volumes.

The less you move the needle around, the better. The more you do it, the better you get at it.