Injection - accidentally hit bone


I was off AAS for a while and injection technique was a bit rusty.

I did a 1ml Test-E injection into the delt but way too much up. At one point needle stopped and I only gently pushed forward and heard a scratching sound. I realized I had hit a bone. I pulled the needle back a bit and finished the injection with the needle halfway in.

Is this really bad, hitting the bone?
I was off AAS for a while and injection technique was a bit rusty.

I did a 1ml Test-E injection into the delt but way too much up. At one point needle stopped and I only gently pushed forward and heard a scratching sound. I realized I had hit a bone. I pulled the needle back a bit and finished the injection with the needle halfway in.

Is this really bad, hitting the bone?
It's very bad. Number one reason a man turns gay is because of this.
LMAO, funniest thing I’ve heard/read all week! Thank you for this!

QUOTE="ickyrica, post: 2184717, member: 83316"]It's very bad. Number one reason a man turns gay is because of this.[/QUOTE]

But seriously I wonder if this has happened to anyone or if anyone knows if it's bad.
When I was a little kid, maybe like 4 or 5 years old, I was jumping on the living room couch. Well, I ended up with a crocheting needle lodged in my heal. It was hiding in one of the cushions. Had to go to the walk in, had xrays and no doubt about it the needle hit the bone. Nothing was broken, no chips to worry about. They braced themselves and my little foot and pulled that fucker out. Nothing else to it.

I haven't personally hit a bone with aas IM injection but I'm going to guess you're fine.
When I was a little kid, maybe like 4 or 5 years old, I was jumping on the living room couch. Well, I ended up with a crocheting needle lodged in my heal. It was hiding in one of the cushions. Had to go to the walk in, had xrays and no doubt about it the needle hit the bone. Nothing was broken, no chips to worry about. They braced themselves and my little foot and pulled that fucker out. Nothing else to it.

I haven't personally hit a bone with aas IM injection but I'm going to guess you're fine.
If you were my son and that happened. I would have yanked that shit not out the moment it happened. "Walk it off little ickyrica. Walk it off."
I was off AAS for a while and injection technique was a bit rusty.

I did a 1ml Test-E injection into the delt but way too much up. At one point needle stopped and I only gently pushed forward and heard a scratching sound. I realized I had hit a bone. I pulled the needle back a bit and finished the injection with the needle halfway in.

Is this really bad, hitting the bone?

Oh shit! How did that feel?
Oh shit! How did that feel?

It didn't feel like anything. However the sound was as if someone scratched the chalkboard with fingernails. Obviously not that loud though.

Right now, 6 hours later the shoulder is slightly painful to move. Running a low fever 37.3 C (99.14 F). It's hard to tell if the fever is from the injection as I also often run a fever when I'm stressed, up to 37.4 C (99.32 F). And I am stressed indeed. If it goes above that, something's off.

Was it B12 injections that are legal and can be ordered online? If I need to visit ER I need a story.
Ouch, but you're probably fine. The biggest concern would be a bone chip dislodging, but that's highly unlikely unless you jam that shit in like a serial killer.
It didn't feel like anything. However the sound was as if someone scratched the chalkboard with fingernails. Obviously not that loud though.

Right now, 6 hours later the shoulder is slightly painful to move. Running a low fever 37.3 C (99.14 F). It's hard to tell if the fever is from the injection as I also often run a fever when I'm stressed, up to 37.4 C (99.32 F). And I am stressed indeed. If it goes above that, something's off.

Was it B12 injections that are legal and can be ordered online? If I need to visit ER I need a story.

No idea about the B12. You could just tell them you're on Doc prescribed TRT. i highly doubt they'd care enough to do fact checking. They aren't the DEA. Their job is to fix and heal.
When I was a little kid, maybe like 4 or 5 years old, I was jumping on the living room couch. Well, I ended up with a crocheting needle lodged in my heal. It was hiding in one of the cushions. Had to go to the walk in, had xrays and no doubt about it the needle hit the bone. Nothing was broken, no chips to worry about. They braced themselves and my little foot and pulled that fucker out. Nothing else to it.

I haven't personally hit a bone with aas IM injection but I'm going to guess you're fine.
I am powerless to not do it.