Injection - accidentally hit bone

I have hit bone on many, many inejctions. Not steroid injections either. No offense bro but you are a grade A pussy if you are that worried about hitting a little bone with a needle...

He's a pussy for being worried that he struck a bone with a needle!? You're hard core, brah. Too hard core for Meso.
I have hit bone on many, many inejctions. Not steroid injections either. No offense bro but you are a grade A pussy if you are that worried about hitting a little bone with a needle...

Well than strap a tail on me and watch me purr. I would freak out if I

a.) Hit a bone
b.) Heard any sound from it

Working up the courage to stick a needle into my own body was hard enough...
I was off AAS for a while and injection technique was a bit rusty.

I did a 1ml Test-E injection into the delt but way too much up. At one point needle stopped and I only gently pushed forward and heard a scratching sound. I realized I had hit a bone. I pulled the needle back a bit and finished the injection with the needle halfway in.

Is this really bad, hitting the bone?
Yes. Understand anatomy and inject into muscle. I use a 1 inch needle for everything. I never hit a bone.
Now everything is fine. I also went to get a blood test done two days ago, tested CBC and CRP (inflammation marker), everything was normal.

I don't think hitting bone is always of no consequence. There is a term called SIRVA (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration) which is for cases when people get their vaccine administered incorrectly. Surely it applies for all injections but regular people mostly get only vaccine injections done. Most of the time it's a non-issue but sometimes people recover for years until their shoulder is pain free again.

I was lucky and everything is fine.

I do have a panic disorder and I get worried easily. I have it from the time I had a medical check done which required a cannula. Something was done wrong by the nurses and bacteria entered my bloodstream. Few days after the medical check I had 40 C (104 F) fever. I went to the hospital and I was in a pre-sepsis state. Well, you can imagine that such a thing leaves a bad memory.

Because of the above I use nearly 20 alcohol swipes for one injection because the question "did I clean it good enough?" is constantly pounding in my head. Probably it is a form of post traumatic stress disorder.
Now everything is fine. I also went to get a blood test done two days ago, tested CBC and CRP (inflammation marker), everything was normal.

I don't think hitting bone is always of no consequence. There is a term called SIRVA (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration) which is for cases when people get their vaccine administered incorrectly. Surely it applies for all injections but regular people mostly get only vaccine injections done. Most of the time it's a non-issue but sometimes people recover for years until their shoulder is pain free again.

I was lucky and everything is fine.

I do have a panic disorder and I get worried easily. I have it from the time I had a medical check done which required a cannula. Something was done wrong by the nurses and bacteria entered my bloodstream. Few days after the medical check I had 40 C (104 F) fever. I went to the hospital and I was in a pre-sepsis state. Well, you can imagine that such a thing leaves a bad memory.

Because of the above I use nearly 20 alcohol swipes for one injection because the question "did I clean it good enough?" is constantly pounding in my head. Probably it is a form of post traumatic stress disorder.

From SIRVA, to panic disorder, to PTSD

A lot of speculation and self diagnosis (not speaking about your PD)

Sounds like a really bad case of...

Now everything is fine. I also went to get a blood test done two days ago, tested CBC and CRP (inflammation marker), everything was normal.

I don't think hitting bone is always of no consequence. There is a term called SIRVA (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration) which is for cases when people get their vaccine administered incorrectly. Surely it applies for all injections but regular people mostly get only vaccine injections done. Most of the time it's a non-issue but sometimes people recover for years until their shoulder is pain free again.

I was lucky and everything is fine.

I do have a panic disorder and I get worried easily. I have it from the time I had a medical check done which required a cannula. Something was done wrong by the nurses and bacteria entered my bloodstream. Few days after the medical check I had 40 C (104 F) fever. I went to the hospital and I was in a pre-sepsis state. Well, you can imagine that such a thing leaves a bad memory.

Because of the above I use nearly 20 alcohol swipes for one injection because the question "did I clean it good enough?" is constantly pounding in my head. Probably it is a form of post traumatic stress disorder.

Equating or extrapolating a relatively rare vaccine mediated immune response to YOUR misguided AAS experiment is prophetic.

20 alcohol wipes?

Heck why not sterilize the involved injection site and autoclave it!

Confounded by
- a obsessive compulsive and schizophreniform disoder

This category of PED experimenters is what Rich Piana rightfully referred to as one percenters.

It’s a shame those of this ilk look to PEDs as a remedy for psychosocial problems.


Harmless, just can hurt, but no damage done. Ideally don't inject on top of the bone obviously.

I work in medicine, this happens more than we'd like to admit. Usually it is when giving old people flu shots... Either use a shorter needle, scoop the muscle and have someone else inject, or inject via a different site.
I have hit bone on many, many inejctions. Not steroid injections either. No offense bro but you are a grade A pussy if you are that worried about hitting a little bone with a needle...

DickHead69 striking again.

How much of a pussy do you have to be to act like a tough guy on a forum?